Chapter 1722 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (57)

  When the old emperor died, the most regrettable thing was that he failed to clean up the group of temple fairies who made the people like crazy.

   Therefore, the new emperor learned that there was a very powerful clay immortal, and to deal with the temple immortal, of course, he would cooperate fully.

   Qianyan rejected Lin Qingming's kindness. So far, she doesn't need to do much, just wait here.

   If it really followed her guess, Tiandao and those temple immortals would soon lose their temper and would definitely take the initiative to come to her.

   Of course, she couldn't just sit around and wait.

   After Lin Qingming smashed all the temples of Venerable Xuanyue and the two, she chose another temple of the temple fairy as the target and let Lin Qingming continue to smash.

   Although it was said that he smashed the temple, it was not for no reason. Qianyan chose to smash the dirty things done by the core believers of the temple immortals in order to attract believers.

  When these filthy things became known to everyone, it was only natural for Lin Qingming to bring people to smash the temple.

   These temple immortals are really not clean, but those who are targeted by Qianyan can show a lot of ugly sides.

   She wasn't afraid to scare those temple fairies out, and when their temple was smashed, she went to find them.

   But those temple immortals were obviously unwilling to wait for this time. After half a month, they all appeared together and stopped Qianyan.

  Liu Yuhuai stayed on Lin Qingming's side, this was Qianyan to avoid the trouble of the temple immortals looking there, and those monks might not be enough to watch.

   Seeing a group of temple fairies in front of her, Qianyan felt that she was thinking too much, and they all came towards her. .

   "Fellow Daoist, we have no grudges against you, why did you smash our temple?" The Taoist priest in Tsing Yi, headed by him, had a cold face.

   Qianyan sensed the strength of the opponent, and it was indeed much stronger than the two venerables before.

   But she is not afraid of heaven, so is she afraid of these little temple fairies?

   "What else could there be? If it wasn't for two temple immortals coming to grab my territory, I still don't know there is such an unorthodox Taoism in this world."

   "After my inspection, you are indeed not very formal, so it was called a smash."

Another woman in white said angrily: "You are too domineering. The Taoism in this world is always changing, and there is no orthodoxy. You have your Tao, and we have our Tao. Fellow Taoist, you are so domineering to us. The temple was smashed, but have you thought about the consequences?"

   "I thought about it, I smashed yours and replaced them all with mine." Qianyan's face was very serious, "At that time, I will unify the Taoist law."

   With this reason, you can avoid the other party from coercing her with the world.

   Hearing her thinking, the dozens of temple immortals in front of her were half-dead with anger, staring at her so hard that their heads were almost smoking.

   "Fellow Daoist, aren't we developing peacefully?" said Yimiao Xian.

   Qianyan said: "I am the strongest, and I should occupy all the believers in this world. What qualifications do you have to develop peacefully with me?"

   "Do you have to turn your face, fellow Daoist?" The leader of the Taoist priest in Tsing Yi has already taken out his magic weapon, "Do you really think that you can defeat all of us by yourself?"

   "If there is no accident, it should be that all of you were beaten by me."

   Qianyan already felt that prying gaze, and the other party heard everything she should have heard, and understood how big her ambitions should be.

   Then, it's time for her to deal with these temple fairies.

   She also deliberately checked the souls of these temple fairies just now, and it really came from the same source.

What does   Tao of Heaven mean?

   No matter what it means, there must be only one conflict between her and the Dao of Heaven, and it can only be her.

   She still has to become an immortal. Depending on the situation, she can only become an immortal by force.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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