Chapter 1879 Suddenly becoming a big sister (5)

   At present, Deng Minghui is not a big month and is still working. At this time, there is no one at home.

   Qianyan pushed open the door of the original owner's room, and sure enough, the inside changed a lot. In fact, when she first entered the door, she saw the packed things in the corner of the living room, and a small wardrobe.

  As for desks and chairs, they are all gone.

  The original room was transformed into a baby room. The cribs were larger than normal, and two remote beds were prepared. Of course, there are no layouts at present, and there are still many unopened cardboard boxes in the house, which seem to be baby products.

  Qianyan went back to the kitchen to make some food, then sat in the living room and waited for the couple to return from get off work.

   At half past six, the door rang.

   The door hadn't opened yet, and before anyone came in, Rong Lianhao's voice came in first: "Slow down, be careful of the child."

  The door opened, and Rong Lianhao helped Deng Minghui enter the room. The two were still talking and laughing. Deng Minghui was a little haggard, but he still couldn't hide the smile that was about to overflow.

   However, when they took two steps inside and saw Qianyan sitting quietly on the sofa, staring at them, they stiffened in place.

  Deng Minghui is already pregnant, she subconsciously protects her stomach and seems to want to hide.

  Rong Lianhao came back to his senses quickly, and after helping Deng Minghui to sit on the sofa, he showed an unhappy look: "Why did you come back suddenly?"

   Qianyan's sudden appearance disrupted their plan to conceal the birth of a child, and he was a little annoyed.

   "If I don't come back, I don't even know what was born in my mother's womb." Qian Yan's words were very rude, which annoyed the two couples.

But Deng Minghui remembered her plan, his face softened, and he looked at Qianyan pitifully: "Yanyan, since you went to school, there have been only me and your father in the family. I think you are too lonely. Now I finally have the opportunity, and suddenly I have it again. Isn't this a godsend surprise? In the future, when your father and I are gone, you can still have younger brothers and sisters to accompany you, and you will not be so lonely. "

"Your mother is still pregnant with a dragon and a phoenix. This is a blessing that God has bestowed on our family. In the future, you have to be nice to your younger siblings. Be a big sister and be a big sister. Be more responsible." Rong Lianhao said this with an expression on his face. The spirit and happiness overflowed from the eyes.

   "Since you've come back, you can do housework before school starts, and bring some food to your mother at noon. It's better to eat at home." Rong Lianhao said rightly.

   Maybe Qianyan didn't make a fuss, making him think she had accepted this matter.

   "Are you dreaming?" Qianyan asked.

"Yanyan, what did you say?" Deng Minghui was a little angry, his eyes were red with grievance, "Isn't it so difficult to let you do housework for a few days and deliver meals for two days? Then what else do I have to support you? use?"

   "Have you discussed with me about your child?"

  In normal times, the original owner also does less housework, and basically she covers weekends and holidays.

   "That's not..." Rong Lianhao wanted to say that it was an accident, but was interrupted by Qianyan, "Whether it was intentional or accidental, you all know very well."

   "You didn't discuss it with me, but it's really your business to have freedom of birth and to want children. I'm not alone at all, it's great, don't use me as an excuse."

"How to raise these two children in the future is up to you to find a solution by yourself. Don't come to me for any problems. As long as you raise your own children and give birth like pigs, I will not care. When you are old, I will pay you according to the law. pension costs.”

"How can you be so selfish, this is your younger brother and sister." Rong Lianhao was angry, and Deng Minghui was also a little flustered. They could have the confidence to want this child because they thought that their daughter would grow up and be able to help take care of them. It won't be too difficult then.

  Qianyan: "Unless you are dead, disabled, and have no income, I have no obligation to support them."

   "If you are really dead, disabled, and have no income, I can't support them now, so I can only apply to send them to the orphanage. Someone should be rushing to support them, but you don't have to worry about it."

  Rong Lianhao blushed with anger, Deng Minghui stared, Qian Yan's attitude was something they never thought of.

See you tomorrow

   The beginning of dystocia…



   (end of this chapter)

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