"It looks like there are quite a lot of people."

On one side, Qianshou Zhujian nodded his head and said aloud.

At this time, everyone was in the body of Susanoo of Madara Uchiha.

So it can fly in the sky.

Of course, it is also because Uchiha Banfei is tall enough, and at the same time he is also controlling his own chakra.

Otherwise, those on the ground will definitely find this behemoth in the air.

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

Hokage Madara looked at the people on the ground and asked Uchiha Madara aloud.

"What to do? Of course it's a huge surprise for them!"

Madara Uchiha looked at the group of people on the ground and laughed.

Judging from his tone, this surprise was definitely not a perfunctory one.

But a very grand surprise.

"We should go down."

Madara Uchiha roared, and then controlled Susanoo to fly towards the ground.

Since the season was winter, there was still light snow in the sky.

And Uchiha Madara took these snowflakes and rushed towards the group of people on the ground.


Because the recommended votes reached 9000, so add one more update,

I made a mistake in yesterday's recommendation ticket, but it's my word, I owe you seven chapters now, and I will pay it off as soon as possible.

Chapter 436 The storm is coming

"It's so cold."

A samurai looked at his frozen red hands, breathed a breath of heat, and said aloud, rubbing his hands in front of the heat.

In the cold weather, except for the clothes that are filled with straw and only a little cotton, this is the only way to keep my hands warm.

"Indeed, in this ghost weather, I don't know what meeting those guys are holding."

Another samurai took over the words, glared fiercely in the direction of the palace, and said slightly dissatisfied.

At this moment, the daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder, the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Water, the Kingdom of Earth, and the Kingdom of Iron are holding a meeting in that warm palace.

"I heard it's time for a war."

The samurai who rubbed his hands said aloud.

He had also heard from the leaders about why a large number of people had to be assembled here.

But it was impossible for those chiefs to explain them in detail, word for word.

So he only knew about it.

"War? Which country to fight? Who is it to fight?"

Another samurai hurriedly asked his companions.

"Land of Fire! The leaders didn't tell us two days ago that there is going to be a war, so let's get ready."

The samurai began to move all over his body, trying his best to make his body hot.

Otherwise, I really can't stand the cold weather.

"Nation of Fire? Why do you want to fight that country?"

The samurai asked in confusion.

"I don't know, it's all the thoughts of those big men anyway. How do we know, we just want to be able to survive."

The samurai continued to move his body and said indifferently.

"Stop talking nonsense, stand up!"

At this moment, a samurai who looked like a captain came over and shouted at the two samurai who were talking secretly.

The samurai who was still moving just now immediately straightened his waist and looked forward with his eyes tightly.

As if the person who was moving the body before was not him.

"Captain, are those people... ninjas? Or samurai?"

At this time, a samurai pointed to the group of people not far from them and said aloud.

And the reason why he has such doubts is that a lot of people have gathered in that direction.

It's dark, and you can't see the edge.

And among the group of guys, there are not only those in ninja costumes, but also guys in samurai costumes. The two are mixed together, so that the warriors of the Iron Country cannot tell them apart.

"The soldiers brought by the other four countries and some small countries."

The captain looked at the group of guys, frowned tightly, and said aloud.

At this time, the relationship between ninjas and samurai was not very good.

But those daimyo still gathered ninjas and daimyo together, which also means that the things that the daimyo discussed are probably very important things.

Thinking of this, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in the captain's heart.

He slowly raised his head to look at the sky.

At this time, he had a feeling of a storm coming.

"Looks like something really happened."

The samurai standing beside the captain said aloud.

"Stop talking nonsense, keep standing, and you can eat until noon."

The captain looked at the two warriors beside him, snorted coldly, and said directly.

"Haha, I don't know why, but it feels a lot warmer now, as if the sun is coming out."

Hearing the words, a samurai nodded his head with a smile, and answered.

The other warrior raised his head and stared blankly at the sky.

"Captain, look, what is that?"

At this time, the samurai raised his arm, pointed high at the sky, and said hurriedly.

Listen to his eager tone.

The other samurai and the captain looked up hastily.

I saw a huge blue flying object in the sky, which was constantly falling.

The huge flying object constantly squeezed the air and clouds around it, making the sky cloudless and the sun shining directly on the ground.

"Then...then...what is that?"

Looking at the behemoth in the air, another samurai stammered, and his legs trembled involuntarily.

"A warrior with wings?"

The captain took a deep look at the samurai, then hurriedly turned around and ran towards the palace.

Now he has only one idea, and that is to quickly report this matter to the daimyo.

Of course, when the three of them saw the samurai in the sky, the other ninjas and samurai who were there naturally also saw it.

And most of them reacted similarly to that samurai, and some even sat on the ground involuntarily.

without him.

Just because the aura emanating from that thing in the air is simply too amazing.

The huge body, the mask like a ghost, the momentum of continuous oppression in the hearts of everyone...

All sorts of reasons combine to make those people make such a move.

"Madara, don't hurt those people on the ground."

Hashimama's eyes were fixed on the samurai and ninjas on the ground.

At the same time, his whole body began to run Chakra, and his hands were also ready to seal.

As long as Madara Uchiha's Susanoo presses down on the people below, then he, Chishou Hasuma, will directly act to save those humans.

"Hmph, don't worry about this trivial matter."

Madara Uchiha glared fiercely at Senju Hashirama beside him, and said aloud.

Of course, when Senju Hashima spoke, he silently controlled Susanoo to shift to the left, so that when they landed, they would land on the open space on the side.

"Ling Feng, find the location of those big names."

Hokage Madara glanced at the palace and said to Ling Feng beside him.

Because Ling Feng had remembered the name of the Kingdom of Thunder before, so Ling Feng could find the name of the Kingdom of Thunder by relying on his qi.


Ling Feng nodded his head, then closed his eyes, and began to look for the name of Lei Zhiguo.

"Just come with me later."

In an instant, Ling Feng opened his eyes, looked straight in one direction, and said aloud.

"Hmm. Find a good spot to land."

Hokage Spotted his head and said to Uchiha Madara.

"It landed."

Uchiha's voice just fell.

He controlled the huge Susanoo and landed on the open space, making a loud noise and shaking a lot of snowflakes at the same time.

"Let's go, let's have a good talk with those big names."

Madara Uchiha lifted Susanoo at once, and stared straight at the palace in front of him.

At this time, after the snowflakes fell, the warriors and ninjas also moved towards Ling Feng and the others to surround them.

At the same time, they also tightly grasped the weapons in their hands.

If you are inadvertently, just do it directly.


Thank you [Big Mouth Tiger] for three monthly passes

Thank you [Yug, Sothoth] for the salted fish thorn

Chapter 437: Quanna's Kaleidoscope Ability

"who are you?"

Looking at Ling Feng and the others standing in front of him, a samurai mustered his courage, stepped forward, and shouted sharply.

"Who of you went to clean them up?"

Madara Uchiha looked at the people who were gradually surrounding him, turned his head and glanced at the people around him, and said aloud.

For Uchiha Madara, he didn't take these people seriously, and he didn't even have the idea to take action.

That's why he spoke to the people around him.

"Let me do it."

At this time, Quan Na stood up and said with a smile.


Madara Uchiha heard the words and turned to look at Quanna.

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