
Hearing this, Ling Feng hurriedly turned to look.

I saw a middle-aged man with silver-white hair who looked to be in his forties and looked at Ling Feng with a smile.

This person is Ling Feng's father in this world.

"What are you looking at?"

The man looked at the book in Ling Feng's hand and asked with a smile.

"Look at the family history."

Ling Feng closed the book and said aloud.

"The history of our Pengele family? Haha, it's too early for you, wait until you grow up, and you'll see."

The man smiled and touched Ling Feng, then reached out and groped for something in his pocket.

"Today is your birthday, what birthday gift do you want?"

The man asked aloud while touching it.


Hearing this, Ling Feng thought about it in his mind.

After getting along before, Ling Feng already knew what kind of family he belonged to.

Peng Lie is an Italian mafia organization, a first-class mafia with assets, scale and reputation.

And Ling Feng's father is the ninth generation leader of the Pengele family.

Therefore, Ling Feng is speaking out in such a family, which can be said to be a second generation.

However, the second generation of Lingfeng is not easy to play.

In Ling Feng's memory, he has been assassinated many times.

However, those assassinations survived safely under the protection of the nine generations of leaders.

After many assassinations, Ling Feng began to look for the strength to protect himself in the family.

Under Ling Feng's painstaking search, he also learned about the skill of the flame of death.

The flame of death qi is a special kind of energy, which is closely related to the life energy of the human body. If the flame of death energy is exhausted, then human life will come to an end.

Moreover, in the history book, Ling Feng learned that each generation of the leader of the Pengele family was able to skillfully control the flame of death, and used the flame of death to attack and defend.

"I'll learn the flame of death first."

Ling Feng was silent for a while and said aloud.

"Haha, do you want to become stronger?"

The leader of the ninth generation looked at Ling Feng and said with a smile.


Ling Feng nodded his head heavily.

Although under the protection of the nine-generation leader, Lingfeng still lives well.

But he knows that it takes hard work to strike the iron.

If you have been relying on the protection of others, you are putting your life in the hands of others.

At this time, Ling Feng never wanted to see something.

"Ling Feng, you are six years old this year."

The leader of the ninth generation looked at Ling Feng in front of him and asked aloud.

"That's right."

Ling Feng nodded his head.

"I can teach you how to control the flame of death, but things like that are very hard. Are you sure you can persevere?"

The charitable eyes of the ninth generation leader became serious at this time, staring at Ling Feng closely.

"I can."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said decisively.

There was no chance before, but now Ling Feng has the opportunity to become stronger, he naturally wants to hold on to the rope and try to climb up until he can protect his life.

"Okay, if that's the case, I won't give you the gift yet. After a few days, I'll take you to exercise."

The leader of the ninth generation took out his hand again, touched Lingfeng's head, and said with a smile.


Ling Feng heard the words, nodded his head, and began to look forward to the exercise in a few days.

The time passed quickly after a few days.

Early in the day, before dawn, Ling Feng received a notification from the maid and asked him to wait at the training ground.

Although Ling Feng was a little puzzled why the maid came to inform him, he still rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up from the bed.

At the beginning, Ling Feng yawned, and the endless drowsiness kept pressing Ling Feng, making Ling Feng want to go back to sleep for a while.

But when he thought of how he looked in front of the nine-generation leader, he reached out and twisted his arm fiercely.

A strong pain came out of the arm immediately.

This time, Ling Feng's drowsiness was immediately dissipated, and Ling Feng became more energetic.

"Brush your teeth, wash your face, and go to the training ground."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and rushed directly to the bathroom with this momentum.

He wanted to wash his face while he was still in good spirits to make himself feel more refreshed.

Otherwise, it is really possible that he would fall asleep standing on the training ground.

After washing and getting dressed, Ling Feng ran directly towards the training ground.

After running for a while, a trace of sweat broke out on Ling Feng's body, and the whole person became more energetic.

Of course, there are also a group of bodyguards around Lingfeng.

Soon, Ling Feng came to the training ground.

I saw that the nine-generation leader and a little boy were already standing at the training ground.

"Father. Who is he?"

After Ling Feng arrived, he first said hello to the leader of the ninth generation, and then turned to look at the little boy standing next to the leader of the ninth generation.

"He's Iemitsu Sawada, your partner in this training."

The leader of the ninth generation looked at Ling Feng, then at Sawada Jiaguang, and said with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Ling Feng."

Looking at Sawada Jiaguang opposite, Ling Feng took the lead in extending his hand.


Sawada Jiaguang looked at Ling Feng's hand and shook it with a smile.

"Since you said you wanted the flame of death, I'll teach you now, but let me say it first, I won't give you training that exceeds your physical load, but the training content I have formulated is very It's hard work, once you accept it, you can't back down. Once you back down, don't mention it in the future, can you accept it? Jiaguang, you are the same."

Jiudai looked at Ling Feng in front of him, and then turned to Sawada Jiaguang and said aloud.

Sawada Jiaguang didn't respond, but turned to look at Lingfeng beside him.

He was originally a Japanese, but was brought to Italy the other day.

When he came, Sawada Jiaguang also heard his father say something about Peng Lie.

So when he came to the training ground, Sawada Iamitsu was already sitting down and getting ready.

Of course, Sawada Jiaguang also obeyed his father's request to observe some Lingfeng.

"I agree."

Feeling the gazes of the nine-generation leader and Sawada Iamitsu, Ling Feng said directly.

Chapter 442: Select the next leader

"Okay, let's start then."

The leader of the ninth generation nodded, and then the crutches in his hand burst into orange flames.

Although the raging fire burned on the cane, it did not cause any damage to the cane.

"This is the flame of death. After you learn the flame of death, you can control it skillfully."

The leader of the ninth generation put the crutches in front of the two and said aloud.


Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang looked at each other, swallowed their saliva and nodded.

"come over."

The two opponents of the ninth generation leader waved.

Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang didn't think much, and walked directly to the leader of the ninth generation.

I saw the leader of the nine generations raised a finger.

Immediately, the flames of death ignited on his fingers.

Afterwards, the leaders of the nine generations tapped on the foreheads of Lingfeng and Sawada Jiaguang respectively.

"This is?"

Ling Feng covered the spot where his forehead was pointed, and looked at the ninth generation leader suspiciously.

When his fingers touched his forehead just now, Ling Feng didn't feel a burning sensation, only a warm feeling.

"At this time, in order to stimulate the flame of death in your body."

The leader of the ninth generation looked at the two and explained aloud.


Ling Feng nodded his head.

Immediately afterwards, the leaders of the nine generations began to arrange training tasks for Lingfeng and Sawada Iemitsu.

And these training tasks are just internal exercises.

After all, the current Lingfeng and Sawada Jiaguang are just children. It is impossible for the ninth generation leader to arrange training for them that children cannot complete.

Even so.

After a day of training, both Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang felt that their bodies were filled with lead.

Now Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang were lying on the ground panting, and they didn't even have the idea to stand up.

Looking at Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang on the ground, the nine-generation leader turned his head with a smile and looked at the group of bodyguards standing aside.

"Take Lingfeng and the others down to take a bath."

The nine-generation leader said to the bodyguard.


The bodyguards said in unison, and then took Lingfeng and Sawada Jiaguang to take a bath.

'I didn't expect it to last. ’

The leader of the ninth generation looked at the figure of everyone leaving, thinking in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Lingfeng and Sawada Jiaguang would not be able to stand their own training, and gave up aloud.

But he didn't expect the two of them to grit their teeth and hold on abruptly.

'Let's see what happens next. ’

The ninth generation leader touched the ring on his middle finger, turned and left the training ground.

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