A big name swallowed his saliva and said slowly.

"Of course it's about the unification of the ninja world."

Hokage Madara said with a smile on her face.

At this time, Ling Feng winked at Qianshou Zhujian, and at the same time stretched his finger to the door.

However, Qianshou Zhujian just looked at Ling Feng in doubt, and there was no action in his body.

"I'm going out first."

Ling Feng watched Qianshouzhujian for a while, but he was still unmoved, so he spoke to Hokage Madara.

Ling Feng was not very concerned about discussing how to unify the ninja world.

This kind of thing, he thinks, should be left to Hokage Madara, Quanna, Senju Tobirama, and Uchiha Madara, who are good at it.

He and Senju Hashima might as well stand outside and wait for them to discuss, and then listen to Hokage Madara and their arrangements.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng walked out of the door, checked the surroundings, and found that there was no one, then took out his mobile phone and began to check the messages in the chat group.

This time, he was only ready to dive, not to make a sound.

After all, I said a few days ago that I can't speak in the chat group for a few days, but today I went to the chat group to have a BB, isn't this slapping myself in the face?

"No, I'm Ling Feng, and they are Ling Feng, so it doesn't matter if you slap yourself in the face."

Thinking of this, Ling Feng eagerly took out his mobile phone and was ready to speak at any time.

Saiyan: Brothers, I learned some boxing techniques from Kaiwang, and now I have uploaded the group file, you can receive it.

Qianshou: Awesome, big guy, as expected of me, the martial arts talent is so strong.

Bo Feng: I remember that you should be only three years older than Wukong, but you can learn the world's king of boxing at the age of fifteen, so awesome!

Saiyan: ...Can you not mention the age? We have all received memories of how many times, do you think I am still fifteen years old?

Bigu: Haha, the God of War and the God of War are more than a thousand years old together. After all, Lingfeng, the God of War, is over a thousand years old.

Saiyan: So, age is something that doesn't exist for us at all. Maybe the guy who joins the group next time is a mythical beast that can live for tens of thousands of years.

Uchiha: The gods and beasts have come, and when the time comes, what kind of blue dragon and white tiger will come to the prehistoric world, wouldn't that be even more hanging?

Cthulhu: @Uchiha, didn't you say before that you have something to do in the past few days and you can't join the chat group? How can I come back now?

Looking at the message sent by the evil **** Lingfeng, Uchiha Lingfeng knew that as long as he spoke, Lingfeng would definitely ask him.

But it doesn't matter, after all, everyone is Ling Feng!

Uchiha: Just come out and paddle.

Cthulhu: By the way, didn't you say unifying the ninja world? what's the result?

Uchiha: Madara and the others were talking, so I came out to fish. Originally, I wanted to ask Chishou Hasuma to come out, but that idiot didn’t know what was going on, he just couldn’t read my eyes, so I came out by myself.

Cthulhu: Okay.

After reading the information in the chat group for a while, Uchiha Lingfeng closed the chat group.

In perception, the group of people in the room are almost finished talking, and it is time for me to go in.


Ling Feng let out a breath of turbid air, then knocked on the door and walked in directly.

At this time, Hokage Madara in the room was shaking hands with those big names.

This also means that they have finished talking about everything.

"Let's go back and assemble the ninjas."

Hokage Madara looked at Ling Feng and said aloud.

"What? Can't talk about preparing for war?"

Ling Feng asked Huoyingban in confusion.

"No, the country that received them."

Hokage Madara heard the words and opened her mouth to explain.

In the year of preparation, Hokage Madara has let other ninjas cultivate various talents, and now, it is time for those talents to come out.

"it is good."

Ling Feng nodded, then put a hand on Hokage Madara and Quanna's shoulders.

At this moment, Senju Tobirama put a hand on the shoulders of Senju Hasuma and Madara Uchiha.

The two sides nodded their heads at the same time, and directly used the technique of flying thunder god.

I have to say that with the technique of Flying Thunder God, it is very convenient if you want to go home.

After returning to Naruto's office, Naruto Madara immediately gave orders to the other ninjas.

After a while, a large group of people came to the Hokage office.

Each of these people is a talent that Hokage Madara personally cultivated.

Not only are they very skilled, they are also able to handle different government affairs.

They are what Hokage Madara has prepared for this year.

"You have a lot of work to do, deal with the original nobles of those countries, bring hope to those civilians, and suppress the rebels in those countries..."

Hokage Madara looked at the people in front of her with a solemn expression, and said word by word.

"I have spent a lot of hard work on you this year. Now is the time for you to pay. Do you have confidence?"

Looking at the group of people, Hokage Madara said aloud.


Those people said in unison.

"Okay, I'll take you to the place where you're going to work in a few days, so be prepared."

Hokage Madara glanced at Ling Feng beside him and said aloud.

Chapter 439: Unifying the Ninja World

After listening to Hokage Madara's story, those people nodded their heads one after another, and then left Hokage's office.

Looking at the figures they left, for some reason, Ling Feng felt that in the entire ninja world, they alone could not fulfill the requirements that Hokage Madara said.

"Why do I feel that the manpower is a little short, relying on them alone, I feel that it is difficult for them to bring a better role to a country."

Ling Feng raised his head, looked at Hokage Madara, and said aloud.

"Hey, did you also think about this layer?"

Hokage Madara heard the words and looked at Ling Feng with a smile.

"how do I say this?"

Ling Feng looked suspiciously at Hokage.

Could it be that in the entire Konoha Village, there are still some things that you don't know?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng closed his eyes and began to perceive the entire Konoha Village.

In Ling Feng's perception, the entire Konoha Village was exactly the same as before, and there was no difference.

"Can't you find it?"

Hokage Madara looked at Ling Feng's movements and said with a smile.


After listening to Hokage Madara's words, Ling Feng asked suspiciously.

Now it can be known that in the whole Konoha, there are indeed some things that Lingfeng does not know.

Of course, this is also related to Ling Feng's character.

After all, Ling Feng looked like a salted fish in the previous period of time.

So Hokage Madara and Quanna didn't tell Lingfeng about it in order to let Lingfeng live in Konoha well.

Hokage Madara didn't answer Ling Feng's question, but pointed to the bottom with a mysterious face.

Ling Feng followed Hokage Madara's fingers and looked at the ground, but didn't see anything.

"Is it under the Hokage Building?"

Ling Feng was thinking in his mind.

Ling Feng knew about the Anbu office under the Hokage Building.

Now it seems that there is a layer of things under the Anbu office.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng closed his eyes again and began to perceive the things under the Hokage Building.

Ling Feng's perception continued to dive, through the entire Hokage building, and began to move towards the ground.

Soon, Ling Feng sensed an office that was almost the same as the Hokage Building.

Ling Feng knew that the office was Anbu's office.

Continue to dive.

This time, Ling Feng dived for almost a thousand meters, and Ling Feng sensed a huge pothole.

In that pothole, there is a huge tree shrinking constantly.

Below the sturdy tree roots, there are many, densely packed small tree roots.

At the same time, a slender pipe was attached to the small tree roots and passed through the ground.

"Is that the divine tree?"

Perceiving that tree root, Ling Feng kept thinking in his heart.

Before Ling Feng took Quan Na and Tobirama to the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja World War, he naturally remembered the appearance of the divine tree.

Ling Feng did not expect that there was actually a divine tree within a thousand meters below the Hokage Building.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and continued to feel down.

He felt that there was something down there.

Look down the pipes of those tree roots.

I saw that those tubes were connecting to a human figure with green hair and white skin.

"Bai Jue!"

Perceiving the appearance of those human figures, the name immediately appeared in Ling Feng's mind.

This time, Ling Feng finally knew what was under the Hokage Building.

Beneath the Hokage Building, there are actually 100,000 White Absolutes.

That's right, it's 100,000 Bai Jue.

"When did it start?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and asked Hokage Madara aloud.

"Since you brought that spot back."

Hokage said aloud.

"After you brought him back, I communicated with him, and then decided on this plan. During this year, I not only cultivated those talents, but also used the power of the tailed beast to cultivate one hundred thousand white beasts. Absolutely."

Hokage said aloud.

"Of course, the power of those tailed beasts was borrowed from them after I discussed it with them."

Hokage continued to add.

"They? You know their names?"

Ling Feng noticed that Hokage Madara used the word 'they' when talking about the tailed beast.

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