Chapter 1712 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (47)

   Earn money and save it, unlike those temple immortal believers, who need to make offerings every month, live a tight life, and even sell their children and daughters when they are crazy. Obviously it was the tragedy caused by the temple immortals, but they took the mistake on themselves and the people around them, and it was terrifying just by looking at them.

   It’s not that no one stopped the smashing of the temple, but the people who stopped them were older and couldn’t beat the young and strong ones. Because of this, they were injured and some of their legs were broken.

   When those people succeeded in leaving, they squatted on the ground with wry smiles on their faces.

   At this moment, a white light emerged from the collapsed Nixian Temple and enveloped the injured people. After a while, their injuries were completely healed.

   The originally dazed crowd lost their spirits, and Nixian hasn't left yet? They stood up and touched here and there, their faces in disbelief.

  It was the first time that Nixian had treated them so well.

   The mud body that was originally in Liu Yuhuai's sleeve suddenly floated to the Nixian Temple, Liu Yuhuai thought of something, his face flushed and he stood there.

   "Are you asking for a wish?" Qianyan asked the wave of people on the ground, "You must know that good and bad are interdependent..."

   "Thank you Lord Nixian for your kindness, no need!" These people said in unison.

   Few of the petitioners will end well, so they don't want it.

   "It's just that Qingyun County is dry. We can think of other ways. We can also go to the next county to pull water."

   "Actually, there will always be a solution. It's impossible for this place to not rain for three or five years. In that case, it's better to move out."

   Of course, only part of them think like this, and some still think that if the Nixian appeared, they would definitely not be so miserable. .

  Qianyan doesn't bother about these, the people who harmed the original owner were not the ones in front of him.

  Those who smashed temples, no matter what happened before, they still smashed temples.

   "You don't have to worry, it will rain soon. The culprit who created this drought sees that you are cornered and will appear as a savior to rain for you."

   The people present were dizzy, but they felt the wounds that had been healed before, and chose to believe Qianyan's words.

   About ten days later, a group of envoys claiming to be Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing came to Qingyun County.

   "The Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing heard that Qingyun County has been dry for several months, and specially sent me to cast spells and rain for you."

   When most of the people heard this, they were overjoyed. They respectfully invited people in, and thanked Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing incessantly, and their faces were full of piety.

  Some people in the corner felt a sudden shock, Lord Nixian is as expected.

  Remembering the words of that day, their faces all changed, the culprit behind the drought?

   If it hadn't been told by Lord Nixian, they would have spread the word long ago. Lord Nixian said that they would be in danger, and no one believed it.

   It didn't take long for the rain to fall, and countless people cheered. Their hearts froze. Lord Nixian was right, and no one would believe it.

   "Faced with such a scene, I choose to believe in Nixian. Speaking of which, it's really a bit strange."

   "Look at them, clamoring to build a temple for those two."

  Qianyan had already rushed back when she learned of the accident at the Nixian Temple, and is now hiding in the air in Qingyun County.

   She guessed that the drought was man-made, but she found no trace of man-made on it.

   After the envoys of the two Venerables cast the spell, it did make the sky rain. What is the reason for this?

   But she didn't think this drought was normal, just like this rain, it wasn't the messengers that rained at all, but they said a few words and the rain came.

   As if it is raining or not, the switch can be controlled at any time.

  Heaven and Earth suppressed her, but took the initiative to cooperate with the temple fairy, which was interesting.

   In the previous line, she didn't find where the temple immortals were, so she still had to wait for them to show up.

   How to find them, she already has an idea.

  The drought in Qingyun County has passed.

   Someone proposed to build a temple for the two Venerables in the original Nixian Temple, but the messenger refused, saying that the place was not suitable, so two temples were built in other places.

   A few months later, Qingyun County was plagued by ogres.

   Having seen the power of the two venerable messengers, many people asked for the Temple of Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing, and they were quickly answered.

   A few days later, two subordinates of the Venerable appeared, claiming to be slayers.

  After investigating various places in Qingyun County, they brought many people to the Liuhe River and stared at them for a long time. One of them said with a serious expression: "These willow trees have become shrewd, and I am sure they are eating people for the sake of becoming shrewd."

   Add two more chapters

See you tomorrow

   It's the end of the month, ask for a ticket.

   This is the end of the world, two or three days.



   (end of this chapter)

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