Chapter 3227 Changzhang Princess (45)

   "This is Liu Yihuai, the prospective son-in-law of the palace. I should have seen them all. Let's get to know each other again."

Sitting in the court hall with Liu Yihuai, Qianyan uttered such a news that knocked out all the ministers below, and just stared at Liu Yihuai in a daze, as if trying to catch him playing tricks .

  A few days ago, they were still discussing which kid was so insidious that he sneaked into the eyes of the eldest princess.

  The eldest princess gave them such a big surprise today, how should I put it, it is not surprising.

   What they said is not surprising, this is something the eldest princess can do.

  He felt a little reconciled, they thought that the boys in the family were not bad, but this Liu Yihuai grew up in the mountains, and his martial arts were just better.

  In addition, they thought that the eldest princess didn't like any boy in any family among them, and they felt a little more balanced. There is a kind of meaning that I didn't get it, and you didn't get it, so it's pretty good.

   Facing so many scrutinizing eyes, Liu Yihuai straightened his body, not afraid of sizing him up at all.

  If these people are not convinced and want to fight him, he will accept it.

Seemingly knowing what Liu Yihuai was thinking, Qian Yan and the minister who was silent for a while said: "If any of you are not convinced, you can fight with him. But winning or losing will not change my decision, whether he loses or not. Winners are all chosen by this palace."

  Liu Yihuai clenched his fist: As long as he does his best, no one will be able to win.

  But he was still very happy to hear His Highness said that he would choose him no matter what. Of course, that face is very indifferent now, and it is impossible to see any thoughts in his heart from it.

  The ministers below fell silent again when they heard Qianyan's words.

   Even the minister, who just wanted to object a little as usual, silently withdrew his toes as he was about to step forward.

Forget it.

  They knew who this Liu Yihuai was. It is said that all the guards of the palace were trained by Liu Yihuai.

  The males in their family are guards. When he was trained a few years ago, he was beaten every day, and even went home and told how abnormal Liu Yihuai was.

  The advantage of being trained by Liu Yihuai is that he is really better at fighting than before, and his martial arts are much higher.

  In addition, Liu Yihuai will still meet assassins when he goes out with His Highness in recent years.

   Often before the guards could make a move, Liu Yihuai, who was sitting next to the carriage driver, would rush out and capture the assassin alive.

  Sometimes when the assassin just showed up, Liu Yihuai flew out to catch him. The assassin was confused, and so were the guards.

  They all suspected that Liu Yihuai had discovered the assassin a long time ago, and didn't arrest him directly, because he felt that there was no evidence, and they had no reason to put him in the prison until the assassin rushed out and then arrested him.

   Those boys in the family are not guards or have learned martial arts. They can't even beat the guards in the palace, let alone go to Liu Yihuai for a competition.

  Forget it, it’s okay to challenge, it will not change the eldest princess’s mind.

  Her own affairs, as long as it is decided, basically cannot be changed.

   "Congratulations, Your Highness." The matter has been settled, and the ministers sent their blessings obediently, there is no need to make trouble.

  The eldest princess is not someone who can be handled casually, and if she says something bad, it will only annoy her.

   Taking care of the princess's private affairs, I'm afraid she wants to be caught by the other party.

  The minister in charge of this area also took the initiative to stand up, saying that after the end of the dynasty, he would prepare for this matter and choose a good day to get it done.

  (end of this chapter)

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