Chapter 286 Ooze Monster Killer

The two of them finished their breakfast outside and returned to the Rune Guild.

By the way, I also brought a copy to Goring.

Su Lingxuan was really rude in asking Wang Teng to treat her, and the food was the best and most expensive.

It didn’t matter to Wang Teng, after all, it really didn’t cost much to eat.

After breakfast, Goring began to teach the two people about rune literature. As the president of the Rune Guild, Yangcheng was absolutely no match for the accomplishments of runes.

However, his teaching did not take much time. After two hours of teaching, he returned the time to the two of them so that they could practice exploration by themselves.

On the other hand, Wang Teng took advantage of Goring’s business trip and sneaked into the rune guild to pick up the rune attributes dropped by the guild rune master.

【Rune Knowledge*2】

[Rune knowledge*5]


【Rune Knowledge*4】

He picked up each of the attribute bubbles, and Wang Teng’s rune knowledge and spiritual attributes quickly improved. After more than an hour, he obtained a total of 45 points of rune knowledge attributes and 28 points of spiritual attributes.

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (78.1100)

[Rune Master]: Intermediate (151500)

“Hehe, you may be promoted to a senior runemaster in a few days. If Teacher Goring knows, I don’t know if he will be shocked.” Wang Teng thought cheerfully.

After picking up a wave, there are not many attribute bubbles to pick up in the guild for the time being, and Wang Teng does not intend to waste time doing it here.

He returned to the small garden behind the guild, only to find that Su Lingxuan was not there and did not know where he had gone.

Just about to go back to the house to make up for a while, the corner of my eyes suddenly saw a group of slimes jumping in the flowers…oh no, it was a slime baby.

His eyes suddenly became erratic.

Look around!

Very good, no one.

Wang Teng cautiously stepped forward and reached out his hand to catch a ooze monster baby. Their movements were not fast, and they even looked a little awkward. With his skill, he naturally grasped one accurately.

The baby ooze fell into Wang Teng’s hands, constantly twisting and struggling, the whole body was like a ball of jelly, soft and boneless, its shape changed, and it almost made it slip from his hands.

It also made a strange cry of “咿咿咿啕” in its mouth, but it was also a little cute.

Wang Teng had only seen descriptions of these creatures in various film and television novels before, and had not really encountered them, so it is impossible to know what their sounds are.

With a curious expression on his face, he looked at this strange creature.

Speaking of it, the world is really amazing, such a creature was born.

However, even a different world appeared, what else was impossible, Wang Teng thought slightly of self-deprecating.

Then he focused his gaze, scanned the surroundings again, and even probed it mentally to make sure that no one was there.


The fire force in the body was mobilized, and a ball of flame rose from Wang Teng’s hand.


The ooze monster baby didn’t even have time to scream, and instantly turned into ashes and disappeared.

“Guilty, sin!”

Wang Teng mourned for the ooze monster baby for three seconds, and then looked at an attribute bubble that dropped after his death.

【Water Force*1】

Then, no more!

It’s gone! ! !

As far as the original force of the water system is just one point, there is nothing else.

What about the good transformation talent? ?

Wang Teng looked at this 1 point of water system force silently, this ooze monster baby really did not live up to the name of its waste material!

It’s a pity that no waste material can become the protagonist!

No matter, it’s 1 o’clock at 1 o’clock. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat, and it can’t be wasted.

Wang Teng picked it up directly, then touched his chin, and muttered to himself: “After all, the attributes of talents are not that easy to drop. The probability should be relatively low. Then…Should you kill a few more?”

“However, if Mentor Goring knows that I killed his research subject, I wonder if it will explode?”

He couldn’t make a decision, but when he thought of the possibility of that talent, Wang Teng was cruel and grabbed a ooze monster baby again.

“Don’t blame me! I am also forced to be helpless…”

A flame rose, and another ooze monster baby returned to the west.

【Earth Force*1】

“…” Wang Teng.


【Wood Force*1】

【Fire Force*1】

【Golden Force*1】

Seeing the ooze monster babies die in their own hands, but they still have the force attribute of 1:1, Wang Teng’s forehead can’t help but a layer of fine sweat.

too difficult!

too difficult! !

“Doesn’t there exist any transformation talents at all?” Wang Teng was suspicious.

Or forget it?

He looked at the few ooze monster babies left, a little guilty.

“The last one!” After so much effort, Wang Teng was somewhat unwilling, his eyes flickered, and he deceived himself and said to himself.

Well, yes, it’s the last one.


The flame took away a little life.

【Wood Force*1】

“…” Wang Teng was a little mad, clenched his fists, and took a deep breath: “Why… do it again?”

“This is really the last one!”

Wang Teng’s eyes were firm, he regarded death as home, grabbing one and sending it to the Paradise of Bliss.

It dropped an attribute bubble, and before it had time to pick it up, a burst of shouts suddenly sounded.

“Wang Teng!!! What are you doing??”

Wang Teng suddenly felt aroused, feeling that his scalp was numb, he flicked away the ashes in his hands without a trace, stood up, and looked at Su Lingxuan who suddenly appeared with an innocent face.

“Junior sister, when did you come back? Where did you go to play just now?”

“Don’t give me sloppy eyes, say, what were you doing just now?” Su Lingxuan stared wide-eyed, walked over quickly, and saw the mess on the ground, and the few ooze monster babies shrinking together pitifully, she suddenly had a pretty face. Han Sha: “You, you, you…”

“I didn’t do anything, Junior Sister, please believe me.” Wang Teng quietly moved a step aside and said solemnly.

Su Lingxuan obviously didn’t believe his nonsense, she stared at Wang Teng incredibly, and said: “You are so crazy, the ooze baby is so cute, you actually killed them all!”

“I don’t, I’m not, you’re talking nonsense.” Wang Teng shook his head like a rattle.

“I saw it with my own eyes! I want to tell the teacher to go.” Su Lingxuan said.

“Don’t, Junior Sister, I admit, I admit, but I am not killing for the sake of killing, I am studying!” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and said hurriedly.

“Research? What can you study?” Su Lingxuan asked suspiciously.

“I, I’m studying their transformation talents. Teacher Goring is so persistent. As his disciple, I must inherit his will.” Wang Teng said nonsense with a serious expression.

“Really?” Su Lingxuan’s complexion eased a lot, but she still didn’t believe it. She always felt strange, but she couldn’t tell.

“It’s true, it can’t be true anymore.” Wang Teng nodded heavily.

“Then what did you research out?” Su Lingxuan asked.

“This…” Wang Teng was a little dumbfounded, his eyes drifting from side to side, he suddenly caught sight of the attribute bubble that had not been picked up by his feet, and it suddenly lit up.


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