"Boss, where are you going to sleep tonight?"

One of the guardians asked Ling Feng.

"Hotel, we have already booked the hotel."

Ling Feng responded directly.

After everyone finished talking, they started to eat.

Under the superb cooking skills of Sawada Nana, everyone had a great time eating this meal.

After everyone had eaten and drank, they returned to the hotel they had already booked and began to rest.

The next day, it was time for the wedding of Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana.

Ling Feng and others naturally attended in formal attire.

And the seat they were in was naturally the man's seat.

Follow the music with the voice of the priest.

Sawada Iamitsu, who was wearing a white suit, took the lead and walked directly to the priest's stage.

And as the wedding went on, Sawada Nana in a white wedding dress also appeared in front of everyone.

"It's so beautiful."

Arya looked at the happy face of Nana Sawada and couldn't help but admire.

As the saying goes, the most beautiful time for a woman is when she wears a wedding dress.

As a woman, Arya was already fascinated by the moment Nana Sawada appeared.

Looking at the wedding dress, Arya couldn't help but admire.

After all, she is just a woman in her twenties now, and she also has beautiful fantasies about love.

"If you think it's beautiful, go and wear it."

Ling Feng glanced at Sawada Nana, then took his eyes back and said aloud.

"Then you have to find someone you like."

After Arya finished speaking, she turned to look at Ling Feng who was beside her.

"Then go find it, you have been staying in our family, do you want to find someone from our family?"

After Ling Feng glanced at Arya, he turned his eyes to other places and said aloud.

"Look at it later."

After Arya finished speaking, she removed her head from Ling Feng's body and continued to look at Sawada Nana.

Feeling Arya's gaze, Sawada Nana smiled at Arya and walked directly in front of Sawada Iemitsu.

And the nine-generation leader sitting beside Ling Feng listened to Ling Feng and Arya's words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

There was a kind smile on his face.

At the same time, under the oath of the priest, Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana quickly exchanged rings.

Then there is the usual wedding process.

Cut cakes, drink wine, say testimonials…

The last step is to change the flower ball.


Looking at the flower ball in Sawada Nana's hand, Arya took a deep breath.

At the same time, Sawada Nana's voice gradually entered Arya's ears.




Just after the countdown was finished, Sawada Nana held the flower ball and threw it back.

The pink and white flower **** flew high into the sky and flew towards the back.

Looking at the flower **** that were getting further and further away, Arya sighed and closed her eyes.

Originally, she had some expectations that the flower ball could fall into her hands, but now it seems that this is impossible.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows.

The flower ball was blown back by this gust of wind.

In the end, under everyone's attention, the flower ball fell into Arya's hand.


Looking at the flower ball in Arya's hand, Ling Feng was suddenly surprised.

He didn't expect the flower ball to come back.

Feeling the sudden sensation in her hands, Arya hurriedly opened her eyes.

A pink and white flower ball appeared in front of his eyes.


Looking at the flower ball in her hand, Arya couldn't help but be surprised, her right hand was still slapping Ling Feng's arm.

"Don't get excited."

Ling Feng said hurriedly.

After a while, Arya gradually calmed down, holding the flower ball in her hands tightly.

"Let's go, let's congratulate the newcomer."

Arya took a deep breath and dragged Ling Feng towards Sawada Iamitsu and Sawada Nana.

At the same time, the leader of the Nine Generations smiled and waved to the guardian of the mist behind Sawada Iemitsu.

The guardian of the mist also nodded his head and followed the other guardians towards Sawada Iamitsu. .

"Boss, you are..."

Looking at the movements of the nine-generation leader, Li Baoen couldn't help asking aloud.

"You didn't see anything, did you."

The leader of the ninth generation looked at Li Baoen and said with a smile.


Thanks to 【Bookkeeper 74512856583】for the four monthly passes

Chapter 455: The illegitimate son of the leader of the nine generations

In the next few days, Ling Feng, the leader of the ninth generation and others had a good time to relax, and then returned to the Pengele family.

Another seven or eight years.

Lingfeng, Sawada Iemitsu, Ribone, and Arya have all become adults in their thirties.

In the past seven or eight years, not only has the Pengele family undergone some changes, but even Ribone has also undergone changes.

Li Baoen, who was originally an adult, suddenly one day, when he woke up, he turned into a baby, and there was a yellow pacifier hanging around his neck.

And the place he was in was not the Pengele family, but a very unfamiliar place.

At the same time, beside him, there are five babies who look similar to him.

Looking at the situation around him, Li Baoen left without the slightest hesitation, then took out his mobile phone and started to call Ling Feng.

"Hey, Ling Feng..."

After Li Baoen connected, he quickly explained his situation to Lingfeng.

After Ling Feng heard the story, he directly sent members of the Pengele family to pick him up at the place that Li Baoen said.

"Fate is turning."

At this time, Arya, who was staying beside Ling Feng, said suddenly.

"Fate is turning? What do you mean?"

Ling Feng asked Arya in confusion.

Arya had told Ling Feng that she could never see the future again, but now, she started to say the word 'destiny' again.

This made Ling Feng very puzzled.

"You'll find out later."

Arya didn't answer, she smiled at Ling Feng.


Seeing this, Ling Feng said helplessly.

After a period of time, the personnel sent by Lingfeng returned soon.

Seeing a baby-like Li Baoen, he jumped off the co-pilot and walked towards Ling Feng's study.

He was ready to tell Ling Feng what had happened to him.

Soon, Li Baoen came to Lingfeng's study and talked to Lingfeng and Arya about his own changes.

Listening to Li Baoen's description, Ling Feng and Li Baoen began to discuss why he became like this.

The two discussed it for a while, but neither of them came up with any news.

In the end, Reborn can only continue to maintain the state of this baby.

In the beginning, Ribone was still a little uncomfortable.

But under the continuous training and exercise of Reborn.

He was in complete control of his body.

In the next few years, Ling Feng and Arya's relationship was a matter of course, and they also held a grand wedding in Italy.

This wedding made Pengele's name rang out in the sky of Italy.

As time went on, the Pengele family also began to merge with Arya's family.

On this day, the leader of the ninth generation returned to the castle of the Pengeli family with a boy who looked almost ten years old.

"Who is he?"

Looking at the little boy led by the leader of the ninth generation, Arya asked Ling Feng puzzled.

"do not know."

Ling Feng shook his head.

"Old man, who is he?"

Ling Feng directly asked the nine-generation leader.

"You'll find out later."

The leader of the ninth generation smiled slightly at Ling Feng, and then began to summon the high-level officials of the entire Pengele family.

Arya heard the words, frowned and patted Ling Feng's shoulder.

Feeling the temperature from Arya's palm, Ling Feng patted the back of Arya's hand, and then showed her a smile.

Then Ling Feng sat directly in the middle of the hall.

Arya sat on Ling Feng's right hand, and the leader of the ninth generation sat on Ling Feng's left.

As for the ten-year-old boy, he was standing behind the nine-generation leader.

Since most of the members are in the castle.

Therefore, the speed of those high-level arrivals is also very fast.

When they entered the door, they saw Ling Feng sitting on the long table and the leader of the ninth generation.

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