Chapter 1394 Awakened NPC (32)

   She also made a project with her brothers and sisters. In fact, no part of the content is superfluous, and each scene has a specific role.

   For example, a scene with a weird atmosphere like the one at the moment means that something is going to happen most of the time.

   Even though many players have revealed that Ji Qianyan's cooling time will follow, Jiang Xinxin still feels that something is wrong.

  There are so many paving in the middle, why just let Ji Qianyan go to the cooling time?

  Jiang Xinxin suddenly remembered something, Ji Qianyan told her that the other party had a brother who was also studying at school.

   These contents are not in the guide.

   She wanted to ask why the other party's brother didn't come home, but she forgot after the topic was diverted.

   "Student Ji Qianyan, why didn't your brother come home with you? Is he at ease when you go home alone?"

  Jiang Xinxin's words are purely substituting into reality, or maybe she is a girl with a more sensitive mind, and feels that it is actually very unsafe for a ten-year-old girl to drive so far home alone. Because of this, she couldn't help but think of those children who disappeared in just one alley and two streets without their parents picking them up.

   Qianyan: "Brother isn't going home today."

   This is the line in the plot, I have to say that Ji Xin really hid all the key points.

   Just this line, even if other players hear it, they can't find any key points.

  Jiang Xinxin frowned, still feeling that this plot must have deep meaning.

   "Do you and your brother usually go home together?"

   Qianyan's eyes flashed admiration: "Yes."

   Jiang Xinxin took a deep breath, and sure enough, she felt that there must be a hidden plot here. At this time, she didn't think about customs clearance, she was planning to find out this hidden plot.

  Obviously my brother didn't go home, and the ten-year-old girl went back alone, and she was still wandering around the town until it was getting dark. She was laying the groundwork.

   She thought about the experience of the players on the forum, and many players had already ridden the truck with Ji Qianyan.

   If she sits with Ji Qianyan, there shouldn't be anything special.

  According to the plot setting, if Ji Qianyan's hidden plot will have an accident, 80% of it may be from the friendly-looking truck driver just now.

   She remembered countless news in reality, and many of the little girls who were victimized were acquaintances who committed crimes, and she became more and more certain.

   Of course, she didn't know why the game designer designed such a plot.

   Any reason is possible.

   Just now, she wants to find out if there are other hidden plots.

  Jiang Xinxin's mind was spinning quickly, she knew that the truck driver might not be a good person, what would she do?

   must stop Ji Qianyan from getting on the truck, find another means of transportation, contact the other party's parents, or send her home.

  Jiang Xinxin thought so, so she did it. She whispered: "Ji Qianyan, sister wants to tell you something. I don't think the truck driver is a good person. It's not safe for you to take his car alone."

   "Do you have the contact information of your parents? Can you call your parents to pick you up?"

  Jiang Xinxin has three options. The first choice is to contact the parents of the other party. She feels that if this is the reality, this is the safest way. For Ji Qianyan, or for herself, this is a more effective and safe method.

   Ji Qianyan can be picked up by her parents, and she will not be in danger because she goes to a strange place.

  Qianyan did not expect that Jiang Xinxin would be able to get the correct answer at once.

   Ji Xin told her that she should guide Jiang Xinxin to say the words to contact her parents.

   But she hadn't given any guidance yet. Jiang Xinxin thought about it herself, indicating that Jiang Xinxin was really careful, not only thinking about others, but also her own safety.

   Jiang Xinxin was stunned when she finished saying that, because she suddenly received a message from the game system, informing her of Ji Qianyan's parents' phone number.

   Jiang Xinxin quickly grabbed Qianyan and took her to the canteen to find a phone.

   dialed the number, and sure enough it rang several times, and a man's voice appeared, it was Ji Qianyan's father.

   (end of this chapter)

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