Chapter 1360 Love yourself, love the world (41)

   "Tell you young people, aren't life better now?"

  The live broadcast room was silent for a moment, but it became lively again after a while, and most of them agreed with Qin Lianying's words.

"It's possible for a male to lead a female lead and a female lead to a female lead. It is also feasible for a female lead outside a male lead inside. Young people, don't put shackles on your own thoughts. The best thing in this era is that you can choose." Qin Lianying said, "Rather than expecting the other party to meet Well, it’s better to become better yourself. When your level is different, you have a greater chance of meeting the people you want to meet.”

   "Don't feel ashamed of men in the Lord, and don't feel that women who can sit in high positions have taken some shortcuts. Why don't you admit that they are actually better and good at this?"

   Qin Lianying couldn't help praising her granddaughter when she spoke: "For example, my family Yanyan, how many employees does she manage? To achieve today's achievements, she is good enough."

  ——Okay, the heavy topic is over, Grandma Qin started the granddaughter mode.

   - Honestly, I just heard a little bit of defense. Don't talk about that era, a few years ago, during the festivals, my mother was busy in the kitchen by herself. Reflecting on it here, I didn't realize what was wrong with this before, and I felt accustomed to it. Last year, everyone was bustling in the living room. When I went into the kitchen to make soup, I saw my mother sweating profusely in the kitchen. She was rubbing her waist and arms constantly, and she suddenly felt a little sad. At that time, I was standing at the door of the kitchen. There was a lively scene behind me, relatives and friends were eating and drinking. The kitchen was full of oil smoke, and only my mother was busy here alone. At that moment, I recalled the past, as if every time. When the guests were comfortable eating, the mother finally finished her work. The food was not finished, but she was passive and a little cold. Since then, every time during the festival, I will take the initiative to go out to eat in a restaurant. Because of this, my father also fought with me, saying that I was ignorant. Our father and daughter had a big fight and I ended up letting my dad cook his own dinner. After this time, as long as it was a treat, we all went to the restaurant, my mother was finally freed, and my father would also take care of the housework. I suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment, and a few months ago, I signed up my parents for interest classes.

  ——I want to praise the sister above, you have done a great job.

  ——In fact, my family is also like that. Unlike the sisters above, my mother broke the defense once during the Chinese New Year. Then she smashed the pots and pans in the kitchen and cried the whole day. But no one present understood why she did this suddenly, and thought she was going crazy. Later, when my parents got divorced, my father was not the kind of person who could listen. He believed that women should do housework and take care of everything in the family. He also felt that my mother made a fuss and made him very embarrassed. It is worth mentioning that my mother is very good now, and the whole person is young. In fact, at the beginning, I didn't understand my mother very well, and I resented her a little bit, but after the first year of marriage, I suddenly understood. Really, let's all love your mothers, especially if you don't have a job and take care of your mothers at home, their bad temper is not sudden, but accumulated over time. When they were young, they were gentle and laughing girls like us, and it was a life that no one understood that made them like this.

  ——I am lucky. Every time I am busy, my father and my mother work together. I love them.

  ——My father is in charge of my house. My father likes to do housework. He is also a bit of a clean freak and likes to cook. The dishes he cooks are especially delicious. My mother is lazy, but she is very good at making money. People outside laughed at my dad for eating soft rice, but they didn't know how happy they were. When treating guests at home, my mother never asked my father to be busy, but always invited big hotels. Once I secretly overheard her say that I was reluctant to tire him, and that the food my dad made can only be eaten by our mother and daughter, hehe!

  ——Thinking of my mother, it’s time to reflect on it.

  —No way, I have to go and call my mom.


   Just when the discussion was in full swing in the live broadcast room, Meng Tinghuai came to the kitchen.

   (end of this chapter)

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