Chapter 3228 Changzhang Princess (46)

   They don't care who the eldest princess chooses, and it doesn't prevent them from looking forward to the younger one.

  Seeing the expectant faces of the ministers, Qianyan knew why after a little thought, but it was a pity that they were going to be disappointed.

   There will be no small ones.

   She can observe more about Da Chu's future successor.

  She should live longer in this world, not too early.

  Of course, if there are good seedlings, she is still willing to cultivate them earlier.

   Just this time, she has some ideas.

   "Okay, what else do you want to play today, hurry up." Qian Yan asked.

  The ministers also responded very quickly, and hurriedly reported the important matter.

   This is the first time Liu Yihuai has watched Qianyan go to court, and he feels that she is not an empress but more like an empress.

  His Highness is sitting here, no title is important.

  Why not ascend the throne? So what if it's just a long princess? These courtiers still have to bow their heads to her and be willing.

  He knew that the ministers actually hoped that His Highness would ascend the throne. It is said that every time he went to court, the ministers would ask for this matter. Over the years, no one has succeeded.

  He doesn't understand government affairs, but His Highness thinks it's better not to ascend the throne, so he naturally supports her in his heart.

  After the dynasty disbanded, the news that Liu Yihuai was the consort chosen by the eldest princess was also spread.

  As long as you know Qianyan, you must know Liu Yihuai.

  The words of Qianyan, if you are not convinced, you can find Liu Yihuai to fight, spread the word. The latter sentence, no matter what the result is, will only be Liu Yihuai's words, and it has not been left behind.

   It is naturally enviable to be treated like this by the person with the highest status in Da Chu.

  The noble sons in the capital gathered together, drank two glasses of wine, and couldn't help discussing this matter.

   After I finished speaking, I realized that my tone was sour. It turned out that I was a little envious.

  As for belittling Liu Yihuai, they shook their heads quickly, not daring in their hearts.

  Let’s not talk about how good His Royal Highness the Princess is at gathering information, but Liu Yihuai, who is so strong in martial arts, they don’t want to be beaten.

  The family members have told them not to participate in the eldest princess's private affairs, and they have made it clear that they don't want to be that sinner.

  Feng Rong from Xingqing Palace sneered when he heard this.

  It is useless to choose anyone, short-lived ghosts are short-lived ghosts.

   Just wait, in less than a year, she will die. Once she dies, the entire Great Chu will be under his control.

  He Feng Rong is the destiny, the master of the entire Great Chu.

   Just as everyone was happily preparing for the eldest princess's wedding, a piece of news suddenly exploded.

   Someone actually wanted to challenge Liu Yihuai and fight him. Even though he knew the result would not change, this person made this request without hesitation.

   When they found out who this person was, everyone who knew it was silent.

  His name is Tao Qing.

  The general who had just been transferred back to the capital, after a little inquiry, they were shocked to find that General Tao did not have a wife.

   This time, the gossip hearts of countless people can be hooked out.

  General Tao is also in his early thirties. Da Chu men basically make a marriage contract at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Many people get married at the age of sixteen or seventeen, and most of them are in their early twenties.

  Tao Qing is the eldest princess' confidant, and he has no wife, so it's impossible for people not to think too much about it.

   There are even restless people who are eager to move, wondering if the eldest princess' decision will affect Tao Qing's loyalty.

   Not knowing the facts, Liu Yihuai received a letter of challenge from Tao Qing.

   Tao Qing’s challenge to him was a letter of challenge directly entrusted to someone, and did not go through Qianyan.

  (end of this chapter)

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