Mrs. Chen snorted coldly: "A Huai was clearly coaxed by our Yan'er. That is Yan'er's credit. What does it have to do with you? Do you want me to remind you who you are looking for?"

  Cheng Heng quickly conceded defeat, no, no, now he has a big opinion of Xue Zongguang, and he doesn't want to mention this outsider, so that his little son-in-law will also laugh at him.

   It's just that Jiang Chuhuai already knew it. I couldn't help but agree with my mother-in-law's words, my father-in-law really might have a chance to see someone.

   is very bad.

  I don't know if it was because of Zou Or's letter, the Cheng family was finally more urgent about revenge.

   Recently, I have been going out every night to observe the people on the list. Occasionally, they will go out for a few days in the name of visiting relatives.

  Unconsciously, there are fewer and fewer names on the list.

  Cheng Heng turned to the last page from time to time, the last name, looking at the word "Zou or", also fell into suspicion.

   One less name, the more chance of Zou or.

   If it was Zou or, why did the other party dare to write to him?

   Soon, Cheng Heng froze.

  The Cheng family has been looking for the real culprit. If there is any problem with Zou or he writes to him so openly and honestly, are they very sure that they do not know that the real culprit is him?

  If that's the case, Cheng Heng couldn't help slamming his fist on the table, but he couldn't control it for a while, and the table was torn apart.

   If this is the case, then it is very difficult.

  What happened, pretending that nothing happened, as long as he doesn't show any flaws, who can suspect him?

"Master, what are you crazy about?" Mrs. Cheng appeared in the study. Seeing Cheng Heng holding the list with a face full of anger, she couldn't help laughing, "Who are you thinking, you broke the table with anger? Could it be Zou or Bar?"

  Cheng Heng glanced at her and said angrily: "I'm so angry, not only are you not comforting, but you're adding fuel to the fire. Suxiu, I'm a little sad."

"Okay, okay, they're all old ghosts, don't pretend to be pitiful." That being said, Mrs. Cheng went over to pat Cheng Heng on the back, and rubbed his shoulder again, she asked, "If It's really Zou He, don't be too angry. How could this bad guy write on his face? It's just that you never offended him, he has helped you, sir, have you thought about why he did this?"

  Cheng Heng was a little confused and shook his head: "I can't think of it."

   It was unexpected, so he never doubted, because there was no conflict between them at all, and he had received Zou or help.

   If this is the result, it will make him very sad.

   "My Cheng family is small, but there are twenty or thirty people from top to bottom." Cheng Heng said blankly, "How can you be so vicious."

   "I don't want this anymore, let's exclude others first, in case it's not." Mrs. Cheng said.

  Cheng Heng has an intuition that the enemy is Zou or.

"We don't understand the reason. If it's really him in the end, let's ask. With our ability, it's not easy to pry something out of his mouth?" Mrs. Cheng smiled, "If he If he doesn't say it, I'll pull his nails, and if I don't say anything, I'll slap his bones. He killed so many people in my Cheng family, and he deserves such a punishment. "

  Cheng Heng hurriedly comforted, but he didn't want Madam Cheng to fall into an epiphany. He particularly understood what was going on, and hurriedly covered the surroundings with his own domain, so as not to leak his breath and cause unnecessary trouble.

  Mrs. Cheng became a ghost king in her anger and practiced her realm.

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