Chapter 1715 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (50)

  When the branches of Liu Yuxing were slapped on the face of this demon slayer, the slayer screamed again and again.

  The willow spirits tossed these slayers into a coma, and did not intend to let them go.

   I believe that those who escaped will definitely go to the temple to find Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing, and this is what they are waiting for.

   They expected it well, and after half a day, another group of demon slayers came.

   Without saying a word, he rushed up with a weapon. The final result was the same as that in the morning. The magic weapon was confiscated, and the people were wrapped in wicker into rice dumplings.

  The people of Liuhe Village were a little worried, if the two Venerables came in person, these willow spirits would not be able to escape.

   So the village chief came forward and told them about the two venerables, hoping that the willow spirit could think of a way to escape.

   Their power is too weak, and the others really don’t know what to do.

  The willow spirits just shook the branches and didn't respond. Qianyan said they couldn't show up.

   In one day, the whole Qingyun County knew about the willow tree in Liuhe Village.

   "Evil, when Venerable Xuanyue comes, none of you can escape."

   "And Venerable Flying Star, when he comes, it will be your day of death."

   "We were released at this time, and there is still room for recovery."

   Liu Yuxing complained to Qianyan: "Sister Yan, do they think our willow spirits have bad brains?"

   "In the past, we were going to get rid of us without a word, but now we are told to let them go, and there is room for recovery."

   Liu Yu Xing's branches stretched out to beat the noisy guys, and their mouths were swollen after a while.

   Silly thing, do you really think she is a willow spirit who doesn't understand anything?

   After all, she has been with Sister Yan for so many years, how could she believe their bullshit?

   Two days later, the willow spirits suddenly felt a burst of pressure, and then two groups of people fell in the air.

   The leader is a man and a woman, and the people behind them are wearing uniform Taoist robes, and these people all look proud.

"I didn't expect these willow spirits to become a climate." Venerable Xuanyue looked at the willow tree by the river, and saw the person tied into a dumpling on it, she frowned, "These monsters are so bold. ."

Venerable Feixing sneered at the side of   : "The evildoer who dares to do evil, just get rid of it directly."

"I don't know how many people these monsters have eaten before they have cultivated to the current climate," Venerable Xuanyue said with disgust, "It should be eradicated. If we knew this, we should have come earlier. In this short period of time, Several bones were found in Qingyun County."

   "Master Xuanyue, let's do it. It's time to end all this and let the people of Qingyun County live a stable life. Anyway, we have temples in Qingyun County, so we have to protect them." Venerable Feixing said.

   The conversation between the two was not loud, but it spread far away.

  Except for the Liuhe Village people who were standing on the side of the Willow Tree Spirit, the others were all moved when they heard it, and immediately knelt down to the two of them.

   Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing looked at each other with satisfaction in their eyes.

   The process is a bit tortuous, but the effect is still good.

   As for the group of hard bones in Liuhe Village, when they get rid of these willow spirits, the other party will have nothing to rely on, and they will still become their believers.

   Even if they don't know it for a while, they have to find other ways to make each other understand the benefits of being their followers.

   (end of this chapter)

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