Chapter 1364 Awakened NPC (2)

   "It's black everywhere, can't see anything, no sound yet, no one to play with, I'm really sad."

   Qianyan: "Yes."

"I heard from Brother System that my sister is very powerful, can you help me find my brother?" The pretty girl buried her head and said a little disappointedly, "My brother has given me a lot of things, but I have never met my brother. I am just a It seems that there is no way for a small game NPC to meet my brother. But my brother will talk to me a lot, and he is the best person for me. I really want to see what my brother looks like and remember him. "


   Qianyan felt that both wishes were not difficult.

  The game world is destroyed, most likely the data is deleted. The reason why the little girl is still conscious is that she has awakened, and the data cannot delete her.

  As long as the game is not deleted, the game world will become a real small world sooner or later. When the connection with reality is cut off, the destruction of the game world can be avoided.

   As for the second wish, it is simpler.

   Under the expectant gaze of the pretty girl, Qianyan jumped into the wishing well.


   Game world.

  Yangjiang County No. 3 Middle School entrance.

   It was not yet time for school, but the school entrance was crowded with people.

   Taking a closer look, some people's expressions are more programmed, and they are basically standing at the school gate and staring inside.

  The other part of the people is different. Some of them are standing, some are squatting, and some are leaning against the wall.

   There were at least two or three people, as if they were talking about something.

   "Since Ji's Group announced what the customs clearance rewards are, more and more people have come to play this game, and now there is still a queue to come in."

   "Speaking of which, if the level is really cleared, Ji's will really give half of the property to the player who clears the level?"

   "Definitely, but can anyone really clear this game? This is the most difficult game in history, no one, and no player has cleared it so far."

"Count the time, this game has been around for decades, and so far no one has figured out how to play this game. What's more tricky is that everyone can only play this game once. So, is this the happiness of the rich? If you have money, you can design this kind of boring, nonsensical game that makes players curse your mother, and you don’t have to be afraid of losing. So much money, how good it is to give it to me.”

   "Who says it's not, just in the past few decades, the cost of maintaining and upgrading the game is not enough with my salary since Qin Shihuang's time. Ouch—"

   "Since this game has been upgraded to holographic, the maintenance cost has been rising. Looking at the surrounding scene design, it is really one-to-one with reality. Everywhere is realistic, and I have not let go of a flower or a grass.

  With this kind of technology, Ji's casually make a large-scale holographic game that is profitable, and players from all over the world will pour in frantically. I really don't understand why Ji Shi is holding on to such a game. "

   "By the way, Ji's already has the kind of game you mentioned. There are indeed many players, and we can't earn the daily turnover in our lifetime.

   But the game "Sakura Romance" cannot be replaced by any game.

  It is mysterious, no one knows how to clear the level, and it does not support the second exploration. It is difficult for even game bloggers to analyze this game. Once the technology was backward, and it was possible to use someone else's ID card to play the game. However, since the holographic game came out, there is no way to use someone else's ID card. "

   "When it comes to the name of the game, I'm even more speechless. It's obviously an escape and save the world game, so why would you choose a 'Cherry Blossom'?"

   (end of this chapter)

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