Chapter 1827 Hundreds of billions of rich women (20)

  Qianyan was compiling the information while paying attention to how Fu No. 1 was cooking in the kitchen.

  His swordsmanship is really good. He has played various tricks in cutting vegetables, but not a little bit will fall to the ground. It can be seen that he has a deep understanding of swordsmanship.

   When the two dishes and one soup are ready, Fu No. 1 is very satisfied: "I don't want my son to be able to make such delicious food one day, thanks to this robot's database."

"Unfortunately, as a robot, I can't enjoy food. Otherwise, I would secretly cook two side dishes, drink a little wine, and play swordplay. Wouldn't it be fun? The various recipes in the database are very good with mixed beef and fried peanuts. "

  Qianyan: History records that he loves wine, which is correct.

   "Miss Fu, it's time for lunch."

   Qianyan went downstairs to eat, and after finishing her meal, she would call Chu Chenjiang as usual. Of course, these were all handled by the Dialogue applet.

   Don't look at Fu No. 1 standing beside him with an expressionless face. In fact, he was muttering in his heart. With a huge database, he accepts this world well. Of course, he knows that Qianyan is dealing with that person named Chu Chenjiang.

   He didn't quite understand, since he didn't like Chu Chenjiang, why didn't he directly propose separation and use a small program to deal with it, wouldn't that be a waste of energy and time? With her status, it shouldn't be impossible to reject anyone.

   "I prepared a gift for you, and it should be delivered soon." Chu Chenjiang said on the phone, the applet automatically talked and asked him what the gift was, Chu Chenjiang just said that he would find out later.

   After a while, Fu No. 1 retrieved a bouquet of flowers from the outside, holding a delicately packaged box in his hand.

  Hua Qianyan didn't look at it, but opened the box, and inside it turned out to be a million-dollar gemstone necklace.

   "Ms. Fu, this is the necklace from the public auction a few days ago." Because of Qianyan's permission, Fu No. 1 is currently connected to the Internet and can check various information on the Internet.

   Thanks to the robot chip, he is now very fast in analyzing big data.

   For a moment, he thought it was a good day. It's quiet here, no one disturbs him, and no one finds out about his abnormality. I hope Miss Fu can live a long time.

  Qianyan didn't know that Fu No. 1 had a lot of inner drama, so he studied it with the gemstone necklace, and it was indeed true.

   With Chu Chenjiang's current reputation, he can afford to give his girlfriend a piece of jewelry worth millions. The problem is that Chu Chenjiang will give the original owner some expensive jewelry from time to time.

   is not a big festival, and many times I will give it away when I think of it.

   The day before he extracted the original master's spiritual power, he even gave her a pair of priceless jade bracelets.

   Qianyan put the necklace in the box and took the box to the room dedicated to jewelry. In this room, there was an area where the gifts were all sent by Chu Chenjiang. Some are cheap and some are expensive, and they are all placed in order. It can be seen that the original owner attached great importance to this relationship.

  Otherwise, I wouldn't put those gifts of a few tens of dollars here.

At this time, the young woman in the wishing space spoke again: "So many people want to stand by my side, why did I choose him in the end? Just because he can only keep the money for food and life, and give me all the rest. Buying gifts. Being willing and not blind, is already beyond the reach of many people.”

   She is not a fool, if Chu Chenjiang doesn't give her the slightest bit, how could she secretly support him behind his back?

   It is because this sincerity is too pure and sincere that it attracts her and makes her muster the courage to overcome her heart disease. In fact, this disease is very difficult to treat. Every treatment is a painful moment of losing her relatives in her childhood, which is also the main reason for her frailty.

   "As his career gets better and better, the gifts are still different and more expensive. I am happy to receive these gifts, which proves that he cares about me."

   "If he really lacks anything, I'll help him secretly."

   "If we get married in the future, my wealth will also be shared with him."

   "It may be that he never lacks anything in wealth, but he is more eager for this relationship."

   (end of this chapter)

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