Chapter 1716 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (51)

   "They talk a lot." Liu Yuxing said.

  Liu Yushu answered: "There are more words than Xiaosheng."

  Other willow spirits also expressed that these two are really wordy.

   Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing finally acted. The two floated directly above the willow tree, and with their long swords in hand, they chopped down the branches of the willow.

  Those who are entangled in rice dumplings are their core believers, and they must be rescued first.

   They didn't think that they would be hindered. In the eyes of the two, these core believers are already very weak, and it is not surprising that they are caught by some evil spirits who have become climates.

   They floated in the air, like a walk in a garden, their clothes were elegant, and they looked like gods. They seemed to have overwhelming power. Pulling out these willows was just a matter of bending the little finger.

  However, the reality is slapped in the face.

The two danced a sword flower in a pretentious manner, and when they slashed towards the wicker, Qianyan appeared beside them out of thin air, and slapped the two of them, knocking them down to the ground, knocking both their teeth down. particles.

   Without waiting for the two to react, Qianyan jumped down, grabbed one person's wrist with one hand, and dragged them to the ground and fell over. The people present could only hear the muffled and painful sounds of the two.

   Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing, who were still very arrogant just now, have now been smashed to the ground, their eyes are staring, and they can't even shout or resist.

  Those who kneeled and worshipped the two were also sluggish, and a sound came from their heads, which was the sound of broken faith. .

   The group of people who were worried that Willow was in danger were also stunned. They didn't recognize Qianyan as the original Nixian. After all, her appearance had changed drastically.

   But Qianyan's rough style made them think of the former Nixian for a moment.

   The Nixian Temple was smashed before, and the Nixian also appeared, and they simply repaired the temple. After that, someone vaguely went to see him, but Nixian didn't respond.

   They are used to the style of the Nixian, and they also know the temperament of this Nixian, so they dare not ask for more.

   Because of this accident, they talked about it over there, but they didn't get a response, and they didn't dare to force it. They just sighed inwardly.

   I didn't want this sudden appearance, the immortal-like woman beat up the two Venerables as soon as they appeared.

  The two, who were still full of pride just now, had no strength to fight back. Such a rapidly changing scene made them speechless.

   Qianyan didn't stop, beat the two venerables to the point of death, and sealed their spiritual power before stopping.

   The two venerables were thrown by Qianyan to the willow tree, lying on the ground like dead dogs, so embarrassed, how could they still look like they were fluttering before.

  The people who believed in the two Venerables, when they saw Qianyan looking back at them, were so scared that they shrank their necks, prostrate on the ground, trembling all over, for fear that Qianyan would also lift them up and throw them everywhere.

   They are all flesh and blood, but they can't stand such a fall.

   "Who are you?" Venerable Xuanyue's head was still buzzing, she felt that her spiritual power was sealed, and she was shocked. Where did this powerhouse come from, she didn't even have the strength to fight back.

   "Fellow Daoist, there is no enmity between us, why did we shoot for no reason?" Venerable Feixing asked with a pig-headed face.

   Qianyan slapped Venerable Feixing in the air, causing him to scream.

   If she hadn't found out where these temple fairies lived before, how could she have waited so long.

   "We have a grudge."

   Venerable Feixing and Venerable Xuanyue were surprised, how could they have enmity against such a powerful monk?

   The two recalled their memories, but they did not find such a number one person.

   "Fellow Daoist, you must have misremembered." Venerable Xuanyue was angry, but her fists were not as hard as Qianyan's, so she could only clench her teeth and bow her head, not daring to get angry at all.

   Qianyan shook his head: "I remember correctly."

   "You two bewitched believers to come to my Nixian Temple to make trouble, smashed my Nixian Temple, destroyed my clay sculptures, and said there was no hatred?"

As soon as    Qianyan's words fell, all those present except the willow spirits were shocked and looked at Qianyan in disbelief.

   She is a mud fairy?

   (end of this chapter)

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