When Li Baoen heard the words, he looked at Ling Feng in front of him suspiciously.

Although the Pengliel family is indeed very famous in Italy.

But ordinary people still don't know about the fact that every leader has a guardian.

So Li Baoen was stunned when he heard Ling Feng say the word guardian.

Seeing that Li Baoen's expression was not a fake, Ling Feng explained to him about the guardian of the Pengele family.

Under Ling Feng's explanation, Li Baoen quickly understood what kind of position the guardian of the Pengele family was.

"It stands to reason that this guardian should be a very important position, right, so why do you want to pull a person like me who has not known each other for less than a day?"

Li Baoen looked at Ling Feng in front of him suspiciously.

"Do you believe in gravity?"

Ling Feng walked in front of Li Baoen and said slowly.


When Li Baoen heard the words, he looked at Ling Feng in front of him suspiciously.

"There is a mysterious gravitational force between people. It is this gravitational force that made me and you meet me, and made you knock down the boss in time."

Ling Feng looked down at Li Baoen and said slowly.

"Why do I feel more and more mysterious?"

Li Baoen looked at Ling Feng in front of him, took a step back involuntarily, and said aloud.

"Ha ha."

Listening to Li Baoen's words, Ling Feng laughed out loud.

"What are you going to do next?"

Ling Feng looked at Li Baoen and asked.

"Travel, take missions, exercise, and become the world's number one killer."

Li Baoen glanced at Ling Feng and said aloud.

"That's right. I'm also looking for my guardian in the world now. How about you travel with me during this time?"

Ling Feng stretched out his palm towards Li Baoen in front of him and said slowly.

Li Baoen heard the words, looked up and down Ling Feng, and then reached out and grasped Ling Feng's hand.

Internal ~ Department Group: 7_37985291 "I'll follow you around for a while, let's talk about it first, I'll think about it about your guardian."

Ribon said aloud.

"Then let's find a place to eat first."

Ling Feng looked up at the gradually darkening sky and said aloud.


Li Baoen nodded his head, then followed behind Ling Feng.

The two left the place and walked towards the restaurant.

After eating and drinking, the two found a hotel and stayed there.

So, Ling Feng took Li Baoen on a journey to find the guardian.


A year passed quickly.

Ling Feng brought his six guardians back to the Pengele family again.

On each of their fingers is a ring belonging to the Pengele family.

The one-year appointment has come to an end.

"Let's go in."

Ling Feng glanced at the door of the Pengele family and walked in directly.

But before he could go far, he heard a bunch of noises behind him.

Ling Feng and Li Baoen looked back.

I saw Sawada Jiaguang walking towards Lingfeng with his six guardians.

Obviously, they also just returned here.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Ling Feng looked at Sawada Jiaguang and stretched out his hand with a smile.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Sawada Jiaguang also held Ling Feng's hand with a smile on his face.

The two were like good friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, and they didn't mean to fight each other at all.

Obviously, even though the two have become competitors now, in their hearts, they still regard each other as their friends, just as they said a year ago.

"Let's go and find the old man."

Ling Feng patted Sawada Jiaguang's shoulder, and then walked into the castle.


Sawada Jiaguang responded and walked over with Ling Feng.

Soon, fourteen people came to the front of the nine-generation leader.

"Old man, here we come."

Ling Feng looked at the leader of the ninth generation sitting in the seat and said directly.

"are you ready?"

The leader of the ninth generation kept his gaze on Ling Feng for a while, then turned to look at Sawada Jiaguang.


Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang looked at each other and said in unison.

"Then let's start the battle for ten generations of leaders tomorrow."

The nine-generation leader said aloud.

Just before his voice fell.

A man and a woman walked in outside the door.

And this man and woman Ling Feng and Sawada Iemitsu still know each other.

A year ago, it was these two who stayed and explained some rules to them.

Now it seems that the referees of this battle are these two people.

"It's you again."

Looking at the two who walked in, Ling Feng said directly.

"It's us."

The man said with a smile.

Then under the explanation of the man.

Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang understood what the battle was about.

It is to let each corresponding guardian perform a 1V1 heads-up, the winner can get the complete ring, and then finally see who has more rings, who is the tenth generation leader.

And then there will only be one Guardian who fights each day.

The battle between Lingfeng and Sawada Jiaguang was arranged on the last day.

After listening to the referee's remarks, Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang both nodded their heads, indicating that they understood.

Then everyone returned to their room and began to recuperate.

After six days.

It was the day when Ling Feng and Sawada Iamitsu fought.

In the past few days, Lingfeng Guardian's record is three wins and three losses.

And today is the last day of the ring battle.

On this day, the tenth leader of the Pengele family will be decided.

Therefore, most of the members of the Penglei family who cared about Daly chose to return to the castle to watch the battle of the successor.

After all, this matter is already a very important matter in the Pengele family.

"Come on."

Looking at Ling Feng's figure about to leave, Li Baoen said aloud.

Now that Li Baoen is Lingfeng's guardian of Qing, he naturally hopes that Lingfeng can become the leader of the tenth generation.

Just like Lingfeng supporting him to become the world's number one killer, he also supports Lingfeng to become the ten-generation leader of Peng Lie.


Ling Feng glanced at the guardians around him, nodded his head, and walked directly outside.

At this time, there was a training ground almost the size of a football field outside the room, and there were several unfinished buildings on the training ground.

From this point of view, it is the training ground that the Pengele family usually uses for training.

When Ling Feng just walked out of the room, he heard a shout from outside the field.

Ling Feng listened to the voice and looked up.

I saw a lot of people in black clothes shouting beside them.

They are the members of the Pengele family who came to watch from other places.

At this time, in the room on the other side, Sawada Iemitsu also came out.

Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang's eyes collided at once.


Thank you for the two monthly passes of [Mengxin Three Questions]

Thanks for the two blades of 【Kashiwagi】

Because the recommended votes reached 9250, so I added one more update, and now I still owe you eight chapters

Kevin again,

Chapter 448: Lingfeng's Weapon

With the explanations of the two adjudicators, Ling Feng and Sawada Iemitsu also understood what the rules of the wait were.

The rules are very simple, that is, fight as much as you like on this training ground. Only those who win can get the big empty ring of Peng Lie.

After the two adjudicators finished explaining, the doors of the entire training ground were opened.

"You won't let us two enter the training ground together."

Ling Feng looked at the fully opened door and spoke to the adjudicator.

"This is your freedom."

After the two adjudicators finished speaking, they disappeared directly in front of Ling Feng.

At the same time, outside the training ground, several screens were raised.

The content displayed on the screen is Ling Feng and Sawada Iemitsu.

"Let's go in."

Sawada Iamitsu took a deep breath and spoke to Ling Feng.

"All right."

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