All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 1874: Hundreds of billions of rich women (end)

   Chapter 1874 Hundreds of Billion Rich Women (End)

   As a result, he found that it was quieter than before. Before, he could hear the voices of the two and himself, but now he can't even hear his own shouts. Of course, this was designed by Qianyan.

   She had observed Chu Chenjiang's situation, and she didn't pay much attention to him when she saw that he was very collapsed inside.

   As for whether he can come out in the future, it depends on his fate. If he comes out at that time, it will not be a threat to the world, but it will be taken advantage of.

   Gong Yehuai and Qianyan were practicing swordsmanship in the small bamboo forest, and a butterfly floated in outside. The butterfly by the bamboo forest turned into a fat white man dressed as a scholar, but he didn't look like a scholar at all, but a man of a landlord.

"Tsk tsk, so real, so real, I thought I really came to Fengzhu Mountain, as expected of the conscientious officials in the eyes of those players, this picture, this design, this bamboo forest, who can see that it is fake. If it hadn't come Walking around here, I can't believe it."

"I heard that Zhiqing here is very popular. To meet Zhiqing, players need to pass the level of super hard mode, otherwise they can only be super kryptonite, and if kryptonite is gold, they may not be able to stay in it for long. But Zhiqing meets a local tyrant female player every day in the small bamboo forest for a long time. I don’t know how this local tyrant player stayed here for a long time. I am curious. Zhiqing is really promising, and this game is officially very promising.”

   "Alright, I've been on the list all my life, and I'm finally not alone. My son is very pleased."

   Gongye Huai: "…"

   Qianyan: "…"

"Zhiqing." Tao Jiuxiang came to Gongyehuai with a smile and circled around him. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his performance. The plot designed by the game official for him was that he would come here from time to time to stop by. But it's coming to drop by.

  According to his life and personality, the official gave him a lot of lines, which is in line with his style, and he is not afraid of what players can find.

  This is simply a good place for his dreams, and his dream of becoming a butterfly has also come true.

   The only pity is that he is the only one who wakes up. His wife is still an NPC, but he will work hard to read poems to her and try to use vulgar poetry to wake her up.

When Mrs.    saw him read such a vulgar poem, she would definitely wake up and scold him before helping him correct it.

  Tao Jiuxiang shook his head, put away the fan in his hand, and bowed his hands to Qianyan very politely: "This girl, under Tao Jiuxiang, I have something to find out, is it convenient?"

   "Tao Jiuxiang." Qianyan didn't answer, but Gong Yehuai called first.

  Tao Jiuxiang replied in surprise: "Zhiqing, why are you so unfamiliar with me? You used to call me unfamiliar, and when you were old, you were called Lao Tao."

   Gongye Huai pursed his lower lip, walked quickly to Tao Jiuxiang, grabbed his collar and dragged him aside.

   "Hey, hey, Zhiqing, why have you become so rude? You would never treat your good friends like this before. You have always treated those thieves rudely."

   "Go up, you." Gong Yehuai threw Tao Jiuxiang on the bamboo forest and hung him up.

  Tao Jiuxiang swayed on the bamboo: The game official's record of Zhiqing must be unclear, and his design was crooked.

   In the face of Gongyehuai's various criticisms, Tao Jiuxiang felt that the game officials had thoroughly understood Zhiqing's response, and he also cared about the fact that he sent pictures of beautiful women to be buried with him.

   "It seems that your friend hasn't reacted yet." Qianyan followed, "I thought you were designed by the official game."

   As early as Tao Jiuxiang's performance was unusual, Qianyan used mental power to shield everything here, so as not to be monitored.

  Under Tao Jiuxiang's confusion, Gongyehuai finally explained his experience. After Gongyehuai and Qianyan went offline, he asked the soulless Gongyehuai all kinds of questions and found that this was really an NPC.

   Later, Gongye Huai and Qianyan often went to find Tao Jiuxiang in the game, and told him that his book was selling well and that netizens liked him very much.

   He was so happy to see everyone smiling, and from time to time he sent players some equipment.

   One day, two butterflies flew from Fengzhu Mountain. When they flew to the bamboo hut, the two butterflies turned into a man and a woman. The men are white and chubby, always smiling, and the women are gentle, but their eyes are very smart and intelligent.

   After speaking and writing, add more and more.

See you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

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