Chapter 519 Space Storm

In the void, dead and empty, it seems that there is no living body.

However, in this environment, a figure shuttled quickly.

And in front of this figure, points of light flew toward the depths of the void. They were small in size but extremely fast, as if they were shuttled in the space, leaving only a trail of light and shadow, dragging out a trail of light, Extending towards the distance.

Wang Teng pursued the Void Mayfly and used his spatial talent to the extreme. His speed was not slow, and he could also travel through space.

It’s just that his space shuttle has a certain distance limit, and he can’t’jump’ too far, so he can only choose to’jump’ quickly and continuously to complete the long-distance space shuttle, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up with the speed of the void mayfly.

Of course he could also let the Void Mayfly lower its speed, but he didn’t do it in the end.

In this void of invisible margins, once slack off, people will fall into numbness.

He had already fallen into that state before. If it weren’t for the appearance of the Void Mayfly and the corpse of the ancient god race, he might not be able to wake up from that state until now.

The source stone in his space ring was consumed extremely quickly, and now a small part of it has been turned into a waste stone, and he is still in this void.

There is no force here, he can only rely on the source stone to restore his force.

Otherwise, the force in his body would have been exhausted long ago, and how could he be able to support him jumping around in the void for so long.

However, such frequent use of space talent is not without benefits, at least it allows him to have a more thorough understanding of space talent.

This piece of void was originally a crack in space. There were strong spatial fluctuations here. For those with spatial talent, it was definitely the best place to practice.

It is a pity that the void is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you will encounter unexpected situations such as the formation of space cracks and energy riots. A little carelessness will result in death, and death will be miserable.

When Wang Teng shuttled through the void, he often encountered these situations.

If it hadn’t been for the Void Mayfly to open the road ahead and explore all the possible dangers, he would have been cold.

I don’t know how long it took, the Void Mayfly in a certain direction suddenly lost contact.

Wang Teng stopped immediately, his eyes flickered, and he hesitated for a while, then carefully fumbled in the direction where the Void Mayfly lost contact.

After a while, he suddenly stopped, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

I saw that there was still a very long distance in the void ahead, a terrifying invisible storm was sweeping in. Wherever it passed, the void shattered, and white and miserable spatial cracks emerged.

The void mayfly that had lost contact before accidentally got too close and was involved in this storm.

Judging from the horror of this space storm, those void mayflies are probably too bad for you!

Wang Teng hurriedly backed up. He saw many other objects in the space storm. There were a lot of rubble, and there were also various clutters that came from nowhere. They were too far away, and they were rotating at a high speed. .

In addition, Wang Teng even saw a few corpses. Some of those corpses were some kind of unknown star beasts, but some were strange-looking humanoid races, not knowing where they came from.

How many areas has this space storm swept through before involving so many corpses?

After all, Wang Teng had straddled a large area before, and only happened to encounter a corpse of an ancient god race.

Speaking of the corpses of the ancient gods, they were not seen in the space storm at this moment.

It seems that it was really luck to meet before.

Wang Teng seriously doubted whether his lucky attributes from Xiao Ziye’s squeezing of wool played a role unknowingly?

Sure enough, he is a European emperor!

But at this moment, Wang Teng had no idea about the corpses in the storm.

This space storm is too terrifying, he has no time to hide, how dare he approach it.

Just getting closer, I felt an extremely strong suction coming from the front, as if to involve him in the storm and shatter him.

Knowing that he was already extremely far away from the space storm, but he was almost caught, and the horror was visible.

Having said that, those objects and corpses can survive the storm, which is very unusual!

As Wang Teng backed away, his eyes flickered, staring at the storm thoughtfully, and he couldn’t help but feel his chin thinking.

Suddenly, he was slightly taken aback!

He actually saw attribute bubbles in the space storm!

The space storm was too chaotic, and he didn’t notice the existence of the attribute bubble for the first time.

At this time, I took a closer look and found that there are still a lot of attribute bubbles, and the number is considerable.

Wang Teng’s heart was immediately moved.

Those items and corpses may not be good enough to “grab food from a tiger’s mouth”, but this attribute bubble is an intangible thing, only he can see it, shouldn’t it be too difficult to pick up with mental power?

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately made a decision, intending to try.

The mental power swept out in an instant, and cautiously plunged into the storm.


There was a roar in Wang Teng’s mind, and he immediately felt that his mental power was cut off and he completely lost control.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead.


This space storm is simply a large meat grinder!

Wang Teng looked at those attribute bubbles, a little unwilling, and once again spread his mental power.

This time he simply mobilized all his mental powers, twisted into a single strand, became extremely tough, and rushed toward those attribute bubbles.


The roar came again, but the mental power was not cut off.

“It works!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

But he didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly approached a few attribute bubbles nearby and rolled them out.

The storm’s pulling power is very powerful, and his mental power can’t help being stirred up in it.

Wang Teng looked solemn and tried his best to control his mental power, trying to get him out of the range of the storm.

He suddenly fell into a tug of war between him and the space storm!

If anyone has ever survived the horror of a space storm, he would be stunned to know that Wang Teng dared to take advantage of the space storm.

Boom boom boom!

Wang Teng’s mind was in a roar, and the imperial realm’s mental power was frantically urged, pulling out the attribute bubbles in the storm little by little.

A soft bang!

Before long, several attribute bubbles were finally pulled out by him.

Wang Teng was afraid that they would be involved in the space storm again, picking up them faster than ever.

【Spatial attributes*70】

【Spatial attributes*81】

【Spatial attributes*126】

【Space Storm*1】

As the attribute bubbles melted in, Wang Teng’s heart suddenly felt aroused.

Most of these attribute bubbles are spatial attributes, which suddenly increased his spatial attributes by hundreds of points.

But the most important thing is the last attribute bubble.

Space storm!

This is an extremely rare spatial skill type attribute bubble! ! !

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