Ling Feng felt that he was still able to exert a little force through gritted teeth.

"Haha, since you want to help me, go to Quan Nai, how about you take up Quan Nai's job?"

Hokage Madara said aloud while looking at the documents on the desk.

"no problem."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, turned and walked out of the Hokage office.

The purpose of his trip was to find Quan Nai and see what kind of tasks he could take from Quan Nai.

But Ling Feng had just walked out of Hokage's office when he saw the sky that just lit up.

"They should still be sleeping now."

With such thoughts in mind, Ling Feng walked towards the commercial street of Konoha Village.

Although it is very early now, there are still many people on the commercial street of Konoha Village.

After having a simple breakfast on the commercial street, Lingfeng strolled around the commercial street for a while. It was only after ten o'clock that Lingfeng walked towards Quannai's house.

During this period, Lingfeng also saw Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, who were still at the age of children, on the commercial street.

According to the conversation between the two, Ling Feng can know that these two little kids are going to peep again tonight.

And Sarutobi Hizan also said that if he was caught, he was going to throw the pot on Danzo's head.

It can be seen from this that Sarutobi killed this son, and his heart was sinister, and he specially harmed Shimura Danzo.

Soon, Ling Feng came to Quan Nai's door and knocked on the door there.

Not long after, the door was pushed open from the inside.

The person who opened the door was revealed.

"Why did you come here?"

Quan Nai looked at Ling Feng standing outside the door and said with a smile.

"Come in quickly."

After Quanna finished speaking, she walked into the room.

And Ling Feng also followed Quan Nai's figure and closed the door.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Quan Nai took Ling Feng into the study and asked Ling Feng aloud.


Thank you [Jianghu Cainiao] for the two monthly passes

Thank you [author update ah] for a monthly pass

Thank you for a monthly pass of [Oh, I spit it out]

Chapter four hundred and thirty-five actions of the four countries

"Is such that."

Ling Feng looked at Quanna in front of him, and repeated what he had said to Hokage Madara.

"You want to share the worries for Big Brother? Why are you so kind all of a sudden?"

After listening to Ling Feng's retelling, Quan Nai looked at Ling Feng in front of him with a smile.


Listening to Quan Nai's words, Ling Feng embarrassedly touched his nose.

After all, Ling Feng had only done missions before.

Working in Konoha, Ling Feng has never done it before.

So Ling Feng will be a little embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you what you want to do."

Looking at Ling Feng's somewhat embarrassed expression, Quan Nai waved his hand and said to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng nodded his head, and then put his ear to it.

After a while of Quanna's explanation.

Ling Feng then figured out what he was going to do in the next period of time.

To put it simply, it is to guard Konoha, and at the same time select some textbooks to prepare for the future school.

Of course, these things have to wait until later.

After all, Madara Uchiha, Hakuma Senju, and Tobirama Senju all went to have a friendly chat with those big names.

So these things have to wait until after the unification of the ninja world.

In the next few days, Madara Uchiha, Hasuma Senju, and Tobirama Senju returned to Konoha with their documents.

"How to say?"

Hokage Madara looked at the three people in front of him and Ling Feng who was sitting on the side, and asked aloud.

"Naturally, the contract was signed obediently."

Madara Uchiha snorted coldly, and directly put the document in his hand on the desk.

In Madara Uchiha's idea, since you want to unify the ninja world, you can just call it directly, why do you need to let those big names sign documents here?

"That's good."

Hokage Madara looked at the documents handed over by the three and nodded with satisfaction.

Now that there is a document, Hokage Madara can take Konoha's elites to negotiate with Shikoku, and there is a fair reason.

Just as Hokage Madara's voice fell.

A cloud of smoke suddenly appeared on his desk.

After the smoke cleared.

A kitten with a scroll in its mouth appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This is the ninja cat of their Uchiha clan.

Hokage Madara looked at the ninja cat at hand, and took the scroll down directly.

At this time, three kittens appeared next to him.

These kittens all have a scroll in their mouths.

"Everything comes together?"

Hokage Madara looked at the kittens, smiled, and took down all the scrolls.

After taking it down, Hokage Madara began to look at the contents above.

There is not a lot of content above, Hokage Madara just watched it for a while, and then read it all.

"Look at it."

Hokage Madara spread out the scroll and handed it to the crowd.

Even Ling Feng, who was sitting on the side, had a share.

After taking over the scroll, some scribbled fonts are introduced into the eyes.

There is not a lot of content on the font.

In simple terms.

That is, the daimyo of the other four countries have gathered together and are ready to declare war on Konoha Village.

The Ninja World War is imminent.

"Can you tell me what to do?"

Hokage Madara looked at the crowd and asked directly.

"Hmph, just this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp, I'll just go there alone."

Madara Uchiha put the scroll on the table and said with a frosty face.

He had only made a big name sign a contract before.

And now, the spies have heard the news that the daimyo are going to rebel. Isn't this hitting him in the face?

That's why Madara Uchiha was so angry.

"Why didn't my avatar text me back?"

Ling Feng asked aloud while looking at the scroll.

If he didn't know that Hei Jue had already been killed by him.

Ling Feng also suspected that the scroll was fake news from Hei Jue.

"This scroll was sent by your clone."

At this time, Hokage Madara looked at Ling Feng in front of him and said aloud.

"OK then."

Ling Feng heard the words and nodded his head.

"Then what should we do now?"

At this time, Shima said aloud.

"That's needless to say? When their troops are assembled, I will kill their prestige."

Madara Uchiha was the first to speak.

Maybe it's because of being in this world for a long time.

After Uchiha Madara came here, when he went out on a mission, the enemies he encountered didn't kill them, at most they just crippled others.

That's why he would say something like killing someone else's prestige.

"Also, when they are assembled, they can take it in one fell swoop."

Hokage nodded his head and said.

For Uchiha Madara's strength, Hokage Madara is still very relieved.

After all, Madara Uchiha now has reincarnation eyes.

Even Hokage Madara is not confident enough to take down Uchiha Madara in one fell swoop.

"So it's settled then?"

Madara Uchiha looked around the entire Hokage office and said aloud.

"That's it. By the way, inform the eagle and let him be ready to receive land from other countries."

After Hokage Madara finished speaking, she turned her head and said to Ling Feng.

Because Ling Feng also has a ninja cat, so the speed of message delivery is also very fast.


Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.

After that, Ling Feng took out a scroll in Hokage's office, explained a few words in it, then summoned the Ninja cat, and handed the scroll to the Ninja cat.

Then follow the information given by the spies.

Ling Feng and his party also took Quan Na to the Iron Country three days later.

That's where the other four powers tangle their forces and meet.

And from the intelligence point of view, this time, the four major countries also brought some small countries.

At the same time, the Iron Country, a country made up of samurai, also wants to get a piece of the pie.

"Is this the force they have assembled?"

Madara Uchiha, who was flying in the air, looked at the crowded crowd in the distance, and said with a smile.

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