Chapter 518: The Terrifying Ancient God Race!

The recovery of mental energy was too slow, Wang Teng could only recover while sensing the situation on the Void Mayfly.

The Void Mayfly has flown away for a long time, and they are already far away. With that little connection, Wang Teng can perceive the situation there.

It’s a pity that there is almost nothing in this void except for the gloom.

Existences like huge corpses were accidental accidents.

Wang Teng opened his eyes, his mental power had only recovered less than 10%, and he couldn’t help frowning.

Then he swept through the space equipment one by one, especially the hidden treasures from the Dark Seed. He hadn’t had time to count before, and he didn’t know what was inside.

There are so many treasures in it, if you can find a treasure that restores your spiritual power, you can also relieve your urgent need.

He carefully scanned the space equipment one by one, but unfortunately he was disappointed in the end.

“It seems that I think too much!” Wang Teng shook his head and sighed.

With the last space ring left, Wang Teng had already given up, but he couldn’t help being stunned when he roughly scanned it.

Who knows, he actually felt a strange wave of fluctuations.

The next moment, something appeared in Wang Teng’s hand.

It was a pitch-black piece of wood, which looked unremarkable, but it exuded a faint fragrance.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he found the relevant memory from his memory.

Restorative wood!

This is a rare treasure with spiritual power that can be cultivated.

Wang Teng had only heard of it before, but he didn’t expect this kind of existence among these hidden treasures.

“I’m making a lot of money!” Wang Teng took a deep breath, placed the Shen Shenmu on the center of his eyebrows, and his spiritual power penetrated into it. He suddenly felt a cold and warm meaning hovering in his mind, which shocked him and recovered his spiritual power. The speed is much faster than before.

“The rumors are true.” Wang Teng sighed comfortably.

As time passed, Wang Teng’s mental power recovered, and he continued to attack the huge corpse.

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

I didn’t know that after a few days, the body of the huge corpse was completely unrecognizable.

He is like an ant, gnawing a giant!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but admire himself, such a powerful corpse was turned into this by him.

Perseverance is very comparable.

When he got to the back, he could not pick up the profound attributes of power, and it seemed that he had reached the limit.

At this time, his power attribute has reached 56 points!

[The Profound Meaning of Power]: 56100 (10%)

Wang Teng nodded in satisfaction. He couldn’t ask for more. It was already a great fortune to be able to obtain the profound meaning of power.

In the end, his eyes fell on the head of the huge corpse.

The entire corpse, now only his mind is still intact, and Wang Teng kept it for the end.

The head is the place where memory and knowledge are stored. If he attacks here, what will he get?

Wang Teng looked forward a little.

After resting and recovering, and filling his stomach, Wang Teng began to attack the head of the huge corpse again.

Boom boom boom!

All the terrifying attack methods were tilted on the head of the huge corpse, and after a long time, it was wounded, and several attribute bubbles fell out.

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he picked it up immediately.

【Imperial Spirit*10】

【Ancient God Body*1】

【Ancient Gods*1】

【Imperial Spirit*8】

【Imperial Realm Perception*5】

With the integration of the attribute bubbles, Wang Teng was overjoyed.

The spirit of the emperor!

Emperor Realm Comprehension!

He actually gained the spirit and understanding of the imperial realm on this corpse.

You must know that his current spirit and comprehension are also at the emperor realm level, but it is precisely because of reaching this realm that he understands the difficulties.

It is too difficult to meet other existences who possess the spirit and understanding of the imperial realm.

But I didn’t expect to encounter it here.

But it’s not surprising to think about it, this corpse must have been extremely powerful before it was alive, and it is reasonable to be able to possess such a realm.

He might even be stronger than this when he was alive, but only the present thing remained after his death.

But for Wang Teng, he has already benefited immensely from the little things that leaked from the fingers of the boss.

Suddenly, his mind was shocked.

Ancient god body!

This is a supreme practice that surpasses the heavenly rank!

Wang Teng’s heart was shocked, although he guessed that the head of the madly huge corpse would definitely burst out good things, but he didn’t expect it to be so good!

At this moment, pictures of memories appeared in Wang Teng’s mind.

A huge figure sits on a planet…

That’s right, it is a planet!

That figure is drawing on the vitality of the planet and forging itself.

Lines of veins appeared on his body, star-like orifice points, and strands of Qi machine floating on the planet, blending into his body, and finally making him stronger.

A peculiar tattoo symbol slowly appeared between the eyebrows of that figure, which was extremely mysterious!

And the stars under him gradually became gray, and a gray aura emerged. In the end, the planet shattered suddenly and turned into a meteorite drifting to nowhere.

The huge figure stood up, without nostalgia, strode towards the depths of the void and disappeared.

Wang Teng recovered, unable to speak for a long time, opened his mouth, feeling dry, and swallowed unconsciously.

“Now it’s going to be posted!” he muttered to himself.

This exercise called “Ancient God Body” is beyond his imagination, too terrifying and powerful!

According to the division of the methods on the earth and stars, it is already beyond the heavenly rank and cannot be defined!

In addition, in addition to this “Ancient God Body”, Wang Teng also obtained the attribute bubble of the ancient god language.

The ancient god language is an ancient language, belonging to an ancient race called the ancient gods.

As the memory of this language melted into his mind, Wang Teng even learned some rough conditions of the ancient gods.

Obviously, this huge corpse is a member of the ancient gods!

Every member of the ancient gods is a natural cultivator. They are extremely powerful. They often use planets as their cultivation resources, plundering everything for their own use, walking in the starry sky, and their whereabouts are mysterious.

Fortunately, the number of these ancient gods is scarce, otherwise the entire starry sky universe is not enough for them.

Wang Teng took a deep breath, his gaze fell on the head that was already beyond recognition, and the bombardment continued.

【Imperial Spirit*3】

【Emperor Realm Perception*2】

【Imperial Spirit*1】

It’s a pity that only the spirit and savvy attributes are left behind, and there are no special attribute bubbles.

And even the attributes of spirit and understanding gradually diminished, until they never appeared again.

Wang Teng stopped squeezing the wool, looked at the corpse of the ancient gods who had been harmed by him in front of him, and couldn’t help touching his nose.

Is he going too far?

The ancient gods who dazzled the starry sky were all dead, and Wang Teng had to whip their corpse. If he knew it, he might jump up and shoot Wang Teng to death!

Wang Teng gave a dry cough, shook his head with a guilty conscience, his mental power surged, and a strong force pushed the corpse of the ancient god far away.

“Leave you, we will be indefinitely!”

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