Chapter 1714 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (49)

   Liu Yuhuai was relieved: "I'm relieved of this."

   He knew Qianyan's intentions, the two of them didn't show their faces, Liu Yushu, Liu Yuxing, etc. didn't reveal their primordial spirits, but only beat those demon slayers to death. This incident will make a big fuss, which will alert the temple fairy behind and lead it out.

  Because Liu Yuxing and others are not considered strong in the eyes of the temple fairy, the other party will not be scared to come out.

   As long as they come, it is impossible to leave.

  Qianyan listened to Liu Yuhuai's analysis and said, "As long as I kill one or two temple immortals and then push their temple, the other temple immortals will definitely not be able to sit still."

   Fang Tiandi can't sit still, and will definitely find a way to get rid of her.

   It's a little strange, Heaven and Earth have been suppressing her, but she always feels that Heaven and Earth can't suppress her with all its strength.

   seems to be very powerful in itself, and in the end it can only play a part.

   This matter is not clear for the time being, she believes that everything will be clear in the end.

  Liuhe villagers wanted to stop the willow tree from being pulled up, but they couldn’t resist the crowd, and they were rushed into the house and snatched the tools.

   Those people came to the Liuhe River with all kinds of tools, and cut down a willow tree.

   I thought that a single knife would cut a deep hole in the willow tree no matter what. .

   Who knew that after the knife was cut down, there was a thumping sound, the willow tree was not hurt at all, and the knife was missing a mouth.

   When the man with the knife saw this scene, his face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly ran in front of the demon killer.

  Other people with tools are in the same situation.

The    knife is either missing a hole or the handle is broken.

  When they didn't react, the willow spirits waved their branches and threw all their tools away.

   "It really is fine."

   "Master, what can we do?"

   The demon slayer didn't look good either. They didn't expect these willow spirits to be more powerful than they thought. Of course, they didn't take the willow spirits seriously.

   Those villagers in Liuhe Village who did not want the willow tree to be uprooted were a little anxious when they saw the demon slayer walking over with a sword and ready to do it.

   There are a few who are not very rational, and they rushed over to stop people.

Nai He's expression turned cold: "These willow spirits are very confusing, and a few people in front of them have already been confused by willow spirits." When he finished speaking, he was about to slap him, and said, "Take them down and tie them up. , When the willow spirits are finished, we will bring these willow spirits back to the temple, and ask the Venerable to give them talisman water for them to drink."

   It’s just that their palms hadn’t hit the villagers, and the villagers were entangled in the wicker and gently thrown to the other side.

   The demon slayer's face was getting worse and worse, he drew his sword and attacked the willow tree.

  Who knew that they had entered the willow tree range, and soon all the weapons were confiscated by the wicker.

  These wickers look like plants, but they are actually stronger than iron, and their swords can't cut them unless the Willow Spirits voluntarily break them.

   After a while, the demon slayer, who was standing high in front of the people, was confiscated with his magic weapon, and the people were also bound into zongzi by wicker sticks. Countless wicker sticks were continuously drawn on them, and the pain caused them to bite their teeth and crack their mouths.

   Those who had helped to remove the willow tree ran away in fear. Only the majority of Liuhe villagers who did not want the willow tree to be removed were relieved.

   "Liu Yumo, if you throw more high points and scare him to death, I'll kick him." Liu Yuxing said.

   Liu Yumo did as he did, and threw one of the slayers very high, making him scream in fright.

   (end of this chapter)

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