The names here are known to everyone in the Cheng family.

   On the list, Jiang Chuhuai still found Zou Or's name, but Zou Or's name was drawn a line early on.

   Obviously, due to the communication between Cheng Heng and Zou Or, he never thought that Zou Or would do such a thing.

  Jiang Chuhuai is still thinking about whether to remind him.

   Just thinking of Zou or now taking the initiative to write a letter, obviously wanting to lead the family to be fooled, is it too early to remind now? A Yan didn't seem to mention this, so he went back and asked.

   Unexpectedly, he just put down the list when he heard Cheng Ruyu say, "Dad, that Zou Or, is there really no problem?"

   Cheng Ruyu's words fell, and the house suddenly became quiet.

Cheng's family was a little surprised, obviously didn't expect Cheng Ruyu to think so, she saw everyone was not suspicious: "I just remembered that we haven't observed Zou or this person, Dad seems to have crossed this person out, isn't it too much? It's sloppy."

   "Besides, it's best to observe it if you know the person and the face but not the heart, even if it's the last observation."

  Cheng Heng hesitated: "But he didn't come to Cheng's house."

   "If you want to know the layout of the Cheng family, you only need to have money. From Dad's tone, it is not difficult to see that this person has a rich family, and obviously there is no shortage of these things. Isn't it easy to inquire about the layout of our Cheng family?"

   "What Ruyu said is." The old man said, "We can't be subjective and exclude people without observation."

  Cheng Heng thought about it, and it was true: "Then put his name at the end."

   He opened the list and added Zou or's name on the last page. He stared at the name twice, thinking in his heart that he had to find the enemy earlier. Even at this time, he didn't think Zou was the one who would destroy the Cheng family.

"You can see the person." Mrs. Cheng knew what Cheng Heng was thinking when she saw what Cheng Heng looked like, "Ruyu said it well, you should put the person on the list, and you should be cleared of suspicion if you don't look at it, this is not good. ."

   "Especially those who you think are fine." Mrs. Cheng emphasized again, "You really can't look at people."

  Cheng Heng is glad that he is a ghost. If he were a person, his face would be hot at this moment.

   It's so good to be a ghost, you don't have a red face or a heartbeat when you make a ghost.

   "Suxiu, I think there is really no problem this time." Cheng Heng said very seriously, "I can't be so unlucky."

"Speaking of which, if Zou has any problems and knows that the Cheng family has been wiped out, will he still write to us? From his letter, there is nothing unusual. A friend whom he hadn't seen for many years, contacted again through Xue Zongguang, and he also sighed. It's fate."

   The more he talked about these, the more Cheng Heng felt that this time there was really no problem, this time it must be accurate.

   Mrs. Cheng didn't hold out hope: "Whether it's true or not, then let's see the results. Anyway, you're not very good at people's ability, so use facts to prove it."

  Cheng Heng was helpless and could only nod his head. He saw how inaccurate people were, which made his wife so suspicious.

   When he saw that the Cheng family members were all waiting for the result, he was speechless. Did everyone not believe it?

  Jiang Chuhuai's eyelids jumped by Cheng Heng's gaze, and he heard Cheng Heng say: "You think Zou or there is uncertainty over there, then our little son-in-law A Huai should be fine." Speaking of this, Cheng Heng laughed out loud.

   Unexpectedly, the Cheng family all looked strange.

   Mrs. Cheng came back again, staring at his face and looking at him in various ways: "It's different if you're a ghost, your face is getting thicker and thicker."

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