"That's right, because I'm still being hunted down by the Qingcheng faction, and I can't show my true face."

Camel, oh no, Lin Pingzhi bowed his hands to Ling Feng and Lingxi and said aloud.

After learning that the guy in front of him was Lin Ping, Ling Feng began to look at him constantly.

Among the arrogant rivers and lakes, Lin Pingzhi has to be said to be a tragic figure.

He was born in a wealthy family. It can be said that he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. In the whole Fuwei Escort, everyone held him in their hands and in their hearts.

In such an environment, Lin Pingzhi did not grow up to be that kind of playboy, but a chivalrous, righteous, perfect and filial son.

If there is no Qingcheng faction, then if he grows up safely, he will also become a respected hero.

But now, Fuwei Escort has been destroyed, and Lin Pingzhi's mentality will also undergo some changes.

"You are the son of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, so do you know how to ward off evil spirits? According to what my brother said before, the evil spirits swordsmanship is so powerful, how can you guys beat the Qingcheng faction?"

Lingxi glanced at the people from the Qingcheng faction in the distance and said aloud.

"I'm ashamed to say that, although I know some evil-proof swordsmanship, I can't exert the full strength of the evil-proof swordsmanship, which is why I have come to this point."

Lin Pingzhi sighed and said aloud.

"The sword technique of warding off evil spirits is to be practiced with the help of the mind."

At this time, Ling Feng said.

"Could it be that you also know the swordsmanship of warding off evil spirits?"

When Lin Pingzhi heard the words, he hurriedly looked at Ling Feng.

When Ling Feng listened to Lin Pingzhi's words, the expression on his face suddenly became a little stiff.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know what the swordsmanship was to ward off evil spirits. Could it be that Ling Feng didn't know it?

The first sentence of the gong method is that if you want to practice this gong, you must first go to the palace.

"I don't understand, but I know some of the content of the swordsmanship to ward off evil spirits."

Ling Feng adjusted his mentality and said aloud.

"Please clarify your doubts. If possible, I will practice the swordsmanship of warding off evil spirits well, and I will definitely return to the reporter with all my strength."

Lin Pingzhi clasped his fists at Ling Feng, lowered his head and said.

"Are you sure you want to practice evil swordsmanship?"

Ling Feng glanced at Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi nodded his head heavily and said decisively.

"The first sentence of the first sentence of the swordsmanship of exorcism is that if you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace. Are you sure you want to practice?"

Ling Feng said aloud.

"Daoist, are you kidding me? If you really want to go to the palace, how did my grandfather give birth to my father?"

Lin Pingzhi's face sank, and he said with some displeasure.

After all, Ling Feng's words are equivalent to scolding Lin Pingzhi, which is why Lin Pingzhi reacts like this.

"Believe it or not, but I can teach you some martial arts first, will you learn it?"

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he directly poured the water from the teacup onto the table.

Then he stretched out his fingers and divided the tea stall on the table into two, making the two pools of tea on the left and right.

"Master, are you here?"

Looking at Ling Feng's movements, Lin Pingzhi asked in confusion.

"You look good."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he patted his left hand directly on the table.

Then, under the gaze of Lin Pingzhi and Lingxi, the pool of tea on the right side of the table began to evaporate, while the pool of tea on the left was exactly the same as before.


Lin Pingzhi was surprised when he looked at the tea on the table.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-third apprenticeship (plus more)

In Lin Pingzhi's eyes, the inner strength of Ling Feng's hand was already astounding.

According to the order on the table just now, it should be Ling Feng's left hand, then the pool of tea on the left, and then the pool of tea on the right.

Then I saw Ling Feng's left hand gently placed on the table, and then all the tea on the right side evaporated.

There was also a puddle of tea in the middle.

From this, it can be seen how advanced and skillful Lingfeng is in controlling internal force.

"How about my hand in your eyes?"

Ling Feng glanced at Lin Pingzhi beside him and asked aloud.

"High, really high."

Lin Pingzhi said excitedly.

If he can worship Ling Feng's teacher, and when he has such skill, then he will be able to avenge the family.

So after seeing Ling Feng's manipulation, Lin Pingzhi couldn't care about what Ling Feng said about the sword technique of warding off evil spirits.

Now he just wants to quickly worship Lingfeng as his teacher, so that he can study martial arts hard.

"Master Yuhuazi, you just said you wanted to teach me martial arts, is this true?"

Lin Pingzhi tried his best to calm down his heart and asked Ling Feng aloud.

Now he is only afraid that Ling Feng will smile and say what he said just now is just for his own pleasure.

If that's the case, then Lin Pingzhi may faint.

"Count, of course."

Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.

"Then the master asks the disciple to worship."

Lin Pingzhi's eyes burst out with eager expression when he heard the words.

He hurriedly wiped his face with his sleeve, tore off a few patches on his face, and then turned the corner of his mouth back.

At the same time, he slowly took down a small package on his back.

Lin Pingzhi was still looking like an ugly hunchback just now, but now he has taken down all the decorations.

Lin Pingzhi also naturally recovered his previous dignified face.

"Master, this is all my disciple's belongings, please accept it."

Lin Pingzhi let go of the small package and placed it in front of Ling Feng, saying eagerly.

"No, you should keep these things for yourself."

Ling Feng just glanced at it and knew what was in the small package.

That little package contained nothing but money and jewelry.

Lingfeng and Lingxi usually stay at the Taoist temple to cultivate. Even if they want to buy things, it is Lingfeng who uses some things in the mountains to exchange with the people in the villages and towns.

Therefore, the money Lin Pingzhi took out was of little use to Ling Feng.

"Master, are you here?"

Lin Pingzhi was a little flustered when he saw that Ling Feng did not accept the gift.

In this world, if you worship a teacher, you must present your salute to the teacher.

These rituals are called bundles.

If the teacher does not accept the bundle, then it means that the teacher does not want to accept the disciple.

Lin Pingzhi was born in a wealthy family, so he naturally understood these truths.

So when he saw that Ling Feng did not accept his small package, his heart suddenly became half cold.

"If it's a bunch of repairs, you can just serve me tea."

Ling Feng pointed to the teacup on the table and said lightly.


Lin Pingzhi became excited when he heard the words, got up in a hurry, picked up the teapot in his hand, poured seventy percent full into Lingfeng's teacup, and then brought it to Lingfeng.

"Isn't this the young master of Fuwei Escort, how dare you come here? Aren't we afraid that we will stab you to death?"

At this time, the disciples of the Qingcheng School who were sitting on the side looked at Lin Pingzhi who was serving the tea, and they all gathered around and said sharply.

Because the voices of these Qingcheng Sect disciples were really loud.

So all of a sudden, the eyes of everyone in the hall were attracted.

And after they heard the words of the Qingshan Sect disciples, they all started to discuss.

without him.

Because the influence of Fuwei Escort being wiped out a while ago is too great.

Besides, the young master of the Fuwei Escort Agency, who did not know where to go in the rumors, also appeared here. With all the combinations, everyone's eyes were always on Lin Pingzhi.

"My name is Yuhuazi, and my common name is Lingfeng. She is your uncle, Lingxi. As for your Taoist name, I'll give it to you when I go back."

Ling Feng ignored the people from the Qingcheng faction, but pointed to Lingxi beside him and said aloud.

"Disciple Lin Pingzhi has seen Master and Uncle."

When Lin Pingzhi heard the words, he ignored those people and bowed directly to Ling Feng and Lingxi.

"The young master of Fuwei Escort actually went to be the apprentice of a Taoist priest in his twenties. Is this true or false?"

"Who are those two guys? How could they be the masters of the Young Master of Fuwei Escort?"

"Maybe it's just two embroidered pillows, so I'm here to deceive him."

Seeing this, the onlookers began to discuss.

Through the observation just now, everyone also understood that Lin Pingzhi was serving tea to Ling Feng, which means that now Ling Feng is Lin Pingzhi's master.

"Hey, young master, can he also be your master? I didn't say that he is small enough for me to fight with one hand."

"That's why I advise you to leave as soon as possible. How about you join our Qingcheng faction and become a disciple of the fifth generation?"

The disciples of the Qingcheng faction looked at Ling Feng and Lin Pingzhi and laughed.

Judging from their words, they are humiliating Lin Pingzhi.

"You guys!"

After all, Lin Pingzhi was just a young and vigorous youth, so he was so provoked by the Qingcheng faction that he raised his finger and pointed to one of them.

But soon, Lin Pingzhi put his finger down again and stopped looking at the disciples of the Qingcheng School.

"What are you? It seems that you are a tortoise with a shrinking head, and you don't even dare to shoot. This is a lot worse than before."

The disciples of the Qingcheng School burst into laughter again.

The look in their eyes was full of contempt.

"Is this what your disciples of Qingcheng School look like?"

Ling Feng drank the tea in his hand, then stood up and looked up at the disciples of the Qingcheng School.

And after those guys looked at Shang Lingfeng, they all involuntarily took a step back.

Ling Feng's gaze was very terrifying, like a tiger going down the mountain, which made them feel a huge pressure.

"Who are you?"

At this time, a disciple of the Qingcheng School gathered up his courage, took a step forward, and asked aloud.

"My name? It's not enough for you to ask."

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