Chapter 1834 Hundreds of billions of rich women (27)

   He just wanted to explain for this new friend, lest he be misunderstood as a bloodthirsty man.

   "By the way, what did the girl say before that I need to do?" Gongye Huai did not forget this.

   Qianyan said, "I know that Han Jiangxue."

   "Oh?" Gong Yehuai was surprised. Seeing Qianyan's calm expression, he guessed that their relationship must be bad.

   "What does the girl want me to do?"

   "You can accompany him more and let him improve his spiritual power, which will be faster. If you smash him with a knife, the spiritual power will be raised slower."

   Gongye Huai is puzzled, is he not an enemy?

   This is to help Han Jiangxue?

   "He's the girl's friend?"


   "The enemy?"


   Gong Yehuai didn't ask any more questions. Since he was an enemy, he couldn't be a helper. She must have made him do this.

  Walking on the rivers and lakes, don’t inquire about other people’s private affairs.

   "Okay, next time he comes again, I'll play with him first, and I won't hack him to death so quickly."

   Since it is an enemy, it is to torture the other party.

  Tossing the other party, the other party can still grow mental strength, it is really amazing, he wants to try it now.

   Chu Chenjiang, who came out of the game nutrition warehouse, suddenly shivered, thinking that he had caught a cold and put on an extra layer of clothes.

   Walking out of the game nutrition warehouse, he quickly checked his mental strength.

   Sure enough, the growth rate has become faster.

   He guessed right, Gongye Huai's mental strength increased much faster than other places, and he will go there for more walks in the future.

   This encounter was really a surprise for him.

  Chu Chenjiang did not continue the game or study the script, but turned on his phone and opened the jewelry website, looking at all kinds of jewelry.

   At this moment, a message popped up suddenly, with the note name being Miss A.

  Miss A: She hasn't promised to marry you yet?

  Chu Chenjiang frowned subconsciously, but when he remembered his fate, his brows slowly unfolded: I have been fighting for it.

  Miss A: Really? Don't have any other thoughts, otherwise I will announce the design of your encounter with her in advance, and she will give up on you without hesitation. I can make you appear by her side, and I can make you disappear. You have everything you have today, and I can take it away too. Without you, there is another person.

  Chu Chenjiang: You are too anxious, if it is so easy to succeed, how can I be the only one who can become her boyfriend after so many years? If you change someone, do you think you can change it if you change it? If you announced everything now, you might not have such an opportunity.

  Miss A: OK, then I will wait for your good news.

  Chu Chenjiang didn't reply, his eyes fixed on the conversation just now, as expected, the phone seemed to be infected with a virus, and the conversation just now disappeared.

   Among his friends, he couldn't find a name called Miss A at all, and he didn't know who Miss A was.

   In the past, he was very in awe of this Miss A. Since his spiritual power has been improved, he has been able to use his spiritual power to control the water cup and the actions of the hamster. His inner fear is gradually disappearing.

   When he grows up, he will no longer be threatened by anyone, including Miss A.

   He continued to flip through the phone, this time instead of looking at the jewelry website, he opened the album and looked at the woman in the album, his expression softened unconsciously.

The photos in the    album are actually Qianyan's face.

   Just then, the news of Miss A popped up again.

  Miss A: Are you in love with her?

  Chu Chenjiang was a little angry: You don't need to worry about it. Is it interesting to monitor other people's lives at any time?

   (end of this chapter)

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