"Repaying kindness with kindness and grievance with directness?"

Hearing the words, Huozi immediately lowered his head, thinking constantly in his heart.

"Senior brother, what do you think happened to him?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Lingxi whispered to Ling Feng beside him.

But Ling Feng shook his head, took a sip of tea, and looked at the hunchback.

"The thieves are so powerful that it is difficult for officials to stand up for me, and the pain of killing relatives, how can I not report it? But how should I learn from a teacher and learn a skill?"

Camel turned his head and looked around, thinking constantly in his heart, and suddenly a feeling of sadness emanated directly from him.

Suddenly, the hunchzi looked in one direction, and his whole body trembled slightly.

And his fists were clenched, and even his nails had pierced the skin and turned white.

Ling Feng and Lingxi looked at Huozi, and followed his gaze.

I saw that the two tables over there were already full of people, and the clothes on those people were all the same style, so those people must be from the same school.

And judging from the expression on the huozi, those people must be the ones who robbed the huozi's family heirlooms.

"Also, may I ask where you can learn to be a teacher?"

Camel took a deep breath, tried to adjust his mood, then bowed to Ling Feng with both hands, and asked aloud.

After what Ling Feng said just now, now Ling Feng has established a kinder character in Tuozi's heart, so compared to everyone in this hall, Tuozi still believes in Lingfeng more.

"Appreciate a teacher and cast art?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng looked up at the hunchback in front of him.

I saw that the hunchback had a strange figure and a very unusual appearance.

With a little attention, you can find that the hunchback's back does not seem to be real, as if there is something pressing on the hunchback's back.

And although the hunchback's face is a bit scary, as long as the corner of the mouth that was pulled down is pulled back, the plaster on the forehead is taken off, and the eyes are more energetic, then the hunchback will also be a good-looking person.

"Yes, apprenticeship and art? I want to kill the enemy."

Camel nodded heavily and said aloud.

When Ling Feng heard the words, he didn't speak out immediately, but looked up and down the hunchback.

In this world, revenge is a matter of course, so if someone really killed his parents and relatives, then if the hunchback killed himself, then no one else could say anything.

After all, there have been many eye-for-eye-for-a-tat incidents in this world.

"Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan faction of the Wuyuejian faction, is known as the gentleman's sword. He is good at one-handed Zixia magic. He is one of the best players in today's martial arts. You can go to the Huashan faction to try it out."

Ling Feng glanced at Huozi and said aloud.

Although Yue Buqun is said to be a hypocrite, if he pretends to be a gentleman all his life, then he will become a real gentleman.

Moreover, he is usually very generous to his disciples, and he is also quite dedicated to teaching martial arts.

So this is why Lingfeng recommends Huashan School.

"Huashan faction? Is there any other choice? My brother is not suspicious of Taoist priest's recommendation. At this time, this matter is a major event in my life, so I have to be cautious."

Camel took a deep breath and said aloud.

"What about the Sun Moon Divine Sect? Although the Sun Moon Divine Sect has lost its reputation as a cult in the martial arts, but it is very fast in the Sun Moon Divine Sect. As long as you dare to fight and work hard and practice martial arts, then you can also Soon he will become a hall master."

Ling Feng thought for a moment and said aloud.

"Sun Moon God Cult? Are there other options?"

Camel heard the words, thought carefully, and quickly shook his head.

In this world, everyone who mixes rivers and lakes cherishes their feathers very much, but if they really join the Sun Moon God Cult, it is very likely that they will carry the label of a cultist for the rest of their lives.

So this is a bit unacceptable for the camel.

After all, everyone has a hero's dream.

If he joins the Sun Moon God Cult, then this heroic dream will be shattered.

"What's the matter with you guy? My senior brother recommended two to you. You don't want this one, and you don't want that one. Do you think you are Sun Monkey?"

Lingxi glanced around, then patted the table, lowered her voice, and said to Huozi.

The main reason is that Huozi's pick and choose approach annoys Lingxi.

"Master, please calm down."

Seeing this, the camel hurriedly said.

Now Ling Feng and Lingxi are equivalent to his leaders, so naturally he will not annoy them.

When the hunchback was about to say something, a commotion at the door interrupted him.

I saw a few men in blue clothes walked in with two door panels.

Two people were lying on the door panel.

Since both of them were covered with a white cloth, their faces could not be seen for the time being.

At the same time, the white cloth was still oozing blood.

The scarlet blood continued to drip down the white cloth, like a plum blossom.

Seeing this, everyone in the living room gathered around without saying a word.

There was even a daring person who secretly lifted the white cloth and looked at the two people.

But soon, the two were carried into the inner hall.

"Who are those two?"

One person asked the man who opened the white cloth aloud.

"People from the Tarzan faction."

"What identities are they?"

"One is the Taoist Tiansong of the Taishan faction, and the other is the disciple of the Taoist Tianmen, the head of the Taishan faction."

"How's the injury?"

"One death and one injury."

"Good guy, now the Huashan faction, Hengshan faction, Hengshan faction and Taishan faction of the Wuyuejian faction are all open here. The Wuyuejian faction is of the same spirit. I didn't expect that some people would dare to do it here."

"That's right, and it's such a heavy hand, one death and one injury, it seems that this matter is not so easy to uncover."

Everyone started talking.

"Senior brother, do you think their Wuyue Sword Sect is strong? Some people dare to hurt people in this Hengshan city."

Lingxi asked Ling Feng in a low voice.

"I don't know if they are strong or not, but what I know is that they are not as strong as me."

Ling Feng said confidently.


Lingxi heard the words, did not say anything, but laughed.

The hunchback who was sitting on the side kept his eyes on the inner hall and was thinking about something.

At this time, Xiang Danian walked out of the inner hall, and then walked to the Huashan faction's side, and then said something to Laudno.

Then Laudno and the others followed Xiang Danian and walked into the inner hall.

"By the way, if you can, can you tell me who your enemy is?"

Ling Feng glanced at Huozi and asked aloud.

Chapter 372 If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace


When the camel heard this, his expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

It seems that he is now considering whether he should say who his enemy is.

"Senior brother, do you think his enemy is a powerful organization in the martial arts, otherwise, just say a name, don't think about it for so long."

Lingxi looked at the huozi and whispered in Ling Feng's ear.

"That's how you can mix rivers and lakes."

Ling Feng glanced at Huozi and said to Lingxi.

"We only met him by chance, and my question is also about his safety, so he was right to think about it for so long. What if we and his enemy belonged to a gang? Then what if he said this? Didn't it kill him?"

Ling Feng explained to Lingxi.

"How can we be a gang with his enemy? Our Taoist temple is just you and me, where are the others? Besides, our Taoist temple is still 108,000 miles away from here, how could there be enemies?"

Lingxi said aloud.

When Lingxi was speaking, she did not lower her voice.

So Tuozi listened to Lingxi's words without saying a word.

And it was these words that made Huozi's eyes burst into a gleam of light.

At the same time, the hunchback took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and then his whole body sat up a little.

It's like making a decision.

Apparently, Lingxi deliberately stated their Taoism in front of the huozi.

"If you don't want to say it, we won't force you to say it. If you don't want to say it, you can write your enemy's power and surname on the table, we'll take a look, and then help you keep it a secret. Of course, these are all in the As long as you believe us."

Ling Feng glanced at Huozi and said.

Huozi glanced at Ling Feng and Lingxi with scrutiny, and then glanced at the other guests in the hall.

"Can I ask about your forces and your names?"

Camel said aloud.

"Yuhua Temple, Yuhuazi."

"Yuhua Temple, Lingxi."

Ling Feng and Lingxi spoke at the same time.

"Then do you know the sword technique of warding off evil spirits?"

Camel took a deep breath, the whole body relaxed immediately, and said slowly.

"Evil Sword Technique? Senior Brother, do you know?"

When Lingxi heard the words, she didn't think about anything about the swordsmanship of warding off evil spirits in her mind, so she asked Ling Feng aloud.

"I know, I think that Lin Yuantu relied on one-handed evil swordsmanship to fight the invincible hand in the world, dominate the martial arts, and then founded the Fuwei Escort Bureau of the powerful martial arts."

Ling Feng looked at Huozi's face and said aloud.

"Then I heard rumors not long ago. They said that the young master of the Fuwei Security Bureau stabbed to death the young master of the Qingcheng faction, and was then killed by Yu Canghai of the Qingcheng faction. Then Lin Zhennan of the Fuwei Security Bureau and his wife The man and the son have all disappeared, am I right?"

Ling Feng said slowly.

"That's right."

Camel took a deep breath and nodded.

"In that case, combined with what you said before, are you a member of the Fuwei Escort?"

After hearing Ling Feng's explanation, Lingxi looked at the hunchback in front of her in surprise, lowered her voice, and asked the hunchback in front of her.

Because she had seen the Qingcheng faction in this hall just now, so she asked in a low voice.

"That's right."

Camel didn't say much, turned to look at the direction of the Qingcheng faction, and said slowly.

"So, you are Lin Pingzhi?"

Ling Feng took a sip of tea and looked at the hunchback in front of him.

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