All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3714: After my father was spotted by the princess (36)

   Zhao Yue and the general both came forward, so Feng Kewen couldn't escape the little trick she played, and her maid Xuemei explained everything.

  This incident has been confirmed, and Chen Ling pointed out that Feng Kewen tripped her up, which seems to be justified.

  Facing Feng Kewen, who wanted to kill his precious daughter, General Chen didn't show any mercy, so he asked someone to go back to pack the bags on the spot, and send Feng Kewen back to Feng's house. Feng Kewen was so frightened that she was at a loss for a long time, she couldn't say a word at all, her mind was full of the plan her mother had given her, and she was gone.

   Zhao Yue obviously didn't want to just let it go, she said to General Chen: "Renbengong will arrange for someone to be sent to Feng's house later."

  General Chen naturally had no objection: "The minister will send her things over first."

   Before the crowd dispersed, Zhao Yue's voice was heard: "What do you want Afu to do with her?"

  Dave changed into clean clothes in the carriage earlier, she fell into the water not too long, she was frightened before, but now she has recovered.

  She didn't want to leave, she naturally wanted to see the result. I thought that Chen Lingla's back must be that little maidservant, but I didn't expect it to be Feng Kewen.

  Dave never suspected that Chen Ling bumped into her on purpose, especially after hearing that Feng Kewen did the previous thing, it is probably true that the other party tripped Chen Ling. Just now, she still knew where Zhong Qianyan's little maidservant was, and she couldn't trip Chen Ling.

  Feng Kewen has always been by Chen Ling's side, it is really possible.

   "She caused me to fall into the water, so of course she wanted to let me experience the feeling of falling into the water." Dave came out of the carriage, and cast her cold eyes on Feng Kewen's face.

  Zhao Yue said: "Okay, then let her fall into the water and try."

  Feng Kewen was terrified, but unable to resist, she was held up by two nuns and thrown directly into the water.

  On the scene, there was only Feng Kewen's cry for help, and the rest of the place was eerily quiet.

  Feng Kewen fell into despair again and again, and was fished out of the water again and again. There was no other expression in her eyes except fear.

   "Sister Yan'er, are you scared?" Dave suddenly asked Qianyan who was standing by, hoping to see some fear from the other person's face, so as to tell him how powerful her mother is.

   Qianyan looked up at Dave, and said flatly, "Scared."

   No, that's not the answer Dave wanted.

  She wanted to see this little maidservant fear, not for the other party to say the word "scared" in a calm manner. With her appearance, is she really afraid?

  Punishes her murderer, but Dave is not happy.

  She wanted to have a fit, but she couldn't. She understood that the restriction imposed on her by the little maidservant was that she couldn't directly target the other party.

   Feng Kewen saved her life in the end. After this incident, it is estimated that she will not be able to see each other again for a long time.

  Qianyan didn't sympathize with what Feng Kewen had encountered. This person deserved it. Zhong Moyou had suffered a lot at the hands of the other party.

   It can be said that the noble ladies who appeared today, except for a few who have nothing to do with themselves, have directly or indirectly caused harm to Zhong Moyou.

  She didn't bother with these noble girls, Chen Ling is enough to kill her, and she thinks that the next Beijing noble girl circle will be very lively.

  Back to the princess mansion, Zhong Yunfeng asked Qianyan alone.

  Qianyan repeated it briefly, and Zhong Yunfeng finally said: "When you go out in the future, you should pay more attention to Afu. If you encounter such a thing again, remember to give Afu a hand, don't stand by and watch the excitement."

   "Am I her servant?"

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