Ling Feng nodded his head and walked into the training ground.

And Sawada Jiaguang is behind Lingfeng.

When the two completely walked into the training ground, there was another huge cheering from the outside.

And this loud voice cheered for Lingfeng and Sawada Iemitsu.

The two soon came to the center of the training ground and stood face to face.

"Put out your weapon."

Sawada Iemitsu took a deep breath, and he drew a samurai sword directly from his waist.

At the moment when the samurai sword was drawn.

An orange flame suddenly emerged from the hilt.

In less than a second, the entire blade was swallowed directly.

The icy and sharp blade was wrapped in raging flames and burned continuously in the air.

This is Sawada Iemitsu's weapon.

And the flame on that sword is the flame of death of Sawada Iamitsu.

"Weapons? I don't need weapons."

Ling Feng snapped his fingers and said aloud.

At the moment his voice just fell, the flame of death burst out on Ling Feng's forehead.

The same orange flame, the same burning flame.

The momentum of the two gradually radiated from their bodies, and they continued to bully each other.

The atmosphere on the scene fell into a dignified moment.

After a while, Sawada Iamitsu chose to take the lead in breaking the atmosphere on the court.

I saw him roar, clenched the samurai sword in his hand and charged towards Ling Feng.

The katana that was burning with flames slashed directly towards Ling Feng.

The flame continued to burn on the blade, coupled with the very quick movements of Sawada Iemitsu.

It made the flame of the blade body even more dangerous.

The flame was still wrapped around the knife just now.

And now, that flame had already attacked Ling Feng's face, and the flame made a crackling sound in the air, as if it was about to set the air on fire.

At this time, Sawada Iemitsu's samurai sword was like a ferocious fire dragon.

Looking at Sawada Iamitsu's attack, Ling Feng took a deep breath and waved his left hand.

A crimson samurai sword appeared in Ling Feng's hand.

And it was the handle of the samurai sword that blocked Sawada Iemitsu's attack.


Looking at the weapon that suddenly appeared in Ling Feng's hand, Sawada Jiaguang was taken aback, and his left foot slammed on the ground.

Then the rebound force opened the distance between himself and Lingfeng.

At the same time, Sawada Jiaguang's eyes fell on the weapon in Lingfeng's hand.

"The red color can also feel the temperature of the flame, and this weapon feels very familiar to me."

Looking at Ling Feng in front of him, Sawada Jiaguang kept thinking in his heart.

"Wait a minute, that weapon didn't have a hilt, it came straight out of his hand."

At this time, Sawada Iamitsu discovered the details of Lingfeng's weapon.

The samurai sword did not have a hilt, but rose directly from Ling Feng's left hand.

And under the samurai sword, there is still flames burning constantly.

As if that katana sword was made of flames.

"It's my turn to attack."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Sawada Jiaguang.

He is extremely fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he came to Sawada Iemitsu.

Immediately, Ling Feng kept slashing towards Sawada Jiaguang, and the streamer emitted by the flame kept flashing on the training ground, attracting the attention of most people outside the field.

Looking at Lingfeng's fierce attack, Sawada Jiaguang clenched the samurai sword in his hand and waved it constantly to defend against Lingfeng's attack.

But Sawada Iamitsu's speed obviously couldn't keep up with Lingfeng's speed.

Although Sawada Iemitsu has tried his best to defend.

However, there were still some scars and burns on his body.

"Is this the battle between the two heirs?"

The Pengele members who stayed outside the training ground looked at the images on the screen and thought in their hearts.

Although they have never fought against Ling Feng and Sawada Iamitsu, just watching the battle between Lingfeng and Sawada Iamitsu on the screen made them a little breathless.

They know that Lingfeng and Sawada Jiaguang are far superior to them.

Some people have even begun to think about what to do with the people in the training ground.

When you let yourself face Lingfeng or Sawada Iemitsu, can you defend yourself?

Soon, they came to a conclusion.

That is, they are not at all the opponents of Lingfeng split Sawada Iemitsu.

"If your strength is only like this, then this battle is won by me."

Ling Feng's samurai sword slashed heavily towards Sawada Iamitsu.

Then forcefully.

Sawada Jiaguang couldn't bear Ling Feng's sudden force all of a sudden, his knees bent down, and one leg knelt on the ground.


The Sawada family snorted loudly.

A huge wave of fire erupted from the samurai sword in his hand.

The fire wave was extremely hot.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature was raised several degrees.

Even around Sawada Iemitsu's samurai, there is still some distorted space.

It can be seen that Sawada Jiaguang used his own skills to press the bottom of the box.

I felt the fire wave that suddenly erupted from Sawada Iemitsu.

Ling Feng jumped back directly, dodging the attack of the fire waves of the Sawada family.


Sawada Iemitsu shook the samurai sword in his hand and stood up, taking a deep breath,

Then slammed back with the katana.

A huge wave of fire emanated from the samurai sword again.

This violent fire wave is constantly pushing Sawada Iemitsu's body with a powerful impact.

And Sawada Jiaguang also used this thrust to rush in the direction of Lingfeng.

This speed was a few points faster than the speed of Sawada Iamitsu's last attack.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he came to Ling Feng.


Thanks for the four monthly passes of [One Punch VS Superman]

Chapter four hundred and forty-ninth victory and defeat


Sawada Iemitsu's samurai sword fell on Lingfeng's samurai sword.

The two flaming samurai swords collided fiercely, making a crisp sound.


Sawada Iamitsu roared, and the strength of his whole body was continuously poured into his arms, and his hands tightly held the handle of the samurai sword.

The katana sword, which was originally white as snow and exuded a chill, has now turned red, and even a little black on the tip of the blade.

This shows how terrifying the temperature on the samurai sword is.

At this time, Sawada Jiaguang's arm has been very swollen by the muscles, and many blue veins are directly exposed, which looks very terrifying.

I saw Sawada Jiaguang's samurai sword constantly looking at Lingfeng and pressing it.

Although the progress of each pressing is only a little, it is also pressing in the direction of Lingfeng.

As long as this stalemate continues, then Sawada Iamitsu's samurai sword can slash on Ling Feng's body.

"Did you forget that I still have a hand?"

Ling Feng stared at Sawada Jiaguang with tight eyes, and suddenly said aloud.

I saw Ling Feng's right hand stretched out.

A long spear composed of flames appeared in Ling Feng's hands.

Holding the flaming spear, Ling Feng stabbed directly at Sawada Jiaguang.

The sound of breaking the air rang directly.

Sawada Jiaguang yanked his hands down sharply, and at the same time his entire body slanted to the left, barely dodging Lingfeng's spear, and then took two steps back.

Although he moved very quickly, there was still a wound on his arm.

Originally, if he was stabbed by the spear, Sawada Iamitsu's arm should bleed, but there was still flames on the spear.

So the moment the wound just appeared, it was burned by the flames.

The wound that was just about to bleed was glued together at once.


Feeling the pain from his arm, Sawada Jiaguang gasped, his eyes fixed on Ling Feng.

"Are you still fighting?"

Ling Feng held both hands, and the samurai sword and spear composed of flames disappeared directly into the air.

Then Ling Feng made a bow gesture.

A bow and arrow with flame appeared in Ling Feng's hand.

A bunch of tasted flames are burning continuously on the bow.

As long as Ling Feng let go, the arrow made of flames would shoot directly towards Sawada Jiaguang.


Sawada Jiaguang clutched his arm, panting looking at Ling Feng in front of him, just about to say something, then turned his head to look outside the training ground.

But because there is still a long distance between the training ground and the off-field.

So in the eyes of Sawada Iemitsu, he didn't see anything.

"I lost."

Although Sawada Jiaguang didn't want to admit it, he knew that he couldn't beat Ling Feng.

If it wasn't for Ling Feng not killing him, his body would have been lying on the training ground long ago.

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