Chapter 1371 Awakened NPC (9)

   She did not resist the pull of the plot, but followed the power of the plot and walked out into the distance.

  The sky suddenly darkened, there was fog everywhere, and the fog rolled like a beast hiding.

   She followed the plot force to buy snacks in the town, strolled around again, and finally got into a van.

  The truck drove on the small road and gradually distanced itself from the town. These are all in the memory of the original owner.

   After about 20 minutes, the terrain is relatively remote, and the surrounding is either mountains or grass. The sky itself is dark and heavy, and with the surrounding scenes, it looks even more mysterious here. The chirping of insects and birds came from her ears, as if to tell her that this was not a dead world.

   Qianyan was in a trance, only to realize that the truck and driver were gone.

   She herself was standing on the edge of a cliff, and because she had the memory of the original owner, she jumped to the cliff.

   After reaching the bottom of the cliff, I saw a broken truck and a **** truck driver.

   Before awakening consciousness, the original owner would not jump to the bottom of the cliff, but would squat on the edge of the cliff in confusion.

   Until the morning reading time the next day, he was called back to the classroom of the first class of the third middle school in Yangjiang County, repeating the previous day.

The only difference    is that you meet different players every day. In other words, she has been living a certain day.

   The original owner after awakening consciousness is not tired of such a life, and even explores the game from time to time.

   For example, where did the truck and driver go after disappearing, she finally found it at the bottom of the cliff by searching.

   Qianyan squatted aside with a scepter, and the scene of the car accident was still designed very realistically, almost exactly like reality.

   She really didn't quite understand why the game designer designed such a scene out of the sight of the players.

   The scene here will not change again, Qianyan jumped onto the cliff.

   The route the truck driver originally headed for should be Sakura Village. Qianyan tried to walk to the location of Sakura Village, and found that the plot was controlling her, seemingly preventing her from going to Sakura Village.

   To avoid the collapse of the game world, she did not forcibly break free from the plot.

   All these things have memories, she just wanted to try it.

  The original owner has never been to Sakura Village. At the beginning, he was forcibly dragged by the players, and he was infected and mutated on the way, killing all the players.

  Since he didn't plan to break free from the plot and go to Sakura Village, Qianyan found a clean place to sit down and focused on the player.


   Players are approaching Sakura Village step by step. Even if there are props, some players are still infected. Finally, other players have to kill these infected players who become mutant creatures.

   After a lot of hardships, the players arrived at Sakura Village.

   At this point, only half of the players are left.

"There are no mutant creatures in Sakura Village. This is a safe area, so let's move on separately." A man named Kong Sheng said, "Whoever can find the secret to clearing the customs will be lucky. Everyone has read the guide. You should know the rules."

  No one refuted Kong Sheng's words, and the players separated.

   Walking into Cherry Blossom Village, you can see bare cherry trees everywhere, not to mention flowering, there is not a single leaf, and even the grass on the ground is yellow and lifeless.

   "I now believe why players guess that when the cherry blossoms bloom, it is the secret to customs clearance." Pei Qin said, his beautiful brows furrowed, "It's just that how to make the cherry blossoms bloom, it's difficult."

   (end of this chapter)

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