
Hokage nodded his head.

‘Kurama, do you know about this? ’

Lingfeng asked about the nine lamas in his body.

‘How do I know, this year, I had a fight with Shouhe, and the rest of the time I was sleeping. ’

Kurama yawned and said slowly.

'All right. ’

Listening to the words of the nine lamas, Ling Feng sighed helplessly.

Since Kurama fought with Shouhe, he has been sleeping in Lingfeng's body.

Of course, with the current strength of Lingfeng, he usually can't use the Kurama mode, so Lingfeng has not disturbed the Kurama's sleep.

"It's okay, after the unification of the ninja world, after they settle down, they will return to the divine tree."

Hokage said aloud.


Ling Feng nodded his head.

a few days later.

The group of 100,000 Bai Jue was sent out jointly by Ling Feng and Tobirama.

Of course, Tobirama invented a technique of flying thunder gods that can be teleported in groups. Otherwise, if you let Ling Feng and Tobirama teleport one by one, you will not be exhausted?

After sending Bai Jue out, Hokage Madara gave orders to those Bai Jue.

Those orders were nothing more than restoring production, maintaining order, protecting civilians, and threatening those nobles.

Of course, some daimyo also have their own careful thoughts while changing their rights.

They will fund some bandits to plunder civilians and the people of the Fire Nation.

As a result, they took the opportunity to attack Hokage Madara.

What are you talking about under the leadership of Hokage Madara, some countries have begun to rebel. If the country is returned to them, this kind of thing will not happen...

But before they were too proud, those bandits were pacified by Bai Jue's army.

Those big names also obediently closed their mouths, quietly waiting for Hokage Madara's instructions.

One thing to say, these Bai Jue army are really very good tool people.

Pointing to the east will never go west, and you will never beat a dog if you drive a chicken.

With the assistance of Bai Jue army.

It took Hokage Madara about a month to pacify the entire ninja world and complete some power alternations.

The names of the five major countries and other small countries have only preserved the country name of the country of fire.

Of course, this country name is only temporary, and the real country name can only be determined after everyone has discussed it.

In the rest of the time, Hokage Madara began to implement the same track as the book and the text car, vigorously develop the economy, improve the knowledge level of the civilians in the Ninja continent, and fully produce crops.

Therefore, the entire ninja world has opened a new chapter.


When writing this chapter, I deeply realized the problem of my lack of writing power. Now I just want to improve my writing power so that I can write the plot in my mind.

Chapter 440 Newcomers who have just entered the group

Qianshou: @Uchiha, brother, how are you doing there? It's been almost two months, why haven't you been bubbling? I have learned the fairy mode.

Demon: @千手, after Uchiha said it last time, did you really go to learn the immortal mode?

Qianshou: Of course, we are idle anyway. We might as well learn the immortal mode to increase our strength.

Demon: To be honest, I feel that with our current strength, the immortal mode has little effect on us.

Qianshou: I know, although it doesn't work, it still has to be learned. After all, Uchiha has said that, as Lingfeng, I naturally help whenever I can.

Demon: What about the wind? Did he go to learn fairy mode?

Haze: Not yet, I've been taking Naruto and Naruko for the past few days, so I can't learn.

Chishou: Take the two of them? What about Minato and Kushina?

Namikaze: Minato and Kushina are dealing with the village's government affairs. Recently, Yun Ren wants to do something again, so Minato and the others will handle it when they go, and I will take care of the children.

Demon: All right.

Demon Lingfeng looked at the information on the phone and stretched out.

At this moment, his phone vibrated suddenly.

Feeling the vibration of the phone, the demon Lingfeng hurriedly looked down.

The last time I felt the vibration of my phone was when there was news of a new person joining the group.

That's why the demon Lingfeng made such a move.

‘The newcomer is about to join the group, please be prepared. ’

Such a message appeared on the chat group.

Demon: Are newcomers going to join the group? This time I feel that the time to join the group is a bit slow! It has been two or three months since the last time God of War entered the group.

Chishou: Indeed, I don't know what kind of newcomer will come this time.

Cang Liu: The magical world, the martial arts world, and the anime world are all there. Will there be a mythical world or a fantasy world this time?

Truck: When we received the memory, the first sentence we encountered was 'Douzhili, three paragraphs. '?

Cang Liu: …

Demon: Haha, when the newcomer comes in, let's ask and see, maybe it's Ling Feng from the everyday world who is added this time?

Jieku: Lingfeng of the everyday world, we already have a Lingfeng of a love action movie, let’s come back to Lingfeng of the Lifan world at that time.

Yuhuazi: Hey, @Jiku, you are a monk! Don't make Lifan's words so open and aboveboard!

Jieku: It's not like you don't know that I'm a fake monk. Also, you are obviously a Taoist priest, so why do you still have a younger sister? And according to my memory, you and that little junior sister are only one step left.

Yuhuazi: Ahem, our Taoist priests from Yuhua Temple can get married, so it doesn't matter.

Jieku: Needless to say, let's look forward to Lifan Lingfeng.

Celestials: Terrifying.

Empty bar: so terrifying.

Jieku: A terrifying hammer, we are all Lingfeng, I am just saying what you want to say in your heart but dare not admit it. Here, I am a shy hammer!

Celestials: Cough, cough.

Empty bar: cough cough.

Yuhuazi: ...We don't talk about this anymore, let's guess how long it will take for newcomers to join the group.

Quit suffering: Don't change the subject!

Celestial: I think a week!

KongTiao: I think three days.

Chishou: I think I will join the group within today.

Wave wind: Since you said what you said today, then I said that I will join the group in the next second. Anyway, this has not happened before.

[The leader joins the group. 】

Just as the word Bo Feng Ling Feng appeared in the chat group, the next second, such a prompt appeared in the chat group.

Chisato: Chief? The word leader is a bit broad!

KongTiao: Yes, just by looking at the words "leader", we shouldn't be able to guess what world the newcomer is from. And it sounds like a big guy!

Truck: Chief? Why is the name in my chat group called Truck! And the name of this newcomer is called the leader? I'm not convinced! Obviously I am also the leader! I'm also a leader in Cybertron!

Another world: There is no way, who told us that this chat group cannot be renamed, if it can be changed, I will definitely be called 'The Demon God of Another World Super Invincible Long Aotian'.

Naruto: Your name...

Ito: This name is really powerless to complain.

Truck: Plus one, why can't I remember that I have such a secondary school!

Jieku: Don't worry about the online name, the newcomer matters.

Yuhuazi: Would you say that this time the newcomer is the leader of an organization?

Chisato: Possibly.

Truck: Speaking of the boss, will the newcomer belong to the Young and Dangerous World? I feel that the name of the leader fits a bit with that movie!

Ling Ziyang: I don't think so, because all the young and Dangerous Boys are called the boss. According to your thinking, the name of the newcomer this time should be the boss, not the leader.

Truck: In this case, do you think it will be in the Red Police? I remember Yuri's Revenge, isn't there a leader?

Ito: In that case, it should be Commander! How can it be the leader?

Looking at the rebuttals of other Lingfengs in the chat group, the truck Lingfeng wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Leader: Is it a chat group? What family developed the software?

At this time, the newcomer began to speak.

Chisho: Family? Chief, why do I have a bad premonition.

Ling Fengmiao: Plus one, these two words together remind me of the Mafia on the Italian side.

Truck: Ahem, Mafia? How do I remember those three movies of Godfather.

Another world: If the godfather's three movies are concerned, it should be just an ordinary world.

Truck: Yes, but it's really the words of the leader of the godfather, which also means that there is a managerial talent in our Lingfeng!

Leader: Who are you?

Bo Feng: @Bigu, Bigu Bigu, come out and explain it to the newcomer, otherwise, we won't be able to understand this newcomer.

Bigu: Cough, @chief, let me explain to you.

So, Bigu Lingfeng began to explain the information in the chat group to the leader Lingfeng.

Leader: So it is. I have uploaded the group file, you can take a look, I am going to receive the group file.

Looking at the messages sent by the newcomers, other Lingfengs clicked on the group files one after another and began to receive the newcomer's group files.

The first memory is still the red truck running fast.

When the leader opened his eyes, he saw a nurse wearing a mask.

"Wow wow wow!"

Before Ling Feng could think about it, a big hand clapped on Ling Feng's butt, causing Ling Feng to cry out involuntarily.

Ling Feng he transmigrated into a baby.


Thank you for the two blades of 【Bookkeeper Skyfall】

Chapter 441: The memory of newcomer Lingfeng

Because the baby's brain is not fully developed.

During that time, Ling Feng was in a deep sleep most of the time, relying on the care of others all the time.

This situation continued until Ling Feng was six years old, and he gradually recalled his previous memories.

"Ling Feng, what are you thinking about?"

On this day, when Ling Feng was reading a book in the study, a figure walked behind Ling Feng, bent down slightly, and asked Ling Feng aloud.

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