Chapter 1880 Suddenly becoming a big sister (6)

  Qianyan stood up, walked to the room that belonged to her, and pushed open the door of the room. The two couples panicked subconsciously, for fear that she would smash something.

  Deng Minghui has to take care of the child in his womb, afraid of any conflict, and dare not chase after him to stop him.

  Rong Lianhao was not so concerned, he rushed over and stopped at the door angrily, his eyes were full of warnings, his voice raised: "My mother and I want a baby, you can't stop it."

"I said just now, as long as you raise your own, don't bother me, you two are like pigs giving birth to ten in one go, and I won't stop it." Qianyan's tone was light and slow, and the strong sarcasm inside was very special. uncomfortable.

   The couple, whom she likened to pigs, felt insulted and could no longer maintain the appearance of harmony.

   "I raised you so big, how did you talk? You have no respect for us at all." Rong Lianhao raised his hand to slap Qianyan's face, but Qianyan firmly caught it.

   She held Rong Lianhao's wrists tightly, but was so imprisoned that Rong Lianhao couldn't break free. Facing such a situation, Rong Lianhao was shocked and angry.

   When Rong Lianhao's arm was sore, she gently pushed him aside.

"Rong Qianyan, if you dare to break the contents, you will get out of this house and never come back. Don't want the living expenses and sophomore tuition." Rong Lianhao screamed in the back, why he didn't When he rushed up, he felt that he couldn't beat Qianyan. He was not the kind of person who would easily have physical conflicts with others.

   The subconscious slap just now was based on the fact that Rong Qianyan was his daughter. He felt that the slap would definitely hit him, and he felt that she should be slapped. So unfilial, they raised her so big, don't they just want a second child? Her selfish reaction was inappropriate.

   Qianyan walked around the house slowly, and then came out again, she didn't plan to smash anything.

   She has turned eighteen, and the two couples really have no obligation to raise her any more. It is really not illegal to drive her out.

   She just went in for a walk, took a look, and admired the way the two couples had blue veins bouncing on their foreheads.

   "So, this room doesn't belong to me?"

  Deng Minghui felt a little relieved when she saw that she didn't smash anything, those things are precious. For the sake of the pair of twins born in a few months, they all bought the good ones, for fear of wronging the children, and many of them were imported high-end products. She has asked many people, and they all say that it is good.

   If this dead woman really smashed her, she would be distressed to death.

   Thinking of these Deng Minghui, I was a little angry again. If it wasn't for the first child to give birth to this dead woman, wouldn't she be able to raise her head in front of her mother-in-law for so many years? Where can I expect my daughter.

   Now that she has a twin, everyone in her husband's family knows how beautiful she is, and who still looks down on her now?

  Deng Minghui didn't think that if there was such a commotion today, her daughter would leave the house.

   Waiting for the trouble, how to live and how to live.

   They are her parents, she can't really ignore them.

  The daughter was raised by her. She knew her character well, otherwise she would not have given birth to a child without concealing it, and she also expected her to help take care of the child in the future.

Deng Minghui packed up his mood: "Yanyan, you have to understand that the family is so big, you just come back for a vacation, you won't be staying for long, then you can leave the living room empty and put a foldable bed. Brothers and sisters are small children and are relatively fragile, as a eldest sister, you should be more tolerant and let them be a little bit more."

   (end of this chapter)

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