At this time, Ling Feng's six guardians were all sitting at the long table with their eyes closed.


Looking at Ling Feng sitting in the center, all the high-level executives bowed to Ling Feng and sat back to their seats.


Looking at the people who came in one after another, Ling Feng nodded his head, his expression was exactly the same as before, so that those people could not see whether Ling Feng's expression was happy or sad at this time.

Soon, Peng Lie's high-level personnel gradually took their seats.

More than fifty people filled the entire large table at once.

"Everyone is here."

The leader of the ninth generation looked at the crowd and coughed twice, attracting everyone's attention.

Feeling the gazes of everyone, the gaze of the ninth generation leader did not change in any way, he was still smiling, and an aura spread from him.

"Actually, I called everyone here to announce one thing."

After the ninth generation leader finished speaking, he waved to the little boy behind him.

Looking at the movements of the leader of the ninth generation, the eyes of many high-level leaders suddenly converged, and they all placed on the little boy.

Feeling the gazes of many high-level leaders, the little boy's appearance was not as calm as that of the nine-generation leader.

His face became tense, and fine sweat was constantly pouring out from his forehead.

Even the little hands were clenched tightly.

His eyes stared at the senior Peng Lie who was sitting on the table, like a hedgehog that kept growing its own thorns.

"Don't worry, kid, don't be nervous."

Looking at the little boy, the leader of the ninth generation smiled and put his head on the little boy's hand and rubbed it twice.


Feeling the touch of the leader of the ninth generation, the little boy nodded, and the eyes in his eyes became kinder.

"Child, sit here."

The leader of the ninth generation patted the little boy on the shoulder and put him on the chair.

Then the leader of the ninth generation cleared his throat and attracted everyone's attention to himself.

"I'm here to announce one thing."

The nine-generation leader said aloud.

And Peng Lie executives also pricked up their ears, waiting for the announcement of the ninth generation leader.

"This is XANXUS, my long-lost son."

The leader of the ninth generation glanced at Ling Feng and said this matter slowly.

The voice of the ninth generation leader just fell.

The hearts of many Peng Lie executives set off a stormy sea.

What does the nine-generation leader mean?

Some active-minded executives immediately began to think about why the nine-generation leader announced this.

And what does he mean by that?

Many high-level leaders thought in their hearts.


Arya stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of Lingfeng's clothes and asked in a low voice.


Ling Feng tried his best to hold back his smile and shook his head at Arya.


Thank you [Shadow Dragon] for four monthly passes and five spicy bars

Thank you [author update ah] for a monthly pass

Chapter 456 XANXUS's Life Experience

Regarding the announcement of the leader of the ninth generation, in fact, when Lingfeng saw the little boy for the first time, he vaguely guessed what the leader of the ninth generation wanted to say.

Based on Lingfeng's understanding of the leader of the nine generations, he fully understands that under normal circumstances, he just does something to embarrass Lingfeng.

Therefore, it was not until the voice of the leader of the ninth generation fell that Ling Feng confirmed his inner thoughts.

And just after the words of the leader of the ninth generation fell, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became solemn.

The eyes of Peng Lie's executives kept scanning back and forth on the leader of the ninth generation, Ling Feng, and the little boy.

They want to get more information from Lingfeng and them.

This will help them make some judgments.

But Ling Feng's expression was still the same smiling expression, as if the announcement of the ninth generation leader did not cause any waves in his heart.

The expression of the leader of the ninth generation is still a kind expression, and it looks harmless to humans and animals.

As for XANXUS, in the hearts of many high-level executives, he does not have any status, at most it is only a member of Peng Lie.

"Do you have any questions?"

After a while, the nine-generation leader looked at the crowd and asked aloud.

Many of Peng Lie's high-level officials shook their heads and said that they did not have any ideas.

As for whether they have any ideas in their minds, it is impossible to guess.

"Since everyone has no ideas, let's end the meeting."

The nine-generation leader said with a smile.

Then he got up and left the hall with XANXUS.

Seeing the figures of the two leaving, many of Peng Lie's high-level officials frowned, thinking about the meaning of the ninth generation leader's actions.

"Ling Feng..."

Looking at the figure of the leader of the ninth generation, Arya frowned and called Ling Feng's name in a low voice, and behind her words, there were still some words that were not spoken.

As Arya's husband, Ling Feng naturally understood what her unspoken words were.

"It's alright, I'll go and ask the old man properly after a while."

Ling Feng patted the back of Arya's hand and said with a smile.

"Okay, you also heard the old man's words, our Penglae ​​family has added a new family member today."

Ling Feng stood up and said aloud to everyone present.

"And the identity of this member is my 'brother', so I hope everyone can treat it well."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he gave Arya Li Baoen a wink, then left here and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Seeing this, Arya and Li Baoen also got up and followed Ling Feng.

As for the others, seeing that the leader of Pengelie has left, then they have no meaning to continue sitting here.

So they left the hall while discussing.

At the same time, they are also discussing what the meaning of the ninth generation leader's actions are, and at the same time guessing the thoughts of Lingfeng and the ninth generation leader.

At the same time, Ling Feng waited in the corridor for a while.

Then he saw Arya and Reborn and came out.

"Let's go."

After Ling Feng finished speaking to the two of them, he walked straight forward.


Since Li Baoen was in the shape of a baby at this time, he quickly ran two steps, jumped directly on Ling Feng's shoulder, and asked aloud.

"Go to the study, I have a hunch that the old man is waiting for me in the study now."

Ling Feng said with a smile.

Under the leadership of Ling Feng, the three quickly came to the front of the study.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing black clothes and sunglasses on his face standing at the door of the study at this time.


When the middle-aged man saw Ling Feng, he bent down and said to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng nodded, then pushed open the door and walked in.

Originally, Ling Feng was still wondering if the nine-generation leader would be here.

Judging from the middle-aged man who is guarding the door now, the leader of the nine generations must be inside at this time.

So Ling Feng stepped forward directly, pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

And Li Baoen and Arya followed Ling Feng, and when they were about to go in, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand, blocking their progress.


Arya looked at the middle-aged man in puzzlement.

"The leader of the ninth generation said that the boss can only enter this room alone."

The dull voice of the middle-aged man rang out.

"If that's the case, then you guys want to wait outside. I'll go see the old man first."

Ling Feng smiled and waved to Arya and said aloud.

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he closed the door directly.

At this time, the leader of the ninth generation was sitting on a chair, his eyes looking at Ling Feng.

"Old man, you should talk about what you did tonight."

Ling Feng suddenly pulled out a chair from the side, sat directly in front of the nine-generation leader, and asked straight to the point.

If it was someone else, Ling Feng would still talk to him and talk for a while.

As for the leader of the ninth generation, Ling Feng naturally asked directly.

After all, the relationship between the two is not ordinary.

But a strong blood relationship.

"Tell me? Say what?"

The leader of the ninth generation looked at Ling Feng's expression and said with a smile.

"Of course it's about the kid you brought back. It seems to be called XANXUS."

Ling Feng said aloud while recalling the face of XANXUS.

"You said it was him, he was your brother."

The nine-generation leader said directly.

At the same time as he spoke, he tapped the table, making a rhythmic sound.

"you sure?"

Ling Feng heard the words and said.

The leader of the ninth generation did not reply, but nodded his head in response to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng looked at the movements of the nine-generation leader, and did not speak for the first time, but closed his eyes and began to recall XANXUS's face.

thought for a while.

Ling Feng opened his eyes and looked at the leader of the ninth generation.

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