Chapter 1363 Awakened NPC (1)

  System 666: [Master host, she is an NPC, we have just talked about it, a very cute little NPC. 】

When    Qianyan returned to the wishing space, he heard System 666's words.

   The wisher this time is an NPC? To be honest, it was also the first time she met, which undoubtedly aroused her interest.

   What is the reason for the NPC to wake up and come to the wishing space without saying anything?

   She was already a little curious about what the other party wanted her to do.

Next to the   stone table sat a little girl, about ten years old.

   The small face is delicate, like a pink carving and jade carving, and there are a pair of very large and bright eyes, with long eyelashes, when she looks down, it looks like two beautiful fans cover her eyes.

   She wears a shiny diamond crown and long jet-black hair like a waterfall. She is wearing a starry gradient princess dress, holding a ruby ​​scepter in her hand and a small candy-colored schoolbag on her back.

   It can be seen from this outfit alone that the design of this NPC is more attentive.

  Especially after the NPC in front of him awakened his consciousness, the items that were transformed into them were basically the same as the real ones.

   "What do you want me to do for you?" Qianyan sat down in front of the little girl.

   The beautiful little girl raised her head, the confusion in her eyes dissipated the moment she saw Qianyan.

"Sister, my world is destroyed." The little girl's voice was very sweet, with some grievances in it, "Although many people come to attack me, I still don't want my world to be destroyed. This is the game world, players come in and attack me. , that's just playing games, I don't feel pain."

   "But on that day, the world collapsed, and I fell into darkness. I couldn't see other NPCs, and I couldn't see the players who came in from outside, and the game world would update new things from time to time, so I couldn't see them all."

   "The whole world is so quiet and dark, I can't even hear my brother's voice. Before the world was destroyed, my brother also said that he would design a lot of clothes, small school bags, toys, and various gem-encrusted scepters for me."

   "Brother?" Qian Yan was puzzled, but in fact he had some vague guesses.

   The pretty little girl showed a bright smile: "I designed my brother. I can't see him, but I can hear his voice. He is very kind to me and will design all kinds of fun things for me."

  The pretty girl happily shook the scepter in her hand and handed it to Qianyan.

   In her small schoolbag, there are all kinds of snacks and toys... Don't look at the small schoolbag, it doesn't look like it can hold much, but in fact, there is another universe, which is a bit similar to the storage magic weapon in the cultivation world.

   After a while, the stone table was filled with various items, all of which the little girl liked, especially the colorful and beautiful candies.

  Qianyan picked up a candy, carefully looked at the wrapping paper on it, and found that the small candy was also very realistic, similar to the real candy in reality. The ingredients list, production date, and shelf life are all there.

   "I still have a lot of beautiful dresses," the pretty girl tilted her head and looked at Qianyan, "My sister doesn't seem to be able to wear them, so I can't share them with you."

   "Do other sisters like it?"

  Qianyan chose a colorfully packaged candy: "Just this."

   "Then what is your wish?"

   The pretty little girl's face was serious and serious: "Sister, help me protect that world, don't let the world be destroyed, okay?"

   (end of this chapter)

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