All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3605: go to your concubine's room (1)

  Chapter 3605 Go to your concubine's room (1)

"Ever since I knew Zhou Zheng's identity, I gave up. I know what kind of temperament I am. On the surface, I am gentle and polite. In fact, I am used to being doted on by my family. I am domineering and arrogant. Let alone Zhou Zheng's concubine, I just want to be him. I don't even like the main room, that place is really uncomfortable, and I have never yearned for it."

   "I like a free life. It is best for my husband to be obedient and sensible, and follow me in everything."

"When Zhou Zheng didn't think of everything, he fit these criteria. Since the reunion, he has changed a lot. After all, we have been together for so many years, and the relationship doesn't just change at will. Knowing his identity and seeing him get married with his own eyes, I really do It's sad. But I think clearly, if I know I can't go back to the past, then I will look forward."

"He, Zhou Zheng, is an aristocrat in Tianhuang. He might reach that position in one step in the future. He will be his prince. And I, still my little business girl, will let go of this matter completely one day, and look honest. If an obedient husband gets married, he can live in peace for the rest of his life. It's a pity...Zhou Zheng won't let me go."

"Don't look at me as a reasonable person on weekdays. Once I want to do something against my will, ten cows will be hard to pull back. Facing him, I used countless methods to resist. But I didn't get rid of all this. His body was covered in bruises, and it also affected the people around me. I couldn't bear him hurting the people around me. From then on, I had a plan, and sooner or later I would eat a piece of meat off Zhou Zheng, and make him regret it."

The bright woman on the stone bench smiled disappointedly: "However, I only know how to be a three-legged cat, and my brain is considered smart. I can't use it at all in that place. I am watched all day long, and my every move is under Zhou Zheng's nose. Never got a chance."

"Every time I was caught by him, he didn't take my life. Every time after finishing the work, he hugged me with a wounded look and said some ridiculous love words. He couldn't bear to want me to My life. Occasionally he is really angry, and he will have a grim face and say that he will never let me go."

   "Indeed, I have never been able to get rid of Zhou Zheng in my whole life."

   "In the middle, I actually thought of a way, pretending to follow Zhou Zheng, have a child and raise her, and use this child to bring her down."

  The bright and beautiful woman shook her head regretfully: "This guy is very cunning, maybe he has seen through my intentions and secretly injected me with sterilization drugs."

   "It's a bit regretful, but I also feel relaxed. Barrenness and Zhou Zheng are related by blood, but there are not so many fetters."

   "Even though I was tortured like this, I never thought about dying. I always thought that if I lived for a day, there would be hope, and even if I endured it, I could kill Zhou Zheng."

   "For fear that he would die too slowly, I thought of another way and decided to do more things to anger him."

"My relatives are almost dead. There is nothing that can threaten me. He didn't intend to kill me. Even if he angered him, it was just a pain in the flesh. Therefore, I tried my best to anger him. I heard that he was angry. In the heart, it is easy to get sick."

   Qianyan: "..."

   "His life is indeed not long. According to the situation at the time, I can boil him to death without any problem."

   "However, he would never let me go even if he died. Before he died, he left an imperial decree asking me to be buried." At this point, the bright woman slapped the stone table with her hand, and cursed Zhou Zheng through gritted teeth.

   "My wish is very simple, if I can go back to the beginning and put away my compassion for helping others."

  (end of this chapter)

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