Chapter 1393 Awakened NPC (31)

   After discussion, Pei Qin decided to try his luck at Sakura Village, and Jiang Xinxin followed Qianyan.

   Jiang Xinxin sat back in her seat and chatted with Qianyan again. Although she didn't ask where Qianyan lived, she asked who was in her family.

She just asked casually, but she didn't expect Qian Yan to really answer: "Mom and Dad, and my brother, my brother and I are in the same school and are in the third year of junior high." The latter sentence was regarded as Qian Yan's guidance, but the other party temporarily Not paying attention.

  Jiang Xinxin looked at Qianyan, and said something mysteriously: "In the future, when a stranger asks you about the situation in your home, you should stop talking about it. What if you encounter a bad person."

   After saying this, Jiang Xinxin couldn't help but patted her head.

   Ji Qianyan's appearance was so personal that she even forgot that this was a game.

   The opponent's force value is so high, if anyone hits her idea, I'm afraid it will die ugly.

   Qianyan replied casually: "It's okay."

  Jiang Xinxin didn't ask Qianyan's life experience again, and the topic shifted to another place, for example, where has Qianyan been to play, and is there any other interesting place here.

   Qianyan really said a few things, "Sakura Love" is actually very different from when she came in at the beginning, as long as players are willing to discover, they can find some good places. When Ji Xin designed these, he was modeled on the one-to-one design of the buildings in the real world.

   When Jiang Xinxin heard this, she was thinking, are there really these locations in "Sakura Love"? It's a pity that these buildings are all in the county seat and urban area, so she can't seem to get there.

   Qianyan noticed the other party's regret and did not explain much.

  Anjiang Town has arrived.

   Jiang Xinxin stopped Qianyan: "Student Ji Qianyan, can I go with you? I want to look everywhere."

   Qianyan: "Of course."

   I heard Jiang Xinxin and Pei Qin discussing before that the other party wanted to follow her, so Qianyan didn't start the plan to coax Jiang Xinxin out of the car.

   It would be great if the other party could follow up on his own.

   The other players seemed a little anxious, knowing that the key point was not here with Qianyan, and they didn't care what Jiang Xinxin was doing with Qianyan.

   Several players also reminded Jiang Xinxin that Ji Qianyan did not have any trigger points for customs clearance, which many players have tried.

  Whether they were kind or for other purposes, Jiang Xinxin thanked them and refused to go to Sakura Village with them.

   Pei Qin was in the crowd and explained to other players that Jiang Xinxin was not here for customs clearance, so everyone didn't say much, just wanted to rush to Sakura Village as soon as possible.

  Qianyan went to a familiar store to buy snacks according to the plot, and then walked around in Anjiang Town. Jiang Xinxin followed her all the time, and was a little flattered that some snacks were shared.

   It was almost time, and Qianyan was going home in that truck.

   She walked to the original spot, and she met the truck driver and greeted him.

   The truck driver is in his early twenties. He looks average, but he looks honest and kind.

   "Then Qianyan, wait for me for a while, I'll buy something and leave. Fortunately, you met me, and most of the people in the village have returned, otherwise you have to walk back."

   Qianyan thanked and waited at the place agreed with the other party.

  The sky is getting darker and darker, and there are fewer people on the street. Such a realistic scene can't help but make Jiang Xinxin immediately substitute it into reality, and a bit of fear arises in her heart.

  I don't know why, but at this moment, she has a feeling that the storm is about to come.

   (end of this chapter)

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