Chapter 1828 Hundreds of billions of rich women (21)

   "I am naive after all."

   Qianyan didn't comment much on the original owner's thoughts. Whatever he lacked or wanted, he pursued whatever he wanted. It was a very common thing.

  If there is no spiritual improvement, even if Chu Chenjiang was deceived, it would be difficult for the original owner to be calculated.

   Ordinary people face the supernatural power, and guard against inadvertently.

   Qianyan didn't stay in the room for long, and soon returned to the study to write materials.

  Fu No. 1 was still standing next to her, and was a little surprised when he browsed the information she had compiled. This was about him and Shuzhi's tomb.

   Some of him are vague, but that's for sure.

   How did she know so much?

   Even if the tomb was dug by someone, he made all the mechanism formations in it himself, and did not let others touch it at all, only Shuzhi knew a little about the mechanism formations inside.

   What is she going to do?

   First check where his tomb is, and now compile this information?

   But it's good to dig it out.

  The reason why he helped, of course, was that he hoped that the tomb would be dug up as soon as possible. Even if he could not be dug up, Shuzhi's tomb would have to be dug up, which would be more proof of his innocence.

  Shuzhi is a straightforward person, and he should not object to sticking a knife to his friends.

  Shuzhibi died later, and the other party liked to write stories in the book, so it must be a pity that the book was not passed down. With his temperament, there must be a story in the tomb written all his life.

   If you think about it like this, Shuzhi must be very happy.

  Qianyan edited the information, hacked a dead number, and sent a message with this dead number: Gong Yehuai's tomb is in Fengzhu Mountain. There are currently two suspects, and the information has been sent to your mailbox. @National Heritage Museum

  The goal of digging a grave is too big, so she doesn't participate.

After    posted this news, she used special means to make this news quickly climb the hot search.

  Since we want to help Gongye Huai prove his innocence, of course, we must first hype it up and let the whole people pay attention to where Gongye Huai's tomb is.

  Once the truth comes out, the records belonging to Gongyehuai will be corrected.

   The information package sent to the National Cultural Heritage Museum, of course, is the specific location of the tomb, as well as the structure, formation, and organs in the tomb.

   Gongyehuai's tomb and Tao Jiuxiang's tomb were both designed by Gongyehuai, so the information must be accurate because of the oral statement of this party.

  If there are no accidents, this will be a very perfect grave digging.

  Fu No. 1 finally realized that she didn't like what was in the tomb, but wanted to expose the tomb?

How come    is a bit like proving his innocence?

   If it wasn't for his special status, I really wanted to go over and ask her why she did this.

   "Fu No. 1, make me some afternoon tea."

   "Okay, Miss Fu."

  Fu No. 1 went to the kitchen with doubts, thinking that she was busy for a long time just to expose the tomb, and his affection for her suddenly increased.

   She is a good person.

   In addition to being weak, everything else is pretty good.

   When Fu No. 1 returned to the room, he saw Qianyan sitting cross-legged practicing the exercises, and the plate in his hand almost fell.

   He walked over quietly, looked at Qianyan, and frantically analyzed the situation in front of him with the help of the robot chip.

   Finally came to a conclusion: she was worn.

  The soul is from the Southern Dynasty.

   Knowing his tomb, the specific address, and even the formation and structure of the tomb, so detailed, it is impossible not to be worn.

   Could she be Shuzhi's kid?

   Knowing that he was misunderstood by later generations, he did not hesitate to expose the tombs of both of them.

   If it wasn't for sparseness, would you know so clearly?

   lamented that Fu No. 1, who had a deep friendship with them, had a sudden meal, and so on, her style did not seem to be sparse.

   Shuzhi also knows no martial arts.

   By the way, Shuzhi has a wife, is it Shuzhi's wife? In fact, Shuzhi's wife is not Xiaojiabiyu, but a hidden martial arts master? Hidden really deep.

  No no no, still not like it.

   is more likely to be the descendant of that kid Shuzhi. That kid loves to write things, so he must have recorded the information of the tomb, absolutely.

  Qianyan felt that Fu No. 1's eyes were strange, so he used his mental power to investigate, and found that the other party looked at her lovingly.

  What's going on here?

See you tomorrow

   Fu No. 1: This is the descendant of my friend. (kind eyes)

   Qianyan: ?



   (end of this chapter)

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