Chapter 1717 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (52)

  The people of Liuhe Village suddenly came to a sudden realization. No wonder the Nixian is so powerful. It turns out that there are people in the family.

   So, the clay sculpture in the temple is actually the incarnation of Lord Nixian, right?

   After Venerable Xuanyue and Venerable Feixing were shocked, they regretted it.

   They just thought that the clay doll was not very capable, but they never thought that there was such a powerful being behind the clay sculpture.

  I knew this was the case, how could they possibly provoke them here.

   When they expand their believers, they also look at the details of the place. If there is someone who is tough and can't be provoked, they would rather give up the believers there rather than provoking it.

"Fellow Daoist, this is a misunderstanding. If we knew that this place belonged to fellow daoists, we would never take a step." Venerable Feixing said, "After I go back today, I will immediately withdraw the temple in Qingyun County and move on to another day. Send some compensation to fellow Daoists."

   Seeing Qianyan's unmoved appearance, the two of them were a little anxious. Venerable Xuanyue said, "If you have any requests, you can also ask them, and we will satisfy them."

   The opponent is much stronger than them, and they can only bow their heads at this time.

  Qianyan asked: "Is it really up to me to mention it?"

   The two of them were not very good, but they nodded.

   "How big is the scope of the two of you?"

   Venerable Xuanyue said: "Three states, a total of thirty-seven counties.."

   "Four states, fifty counties in total," said Venerable Feixing.

   "What is your strength among the temple immortals?" Qianyan asked again.

The two looked at each other and finally answered honestly. They didn't think Qianyan could challenge all the temple fairies. They also thought that if an accurate number was given, the other party might be afraid. , The strength of the two of us is quite good. There are three people above us, who are many times stronger than us. The two of us fought against those three, and it was almost the same as fighting in the hands of fellow daoists."

   Venerable Feixing did not lie when he said this, those three were unfathomable.

   But whether those three are stronger or the one in front of him is stronger, he doesn't know, after all, these guys are fighting against them, and they have no power to resist.

   He said this because he wanted Qianyan to understand that she was not invincible.

   "I want to see them, where should I go?"

   "Our temple immortals do not live in the temple, but have their own sects. We practice in the sects on weekdays. The positions of the sects are separated by the formation, and ordinary people can't get there."

   Qianyan understood, it seemed that she didn't find the right place.

   is also short of time. If there is enough time, she will search everywhere, and she should be able to find traces of the formation.

   "Fellow Daoist, we have told you everything we know, what do you think about today's incident?" Venerable Feixing asked.

  Qianyan glanced at the two of them lightly: "This time, in order to develop the people of Qingyun County into believers, the two of you did not hesitate to release demons and cannibals. This is not a good thing."

   The expressions of the two changed, and they didn't want to admit it. Venerable Xuanyue pretended to be confused: "Fellow Daoist, I don't understand what you're talking about. How could we let out that demon? You misunderstood, we just happened to..."


  Qianyan slapped over again from the air. This slap carried a little spiritual power and beat Venerable Xuanyue to the point of vomiting blood.

   "Yuxing, give me two of them."

  Liu Yuxing received this job, and the branches quickly stretched over and slammed on the two of them, causing them to scream in pain.

   "When to be honest and when to stop."

   "It doesn't matter if you die, these two are my enemies anyway."

   Hearing Qianyan's words, Venerable Xuanyue knew that she was not soft-hearted, and immediately admitted it.

  The people present were stunned when they heard this. They actually created the ogre?

   "Hand over that ogre."

   "We hand over the ogres, fellow Daoists can let us go?" Venerable Feixing asked worriedly.

   Qianyan: "Let you go."

   She agreed so easily, and the two of them didn't believe it.

   After they whispered, Venerable Xuanyue said: "You swear, if you don't let us go, you will definitely attract punishment."

   Hearing the words, Qian Yan wanted to meet the punishment cloud again: "Okay, I swear, if I don't let you go, it will definitely attract the punishment cloud."

   (Punishment Cloud: Are you two polite?)

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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