Chapter 1372 Awakened NPCs (10)

Jiang Xinxin looked at the surrounding scene, and only felt desolate and terrifying: "It's quiet here, there are so many houses, but you can't feel much life, instead it's lifeless. How can this be in a place with many mountains and clear waters. If the cherry blossoms bloom, It must be beautiful here."

"However, no one has made the cherry blossoms bloom so far." Liu Ziyun answered and sighed, "I really don't know what these settings mean... Uncle Ji's mind is really hard to guess." The latter sentence , Liu Ziyun just muttered in a low voice.

   Others didn't hear it, but Qianyan did.

   This "Uncle Ji", through Liu Ziyun's muttering, should be the game designer.

   Qianyan was also a little curious about what the other party's concept of designing this game was.

   "Hurry up and think of a way. We can't find the secret to customs clearance at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. The system will judge that we failed to pass the level, and Sakura Village will be destroyed." Some players reminded that everyone took action and stopped talking nonsense.

   Soon, the night passed, and it was six o'clock in the morning.

  The players didn't get anything, they squatted in the village with disappointment on their faces, and they were a little unwilling. They couldn't help but start to scold the game.

  Scenarios like this happen every day and they are just one of the players.

   All players were notified that the customs clearance failed, Sakura Village was destroyed, and they were forced to go offline.

   Shortly after players went offline, a new round of strategies for breaking through the levels was announced on the forum. The changes in Ji Qianyan's character and lines have become the focus of discussion among players.

   Qianyan's sense of consciousness followed Liu Ziyun to the real world.

  Liu Ziyun came out of the nutrition warehouse, picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Brother Shuo, then the game can't be cleared. I don't give any hints at all. I finally got to Sakura Village, and I can only sit there and stare. I really don't understand how there can be such a difficult and torturous game in this world. I don't know what Uncle Ji thinks about designing such a strange game. Ji's large-scale holographic online game is very good, I'll go play that, it's hard to imagine that it is the same designer."

   "But then again, I think the scene setting of "Cherry Blossom" is better, then I don't understand Uncle Ji even more."

   After Liu Ziyun finished complaining, a young male voice came over the phone: "Did you find any special scene?"

   "No, Brother Shuo, do you know how to clear the customs?" Liu Ziyun couldn't help but ask, she knew it was impossible, but she still wanted to ask.

   "I don't know, I went in to play a few years ago, and like you players, there is no preferential treatment."

  Liu Ziyun is not disappointed: "By the way, how is Uncle Ji's health? I'll visit him later and ask about the game by the way."

   "You're recovering pretty well, okay, then I'll arrange for a driver to pick you up?"


   Qianyan pondered, who is Brother Shuo in Liu Ziyun's mouth? It sounds very familiar with that "Uncle Ji".

   She's in no hurry, she'll see you later.

   Didn't expect things to go so smoothly, she picked a very useful person at once.

  The pretty girl in the wishing space is very happy. She is very smart and understands that "Uncle Ji" should be her brother, and she will be able to see her brother soon.

   Almost two hours later, Liu Ziyun walked out of the villa, and the driver arranged by Ji Shuo was already waiting outside.

   At the same time, Qianyan, who was in the game, felt the call, and instantly appeared in the classroom of the first class of the third middle school in Yangjiang County.

   She paid attention to the clock hanging on the wall, and it was indeed morning reading time.

   There is no need to take the class very seriously here, her mental strength has been paying attention to Liu Ziyun outside.

   Half an hour later, the car carrying Liu Ziyun drove towards the villa area and stopped outside a villa.

   "Miss Liu is here, please come in, sir and young master are inside."

  Liu Ziyun smiled and nodded with the housekeeper, and ran in quickly. From the familiar appearance, it could be seen that he often came here.

  Liu Ziyun pushed open the door of a room, looked at the man with white hair leaning on the head of the bed and called, "Uncle Ji."

   The man's face has few wrinkles, but his eyes are very tired. He is only fifty-nine years old, but already white as snow.

  According to the status of a man, if he is well maintained at this age, he still looks very young, but he is an exception.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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