Chapter 1723 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (58)

   The situation was changing rapidly, and the temple fairies couldn't talk to each other. They all surrounded Qianyan with magic weapons and blocked every exit she could escape.

   But Qianyan's face didn't change, she raised her palm, and a rusty giant sword fell into her hand out of thin air.

   This giant sword is somewhat attractive. At least the temple fairies looked strange when they saw the giant sword.

   She doesn't think that with a rusty sword, she can defeat them?

   It's not that they underestimate the enemy, but they really can't sense what's outstanding about this great sword. With their cultivation, even if the artifacts are dusty, they can more or less notice that it is unusual.

   The giant sword in front of them, in their perception, is a very ordinary big iron sword.

   "Fellow Daoist, since you insist on getting along with us, we can only see each other today." The leader of the Taoist priest in Tsing Yi did not give Qianyan a chance to answer, and called the temple immortals to attack.

  The scene was suddenly filled with swords, lights and swords, flying sand and rocks, trees and bushes being rolled up by manic spiritual power, and the naked eye could only see the chaos, and it was impossible to see who was who in the scene.

   In fact, the scene inside is that Qianyan holds a giant sword and shuttles among the temple fairies, basically one sword is a temple fairy. She didn't keep her hand, but the body and soul of the temple immortals she cut instantly turned into powder.

   In her opinion, these temple immortals can be removed as soon as they can be removed, no matter how many, they will always damage some of the power of heaven.

   The other party ran to the front, how could she let it go?

   In just a moment, she wiped out a dozen temple fairies.

  The temple fairies finally realized that she was not joking before, she could indeed kill them all by herself.

   Taoist Tsing Yi's face turned pale, and now he is avoiding Qianyan's attack. It's not that he doesn't want to attack Qianyan, but that once the attack passes, the opponent will definitely cut him.

   He noticed just now that anyone who Qianyan wants to cut will definitely be able to cut it.

   Such a powerful existence, why did it only appear now?

   Taoist Tsing Yi has already begun to retreat, and if he continues like this, he will definitely be damaged here.

   It is obvious that the enemy is no match, and if you continue to get together, that is to make unnecessary sacrifices. When he was dodging, he had gradually retreated back, and this time he did not greet the other temple immortals.

  It’s good that he can escape. If you call someone else, the chance of escaping will decrease.

   However, the gap between him and Qianyan is too great, this area has long been locked by Qianyan, and every move of the temple immortals is under her observation.

   She could actually kill the Temple Immortal in one fell swoop, but that gaze kept staring at her, not knowing what she was waiting for, so she stopped beating.

   Seeing the Taoist in Tsing Yi run farther and farther, Qian Yan casually popped two spiritual bullets and did not chase after him.

  Tsing Yi Taoist saw Qianyan not chasing him, he was overjoyed, and ran faster under the stunned eyes of other temple fairies.

   Just when he thought he could escape, he suddenly hit a wall.

   Obviously there is no obstacle in front of him, but he can feel it is a thick wall. Soon, Taoist Tsing Yi realized that this was a formation.

  Array method?

   When did she arrange the formation?

   Could it be that their actions have always been in each other's calculations?

  Qianyan continued to slash at the temple immortals, still one sword at a time.

   There were originally more than sixty temple fairies, but not long after that, only ten or so remained, including the former Taoist priest in green and the woman in white.

   (end of this chapter)

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