Lingfeng saw the action of the staff member from the rearview mirror, and also saw Tony's racing car.

Ling Feng stepped on the brakes with one foot, and then stretched out his left hand.

A powerful magic force spewed out directly from Ling Feng's left hand, wrapping Tony's racing car at once.

With the fall of Lingfeng's movements.

Tony's car also landed safely on the ground.

"It looks like it's coming for you."

Ling Feng jumped off the car directly, walked to Tony's side, and said aloud.

"You know him?"

Ling Feng dragged Tony out of the car, looked at the staff member, and asked Tony.

"do not know."

Tony stared closely at the staff member, silent for a while, and said aloud.

"Then I think he looks like he is going to kill you now, do you want me to help you?"

Ling Feng directly pulled Tony back and said aloud.

The staff member saw Ling Feng and Tony behind him, and walked towards them with a wicked smile.

On the way, he was still waving the whip constantly.

Every time those whips landed on the ground, they left a deep mark on the ground.

"I think the weapon in that guy's hand is very dangerous, aren't you a magician, are you sure you have done him?"

Tony looked at the guy's movements, and involuntarily took a few steps back, and asked Ling Feng next to him in a low voice.

If there is no one else by his side, then Tony will definitely find a way to save himself.

But there is Ling Feng standing beside him now, so he will ask Ling Feng aloud.

"It's not very powerful, but if you beat him, it's still possible."

Ling Feng said confidently.


Thank you [Wang Feng] for two monthly passes and a spicy strip

Chapter 423 Lingfeng's Half-Brother

"real or fake?"

Tony stepped back in a hurry and asked Lingfeng out loud.

"That's right."

Ling Feng nodded his head, then extended his arm directly to the staff member.

A huge amount of magic power was sprayed directly from Ling Feng's body and poured into the staff in front of him.

For a time, the guy stood there and couldn't move.

"Nice job."

Tony looked at the immobile guy and waved his hand beside Ling Feng excitedly.


Before Ling Feng's words were half said, what happened in front of him made Ling Feng swallow the words behind him.

I saw a yellow taxi rushing out of the wall next to it, knocking the staff member out at once, falling to the ground and rolling for several laps before stopping.

"How is this going?"

Tony's eyes widened, glanced at the yellow taxi, and then turned to look at Ling Feng beside him.

He asked Ling Feng with his eyes.

"I have no idea."

At this time, Ling Feng was also stunned.

He also didn't know why a taxi suddenly came out.

And knocked that guy out.

"Hey bro, I didn't expect you to end up on the mutant set too."

As soon as the door of the direct yellow taxi was pushed open, a pervert in a red tights jumped out of it.

And this pervert looked at Ling Feng and came up with a hug.

This guy is the Deadpool that Ling Feng saw a few days ago!

"How long have you been doing laundry?"

Ling Feng just hugged Deadpool for a while, and immediately could smell the sour smell coming from his body.

"Brother, you don't know, I ran back from the Avengers set to my mutant set. These days, I really have to eat and live in a taxi. Of course, I can't take a shower."

Dead Servant hugged Ling Feng tightly and didn't let go.

And a snot, a tearful cry with Ling Feng.

"Who is he?"

At this time, Tony patted Ling Feng's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I don't know where the neurosis came from."

Ling Feng directly pushed the Dead Servant away from himself, turned his head away, and said directly.

After all, judging from the shameless appearance of Dead Servant, if he continued to talk to Dead Servant, perhaps Dead Servant would have to rely on himself.

So Ling Feng decided that it would be better to pretend that he didn't know him.

"Wayne, what you said really broke my heart. You know, we are half-brothers!"

Dead Servant clasped Ling Feng's body tightly with both hands, and said cheaply.

"Wait a minute, are you Tony, Stark? Why did you come to the set of the mutants? Our director can't afford an actor like you."

At this time, Deadpool noticed Tony beside him and exclaimed directly.

"The mutant set?"

Tony was at a loss when he listened to Deadpool's words.

"By the way, hurry up and sign my name."

Deadpool immediately let go of his hands, then took out a small notebook and a pen from his arms and handed them to Tony.

"Is it a signature, no problem."

Although Tony didn't understand why there was a small notebook and pen in Deadpool's arms, he was still very happy to sign.

So Tony took the small book and spread it out, just as he was about to sign it.

Deadpool's voice interrupted Tony's movements.

"You just write 'Robert Downey Jr.' on it."

Deadpool said directly.

"Robert Downey Jr.? Who?"

Although Tony wondered who the name was in Deadpool's mouth, he still wrote the name of Robert Downey Jr. directly.

Of course, his Tony Stark's name was written on it.

"Hey! Did you forget me!"

At this moment, a roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng and the others heard a piercing sound in their ears.

The moment Ling Feng heard the sound, he directly pulled Tony back several steps.

Then an electric whip was thrown straight down, and one arm of Deadpool was cut off in one fell swoop.


Looking at Deadpool's arm that fell to the ground, Tony's heart suddenly set off a storm.

Deadpool, who was still asking for his autograph just now, lost an arm like this.

This kind of impact made Tony a little confused.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking me?"

Tony looked at the guy in front of him and said sharply.

"You can call me Ivan, as for why attack you? I'm here for revenge."

Ivan shook the electric whip in his hand and said aloud.

Suddenly, the scene suddenly fell into a heavy atmosphere.

"Hey, brother, since you want revenge, can you fight it after you see it?"

At this time, Dead Servant clutched his broken arm and said dissatisfiedly to Ivan.

"You'd better not talk, otherwise, next time, your neck will be broken."

Ivan raised the electric whip in his hand, and the danger in his words was self-evident.

"Whoops, how dare you threaten me, how dare you threaten me in the whole mutant movie? Looks like it's about time I let you know how good my X-Men is."

Deadpool used the only arm left, patted his chest, and walked directly towards Ivan.


Seeing Deadpool walking towards him, Ivan scolded secretly, then waved the electric whip in his hand and hit Deadpool.

"Get out of the way!"

Looking at Deadpool's actions, Tony yelled anxiously.

Just now he saw that Deadpool's arm was cut in half, and now he walked directly towards Ivan.

In Tony's eyes, this kind of behavior is not courting death or anything.

"Okay, you dare to shoot at the X-Men, you are impatient."

Deadpool watched Ivan's movements, turned his body slightly to the left, and avoided Ivan's attack.

At the same time, Deadpool also took out his mobile phone from his pocket and aimed at the reactor on Ivan's chest.

"Don't kill!"

At this time, Ling Feng said.

After all, Deadpool is not the kind of superhero with a righteous heart.

He is a mercenary!

A mercenary for many years.

So you must not have any expectations of Deadpool.

He's the kind of guy who has no limits.

"No problem, after all, Wayne, you are my half-brother!"

Deadpool agreed immediately, and the pistol in his hand fired directly.

The bullet came out of the hall and hit the reactor on Ivan's chest at once.

"Looks like my marksmanship is pretty good."

Looking at Ivan on the opposite side, Deadpool sucked the gun smoke fiercely, and said a little intoxicated.

"Is this guy really your half-brother?"

Tony touched Lingfeng with his hand and asked suspiciously.


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