Ling Feng stretched out his hand and asked the boy in front of him aloud.

"My name is Ribone."

Li Baoen also stretched out his hand and held Ling Feng's extended palm.


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Chapter 446: Come and be my guardian

"Ribone? Kind of a strange name."

Ling Feng looked at Li Baoen in front of him and said with a smile.

"Your name is strange too."

Li Baoen pulled his hand back with a smile, and looked at the boss on the ground.

I saw that the boss lying on the ground had already lost his life, and his eyes were staring at the sky.

"One hit kills, skillful technique."

Looking at the eldest corpse, Ribon squatted down, and said aloud while checking.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Li Baoen's actions, Ling Feng asked in a puzzled voice.

Looking at other people's bodies, this is the first time Ling Feng has seen.

This guy doesn't have any hobbies yet.

Seeing the thoughtful expression gradually showing on his face, Ling Feng couldn't help thinking in his heart.

He didn't expect that the teenager who looked in front of him would show such an expression.

This is really an eye-opener for Ling Feng.

"I'm looking at the cause of his death and your tactics."

Reborn said aloud while examining the wounds of the corpse.

"Check method? Why?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng walked directly to Li Baoen's side, and also squatted down, staring at the corpse on the ground.

"Do you want to be a doctor in the future?"

Ling Feng asked Li Baoen suspiciously.

Looking at Li Baoen's serious look at the corpse, Ling Feng judged Li Baoen's behavior in his heart.

Lingfeng did not forget his mission to Rome.

He was about to come to the Guardian.

"No, I want to be a killer, I want to be the number one killer in the world."

Li Baoen checked the body, then stood up and said to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng asked in confusion.

"Because this is my dream."

Li Baoen picked up the pistol next to the eldest corpse, then picked up a black hat from the two younger brothers, and put it directly on his head.

After the hat hit Li Baoen's head, the boy's childishness disappeared all at once, and at the same time, a dangerous aura emanated from him.

"I saw his wound and knew that my hunch was right. You are very strong. Let's make a gesture."

Li Baoen held the firearm in his hand, then turned around and said to Ling Feng.

At the same time, Reborn pulled the brim down a bit.

A ray of light emanated directly from under the brim of the hat.

"You want to start with me?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng stood up directly and looked at Li Baoen in front of him.

"Yes, just a gesture."

Reborn nodded and covered his hat.


Looking at Li Baoen in front of him, Ling Feng nodded his head directly.

Just as Ling Feng's voice fell.

In his perception, a sense of danger emanated from Reborn.

Feeling this dangerous breath, Ling Feng hurriedly retreated.

I saw a flash of white light.

Li Baoen held the flying knife and slashed towards Ling Feng.

And the flying knife in his hand was naturally taken from the corpse just now.

"Good guy."

Looking at Li Baoen's rapid movements, Ling Feng's forehead could not help but sweat.

If it wasn't for his super-intuitive feeling, then he might really have been stabbed by Ribone's move.

It seems that this teenage boy is not an ordinary person.

"If you don't shoot, then I will continue to attack."

Looking at Ling Feng's retreating figure, Li Baoen said aloud.

I saw that he clenched the flying knife in his hand and threw it directly towards Ling Feng.

Then the whole body bullied him forward and rushed towards Ling Feng.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, Ling Feng tilted his head slightly and avoided the stabbing knife.

Then his left hand was clenched into a fist, his whole body squatted down slightly, and his eyes were fixed on Li Baoen who was rushing towards him.

Looking at Ling Feng's movements, Li Baoen threw a punch.

That thin arm actually contains strength that is not weaker than that of an adult.

The sound of breaking the air, like a muffled thunder, passed into Ling Feng's ears.

Seeing this, Ling Feng raised his right hand calmly, and his eyes were always on Li Baoen's body.

What he was looking at was Reborn's entire body, not just an arm.

Looking at Li Baoen's fist getting closer and closer, Ling Feng still maintained the same calmness in his heart as before.

‘Why don’t you hide? ’

Seeing Ling Feng's inaction, Li Baoen frowned. He had already thought about how to retract his fist.

After all, the previous battle between him and Ling Feng was nothing but communication.

It's impossible to make a mess.

"Don't be distracted!"

Ling Feng said suddenly.

At the same time, he directly stretched out his upper hand.

The two hands were like steel bars, firmly grasping Reborn's arm.

Then pull hard towards yourself.

Li Baoen was just like the guy before, his body involuntarily tilted towards Lingfeng.


Feeling the condition of his body, Li Baoen snorted coldly.

Directly following Ling Feng's movements, he continued to charge forward.

At the same time, Ribone also raised his right hand.

His right hand turned into a knife, and he slashed at Ling Feng's neck.

After years of training by nine generations of leaders.

Ling Feng naturally knew what would happen if he was hit by this knife.


Ling Feng took a deep breath, grabbed Li Baoen's arm tightly with both hands, and then pulled it down sharply.

Reborn's body also fell down involuntarily.

Although Reborn's current strength is not much different from that of an adult.

But compared with Ling Feng, it is still far from enough.

After all, Ling Feng received the most elite training from the Pengele family.

Ling Feng's strength is naturally much stronger than Li Baoen's.

This time, Ling Feng directly threw Li Baoen to the ground.

Looking at Li Baoen who fell to the ground, Ling Feng took out the flying knife directly from his pocket, his calf directly pressed against Li Baoen's arm, and the flying knife was also placed on Li Baoen's neck.

I felt the cold touch on my neck.

Ribone's movement that was still struggling just now stopped immediately.

"I won."

Looking at Li Baoen's expression, Ling Feng said aloud.

"you win."

Ribon said directly.

"How old are you than this year?"

Seeing that Li Baoen was softened, Ling Feng put away the flying knife, stood up with his whole body, and asked aloud.


Li Baoen got up directly, patted the dust on his body, and said aloud.


When Ling Feng heard the words, his eyes kept looking up and down on Li Baoen's body.

"Have you heard of the Pengele family?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, stood in front of Li Baoen, and asked solemnly.


Although he was a little puzzled why Ling Feng's expression was so solemn, Li Baoen nodded his head.

"How about you come to be my guardian?"

Ling Feng said directly.


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Chapter 447: The Battle of Leader Succession

"Guardian? What is that?"

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