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Thanks for the two blades of 【White Night Ghost】

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Chapter 424: The Asgardians (Gagen)

"You **** said that you are half-brothers, can you still be brothers?"

Ling Feng said with a cold face.

Now the expression on Ling Feng's face is that you are teasing me.

"I understand."

Looking at Ling Feng's expression, Tony replied with a smirk.

Now he also knew that Deadpool's words were just a joke.

"But his arm is not easy to handle."

Tony looked at the dead servant who was beating Ivan with one hand and said slowly.

At this time, the situation on the scene was extremely hot.

It can only be said that Deadpool is not a mercenary. Even if Ivan is tall and big, even if Deadpool only has one arm left, he can still press Ivan to fight.

"Don't worry about him, now you just think about how to get rid of him later, otherwise, he will stick to you all the time, just like those women who just fell in love."

Ling Feng said.

And the reason why he has such a metaphor is completely based on the memory of the hero Lingfeng.

"Really? I haven't tried getting stuck by a man."

Hearing this, Tony suddenly seemed a little excited.

"Well, do as you like."

Hearing this, Ling Feng took a deep look at Tony beside him and said aloud.

Now Lingfeng is considering whether to distance himself from Tony.

After all, he hadn't thought that Tony would actually be fine.

At this time, Tony also noticed that Ling Feng's eyes were a little bad.

"Tony, are you alright?"

At this time, Pepper and Hart came to the runway with portable armor.

"Hey, I'm fine."

Tony looked at Pepper, smiled and hugged.

"You'll be fine."

Pepper hugged Tony tightly with both hands, took a deep breath, and said aloud.

"Hey, can you guys stop showing your love here? I'm still fighting here, so you affect my mood like this?"

At this time, Deadpool looked at Tony and Pepper who were hugging. He complained directly.

"OK, all right."

When Pepper listened to Deadpool's words, his face turned red, and he hurriedly broke free from Tony's embrace.

Looking at the two people who had loosened up, Deadpool nodded with satisfaction, and then knocked Ivan out with a punch.

The police officers who were standing on the side looked at Ivan who had fainted, and immediately swarmed up, grabbing Ivan directly.

"Then what should we do now?"

Looking at Ivan who was taken away by the police, Deadpool walked directly to Ling Feng's side and asked aloud.

"How about I take you to visit my X-Men Academy?"

Deadpool thought for a while and said directly.

"This is actually the Avengers world, not the mutant world."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said to Dead Servant.

"It turned out to be the Avengers world, haha. Wait a minute! You said this is still the Avengers world, with that purple potato-headed Avengers?"

Deadpool laughed a little, then changed his expression in an instant, and hurriedly asked Ling Feng out loud.

"That's right."

Ling Feng nodded his head.

"Then there is no Professor X here, no Magneto? And no more my good brother Wolverine?"

Dead Servant grabbed Ling Feng's arm tightly with both hands and said in horror.

"Let's not say why Wolverine is your good brother, let me tell you the truth, yes, although this is Marvel, it is the world of the Avengers. After a few years, a purple potato head will come and snap his fingers. ."

Ling Feng nodded his head and said directly.

"It's over."

Deadpool yelled, and then ran towards the taxi.

"Dupender, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say you wanted to bring me back to the mutant world? Why are you still here in the Avengers world?"

Deadpool directly dragged the little Indian brother out of the taxi and said loudly.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Tony, who was standing on the side, looked at Deadpool's movements, walked up directly, and asked aloud.

"I'm homeless now."

Deadpool looked up at Tony and said in a very sad tone.

At the same time he wiped his nonexistent tears with the back of his hand.

"How can you be homeless?"

At this time, Tony came to the spirit and asked Deadpool enthusiastically.

After all, Tony is also a little gossip, and he is still very interested in knowing what happened to Deadpool.

After passing Dead Servant, he cried with snot and tears.

Tony can be considered to have figured out the origin of Deadpool and Dupunde.

Of course, Deadpool didn't tell Tony that he was not from this world, but made up a set of identities at will.

After that, everyone no longer had the intention to continue watching the racing competition.

Instead, he walked into the restaurant and simply ate something.

Tony then walked towards the police station.

He was ready to ask Ivan why he attacked himself.

Time will soon end.

Ling Feng and others also sat on the plane back to New York.

Of course, there are not only Lingfeng, Tony, Pepper, but also Deadpool and Dupont on this plane.

Because Deadpool and Du Pender didn't know how to go home for the time being, they could only temporarily follow Ling Feng and his party.

That night, Tony's plane returned to New York City.

Because Tony's character is more in line with Deadpool's character.

The two of them are the kind of prodigal son in the jungle.

So the two hit it off, and that night Tony was going to take Deadpool to the biggest nightclub in New York and have a good time.

Of course, when Tony and Deadpool set off, they also came to ask Ling Feng.

Lingfeng originally wanted to refuse, because he sensed the recent changes in Sol's qi.

He wanted to go to New Mexico to see how Saul was doing.

But thinking of Thor as Odin's son, Odin will naturally have some backing hands.

So after thinking about it clearly, Ling Feng agreed immediately and got into the luxury car that Tony and Dead Servant were going to the nightclub.

That night, Ling Feng, Tony and Dead Servant had a good time in the nightclub.

At night, because the three of Lingfeng drank alcohol, they did not choose to drive back to Tony's house, but chose to stay in the hotel.

When it was noon the next day, Ling Feng slowly woke up from the bed.

"Wait a minute, why did the people from Asgard come?"

Suddenly, Ling Feng opened his eyes and said to himself.

In Lingfeng's perception, those of Sol's partners also came to the earth, and they ran in the direction of Sol.

"Looks like I'm coming out too."

Ling Feng put on his clothes directly and muttered.

"By the way, Dead Servant is fine now, let's pull him up."

Thinking of this, Ling Feng went straight to knock on Deadpool's door.


Thank you [Wuzu Yunwu] for the two monthly passes

Thank you [Hakurei `Reimu] for a monthly pass

Thank you 【通り─chukangmu stalks.

I still owe you four chapters, I will pay them off as soon as possible

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-Five

Thinking of this, Ling Feng came directly to the door of Dead Servant and knocked on the door of Dead Servant.

"Bang bang bang!"

Because the sound of Lingfeng knocking on the door is very loud.

Not long after, Deadpool walked out of the room rubbing his eyes.

Deadpool at this time was not wearing his black and red hood because he had just woken up.

Therefore, Deadpool's pitted and terrifying head appeared in front of Ling Feng's eyes.

"Hey, brother, why did you wake me up so early? Where are you going to play again?"

Deadpool yawned and asked Ling Feng aloud.

"Is there anyone else in your room?"

Ling Feng looked up at Deadpool's room.

It was found that a blond woman was lying on the bed that Deadpool was sleeping on.

"That's right, brother, let me tell you, the women in the Avengers world are so good, last night really made me feel good enough."

As soon as Dead Servant mentioned this, he immediately became excited, reached out and patted Ling Feng's shoulder, and said hurriedly.

"Then she won't be scared?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng pointed to Dead Servant's head and said aloud.

"Wear a mask, this kind of trivial matter is nothing to me."

Deadpool took out the red mask that he didn't know where it was hiding, and said with a smile.

"Okay, leave that alone, has your arm recovered?"

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