Chapter 1836 Hundreds of billions of rich women (29)

   After a busy day, Chu Chenjiang came to the game again.

   As usual, he did the quest upgrade first, and tried his luck to see if he could get a cheat book to improve his strength.

   With his current situation, he can see Gong Ye Huai, but facing Gong Ye Huai's strength, he can't take a single move.

   Even so, his mental strength on Gongye Huai's side has skyrocketed, which makes him very envious.

   If you can do more tricks with Gongye Huai, your spiritual power will definitely grow faster. It should be said that as long as he can communicate with Gongye Huaiduo, his spiritual power will continue to grow.

   As for why this is happening, Chu Chenjiang has not been able to find out the reason so far, and only looks forward to strengthening his spiritual power.

   An hour after leveling up, Chu Chenjiang finally came to Taolin's mansion, still using the method he used to challenge before to meet Gong Yehuai.

When    went in smoothly to meet Gong Yehuai, he saw that familiar face again.

   The opponent's game nickname is Xuanxin. Even if he doesn't pay attention to most of the news about this game, he still knows that this is a player who is very willing to squander money in the game.

   That world chase order is still impressive.

   Not to mention that every time she sees Gongye Huai, she will carry two pots of Peach Blossom Fairy Brew. This thing is not cheap, even if he can take out the money, he will not use it in the game.

   "Your name is Han Jiangxue? Do you want to challenge this son?" When facing other players, Gongye Huai never fails to set up a character, and always chooses the appropriate lines from the database to say.

  Chu Chenjiang said: "Actually, I want to ask the son for advice, not to provoke the son."

On the way to   , he had thought about his words, and he didn't intend to be as reckless as the previous two times, lest he would be hit by Gongye Huai's sword.

Gongye Huai raised his brows lightly: "Oh? You came in to ask my son for advice? Did you know that once my son strikes out his sword, you must go out sideways today. This is the rule of the Taolin Mansion. Han Jiangxue, since you are here When I drew my sword in front of the door and fought with my two maids, the outcome was already doomed."

"I will pursue swordsmanship in the next life. I only heard that Gongye's swordsmanship is superb. Even if it costs his life, he is willing to give his guidance." Chu Chenjiang is a professional director, and when it comes to writing scripts, he uses various The words are just trivial.

   In this way, he really performed a sword idiot vividly.

   Gong Yehuai suddenly smiled, but this smile was a little disdainful and a little cold: "You have some courage, well, since you are not afraid of death, this young master will satisfy you, so that you can go to the peach forest to make fertilizer."

   Really fell asleep and came to send the pillow. Originally, he was still thinking about how to design so that he could torture the other party without breaking the premise. He didn't want Han Jiangxue to actually hand him a ladder.

   Gongye Huai drew his sword, and this time he really cut Chu Chenjiang in half without going up.

  Chu Chenjiang was relieved, it seemed that it was effective, so he also showed his sword: "Offended."

   "Stop talking nonsense, just come."

  In an instant, the two were intertwined.

   It was just a confrontation, Chu Chenjiang was repelled, and he lost most of his blood in an instant. Fortunately, Gong Yehuai did not continue to attack, which made him relieved.

Gong Yehuai swung his sword and slashed at Chu Chenjiang again, until only a drop of blood was left, and he lay dying on the ground, saying, "You can recover from your injuries first, it's rare to see someone with such courage as you, after recovery Whatever trick comes out, it's just one chance."

  Chu Chenjiang was ecstatic after the accident, and quickly took the medicine. He recovered almost, and once again ushered in Gongye Huai's attack.

   (end of this chapter)

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