Chapter 1835 Hundreds of billions of rich women (28)

  Miss A: I'm afraid you're not good-natured, doesn't this reveal your little secret? That's fine, you can be more involved, as long as you don't do bad things, otherwise it will only make you disappear ahead of time.

  Chu Chenjiang: Don't worry, nothing bad will happen.

  Miss A: That's good.

  Chu Chenjiang watched these words disappear, threw the phone aside, and lay down in the game nutrition compartment again. He still had to improve his mental strength as soon as possible.

   Early the next morning, Qianyan received a call from Chu Chenjiang.

   After a few conversations with the Dialogue applet in Chu Chenjiang, he suddenly said, "Ayan, do you want to marry me now?"

   Qianyan was a little surprised. There is a setting for this question in the dialogue applet. After all, Chu Chenjiang has asked the original owner this question many times.

  The original owner didn't want to tell the other party about her childhood, because she was not used to showing her wounds to others. Her temperament is also cold, so every time she tells him not to think too much, to avoid this topic is that she is not sure whether her illness can be cured.

   The answer to this dialogue applet is: "Isn't it okay?"

"Yeah, I said it before, but I couldn't help asking, because I really want to marry A Yan." Chu Chenjiang's voice was soft, as if he was afraid that it would disturb her if it was loud, "I dreamed about it last night. You have become my bride, it seems that you are dreaming. If A Yan wants me to marry one day, I can give up everything. "

   Qianyan was a little silent when she heard this. Although she couldn't feel the same way, she could analyze the general psychology of the other person from the words of one person.

  Chu Chenjiang said this, it really didn't seem like he was pretending.

   She observed the young woman in the wishing space again, the other person seemed to be in a daze, was he talking about Chu Chenjiang? It sounds very real, no wonder the original owner is so smart that he can't tell the truth from the fake.

   "Ayan, I'm going to work."

"I'll call you at noon, remember to eat well, and call the doctor if you're not feeling well. How did you take care of yourself? When you first met, you didn't have to travel in a wheelchair, and remember to bask in the sun. If it wasn't for the doctor saying that you were just a Weak, I thought you were seriously ill."

   "When I finish filming this TV series, I will come back to take you to play and supervise your meals..."

The   dialogue applet responded to Chu Chenjiang according to the lines and tone set by Qianyan.

   Waiting for the call to hang up, Qianyan continued to play with the computer, actually communicating with the original owner.

   Fu No. 1, who was standing behind her, looked out of place, and a sentence flashed in his mind: Miss Fu turned out to be an indifferent and heartless girl.

   Fu No. 1 quickly shook his head, this is not his responsibility.

  Qianyan has long noticed that Fu No. 1 is shaking his head behind his back, his eyes are getting more and more complicated, and he doesn't know what strange things he is thinking.

  Perhaps, she should arrange some things for him, so as not to think wildly, it is not good for robots to think wildly.

   "Fu No. 1."

   "What is Miss Fu's order?"

   "Inspect the villa and the garden outside to see if there is anything that needs to be sorted out."

  Fu No. 1: "…"

  I really don't think of robots as people.

   "Okay, Miss Fu."

   Indeed, he is a robot now, and she doesn't even know he is human.

  Since he was instructed, he has to do it, just in time to try the new functions of this machine body, and I am looking forward to it.

  The new function can jump to the roof, try it first, I don’t know how it compares to his Qinggong.

   When Qianyan's mental power swept across Fu No. 1 jumping on the roof, his eyes were weird.

  Perhaps it would be better for her to let him sit quietly beside her.

   I'm here after staying up late

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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