Chapter 1711 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (46)

   She is here for one thing only, to see the situation of the temple fairies in various places.

   She is very fast and can check many places in one day. The scope of a temple fairy is quite large, and there are disputes between temple fairy.

   Temple immortals will not sit in the temple, but they will leave a trace of consciousness in the statues in the temple.

   She guessed that this thread of consciousness should be used to communicate with believers and receive the power of faith.

   Temple Immortals have believers, and believers are also divided into levels. Those who are empowered are called core believers, and these believers will help the temple immortals develop ordinary believers.

   The others are ordinary believers, and the temple immortals use some powerful means to bewitch them, and these people continue to supply the power of faith.

  When Qianyan touched the bottoms of temples everywhere, a drought occurred in Qingyun County. Just a few days after she left, it stopped raining in Qingyun County.

   The Nixian Temple, which was originally a stunner, became lively again, and many people came to the Nixian with a glimmer of hope to ask the Nixian to rain.

   However, there was no response for several months.

  The people in Liuhe Village are better. The Liuhe River is dry, but every morning they can catch some dewdrops on the row of willow trees.

   "She is the **** of plague, not an immortal. It's useless for us to ask."

   "Since it's useless, it's better to smash the temple."

   "Yes, yes, it's better to smash the temple, put it here and take up space, continue on, this day will not pass."

"Master Nixian is not a **** of plague, she is a very powerful living fairy. I advise you to not be impulsive, so as not to collide with her." An old man said, "If it doesn't rain, it is a problem of God, and Master Nixian has some problems. what relationship?"

"You haven't seen Lord Nixian appearing, but I have seen it. When my son had a fever, I asked here. She didn't help, but suggested me to see a doctor. Later, I couldn't enter the Temple of Nixian again, so I had to stand firm. The scalp went to the doctor, and my son was really cured. Later, everyone understood that some minor problems could be solved by looking for a doctor. "

   "You say that Lord Nixian is the **** of plague, that's the biggest misunderstanding of her."

   "All these years, I've been thinking, why do those petitioners who let Lord Nixian manifest their spirits lose their wealth at light, and lose their lives at worst. I finally figured it out, so..."

   "Damn old man, go away." Before the old man could finish speaking, he was pushed and staggered.

   Some people have already rushed into the Nixian Temple with various tools and smashed them.

   Liu Yuhuai hid aside, staring at the provocative ones and writing them down.

   If she hadn't told him, he would definitely have gone over and blasted their dog's head.

   After a while, someone grabbed a clay doll and threw the clay doll into the cesspool.

   Liu Yuhuai's eyes fell on the back of the man like knives, and he took out a clay doll from his sleeve. Seeing it was clean and intact, the corners of his lips smiled.

   Even if she had given up the mud body, he couldn't watch someone damage her mud body.

   After knowing that something was wrong, he came to steal the other, hid the real mud body, and put a fake one inside.

   Qianyan with a trace of consciousness in the mud: "..."

   More than 30 years have passed, and the Nixian has not manifested for a long time. The younger generation has no idea of ​​the power of the Nixian, so they dare to offend like this.

   And those old people, who knew that Nixian was powerful, were a little at a loss when they saw this scene: "She has already abandoned this place."

   "You have done evil."

   Except for the initial period, Nixian really didn't help them much later.

   They also complained, but later they gradually discovered that many things can be solved by themselves, and their lives are much more comfortable than those who believe in temples and immortals in other places.

   (end of this chapter)

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