Chapter 285 Is this the trouble that the apprentice is too good?

The body hair of these wolf-like star beasts is silvery white, but there is a ring of golden hair on their necks and four claws, which looks a little strange.

They are already two-star beasts, and they are not low in wisdom. They don’t dodge in the face of the blazing arrows, but condenses sharp golden claw blades on their claws, and slams forward.

Clang clang clang!

The golden claw blade hit the flame arrow, making a metal collision sound, and was actually blocked by it.

However, two or three of the dozen rockets hit the target, and the three star beasts were nailed to the ground in a few screams.

The remaining four wolf-like star beasts were aroused by ferocity, prancing in the air, and instantly approached Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged, and with a wave of his hand, several fire forces quickly condensed into a rope shape, entwining the four wolf-like star beasts.

The four wolf-like star beasts were in the air, too late to dodge, and were entangled. Wang Teng used the rocket again to easily nail the remaining wolf-like star beasts to death.

It’s a long story. In fact, all this happened in a short moment, and several 2-star beasts were killed on the spot, which was evident by the methods of the Mind Master.

“Not bad!” Goring slowly fell, nodding flatly: “But there are still some shortcomings. When attacking, you can control the dozen or so rockets with mental power to change their directions. This is the first round of attack. Then we can completely kill those star beasts.”

Wang Teng actually wanted to say that he just wanted to use a few more’techniques’ to become more proficient, but if he said it, the cheap teacher would be more embarrassed. Just think about it and forget it. He nodded and said: “What the teacher said is that next time I will definitely Notice.”

“Well, let’s continue.” Goring nodded and moved forward, but he sighed in his heart. This newly recruited apprentice has no sense of accomplishment in teaching. He almost doesn’t need him as a teacher to give special instructions. People are happy and helpless.

Is this the trouble that the apprentice is too good?

Several star beasts were killed and several attribute bubbles were dropped, and Wang Teng picked them up when Wang Teng regained his mental power.

【Golden Force*50】

【Blank attribute*64】

Goring didn’t notice any abnormalities, either, even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn’t think of Wang Teng’s ability to pick up attributes.

Afterwards, Wang Teng waved his hand and put a few star beast corpses into the space ring, and quickly followed in Goring’s footsteps.

As for the existence of the space ring, he did not intend to hide it.

During the day today, he discovered that not only Goring had a space ring, but also Su Lingxuan, Liu Xinghui and other aristocratic children. This shows that although space rings are precious, they are not uncommon in the upper class.

One night passed quickly, and two hours before dawn, the two of Wang Teng returned to Yangcheng.

Wang Teng made great progress this night, mastering several powerful’technologies’, and he truly became a spiritual master.

Think about it before he could only use his mental power to control weapons to attack, it was really rough, and the consumption of mental power was also great, and the gain was not worth the loss.

However, in some respects, controlling weapon attacks has its advantages. After all, mental power combined with some sharp weapon attacks is indeed very powerful.

Just like Wang Teng’s special weapon meteor cone, it is not only sharp, but also has some special effects. It is definitely a must-have for sneak attacks and assassinations.

Back to the cabin, Wang Teng went back to his room and fell asleep.

It was past eight o’clock in the morning.

“Boom boom boom!”

There was a loud knocking outside the door.

“Who!” Wang Teng woke up, blocked the sunlight coming in from the window with his hand, frowned and shouted.

“It’s me, the sun is already basking, and I can’t get up yet.” Su Lingxuan said softly outside the door.

“Let me sleep a little longer!” Wang Teng turned over and mumbled.

“Get up, I have prepared breakfast!” Su Lingxuan said.

“Grandma, I’m so sleepy, can I get up and eat later?” Wang Teng said helplessly.

“No, it’s breakfast time. You must get up to eat. If you don’t get up again, I will kick the door!” Su Lingxuan said.

“Damn, are you the devil? You won’t let you sleep.” Wang Teng was mad, got up from the bed helplessly, opened the door violently, and stared at Su Lingxuan fiercely: “Count you cruel!”

“I got up so late, what bad things did you do last night?” Su Lingxuan’s eyes were sly, with a smirk, she looked inside the house with her head.

“Go go, I just came to Yangcheng, and I am unfamiliar with the place, so what bad things can I do?” Wang Teng said silently.

“Oh, you can’t do bad things if you are unfamiliar in life, so you can do bad things when you are familiar.” Su Lingxuan suddenly looked at him with contempt.

“…” Wang Teng suddenly realized that this little girl had a black belly, hey, why did you say that? ?

“Too lazy to talk nonsense with you!”

Wang Teng stepped out and walked out, not even closing the door, there is nothing in it anyway, just look around.

Su Lingxuan felt bored, closed the door for him, and hurriedly followed.

“Where is breakfast?” Wang Teng asked.

“Oh, I didn’t actually make breakfast, let’s go out to eat.” Su Lingxuan smiled.

“…” Wang Teng’s eyes widened, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Su Lingxuan. He actually followed the words of this little girl.

“Hey, let’s go, I know there is a delicious breakfast shop nearby, I’ll take you there.” Su Lingxuan said with a smile.

“You want me to treat again!” Wang Teng sneered.

“What’s the matter? You just got more than 10,000 rough stones yesterday. Breakfast was just a drizzle.” Su Lingxuan said: “A man can’t be so stingy. You won’t find a girlfriend.”

“Is this a question of being stingy? Also, who can’t find a girlfriend, can he speak?” Wang Teng’s eyes twitched, his face darkened, and he said angrily.

“Okay, okay, let’s do it, in the future you will invite me to eat and I will introduce you to your girlfriend. How about this deal?” Su Lingxuan squeezed her eyebrows at Wang Teng, and suddenly lowered her voice: “I’ll tell you, you It definitely makes a lot of money. The people I introduced are all beautiful women.”

“Do you think I’m the kind of person who discards principles for the sake of beautiful women?” Wang Teng asked without expression, with a decent and polite face, and calmly asked, “How beautiful is it?”

“Puff!” Su Lingxuan was almost choked by the turning of this god.

Just when she heard Wang Teng finished the previous sentence, she was still a little stunned. She didn’t expect Wang Teng to be so serious. Did she misunderstand him?

The question came out, and in the next second, the person who had just built up in her heart collapsed, and it was a complete mess.

“It’s beautiful, it’s beautiful, I promise to satisfy you.” Su Lingxuan said with a weird expression.

“Cough cough, I suddenly felt that, as a senior, it is reasonable for me to have a breakfast or something.” Wang Teng nodded.

Su Lingxuan felt a little bit new about the shamelessness of this senior.

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