"No, you don't want his face at all, and the flames on his body are different from ours."

Ling Feng said directly.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to see it at a glance."

The nine-generation leader said with a smile.

"Actually, he is not my son, but a poor woman who came to me and said that XANXUS is my son."

"Then I went to see that woman, a woman I've never seen before, it's impossible for me to give birth to my son. But what happened to that woman made me so pitiful that I couldn't bear to deny it, and I didn't believe my mother's words. A suspicious child, so I recognized it."

Thinking back to the tragic woman he saw before, the leader of the ninth generation said slowly.


Thank you for a monthly pass from [Passers-by of Tomorrow]

Thank you [Liu Feng Mo Chen] for a monthly pass

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Thanks to 【Zuo Zuo】for the two blades

Chapter 457: The position of the tenth leader is mine, not Lingfeng's

"That's why I announced in front of everyone that XANXUS is your brother."

The nine-generation leader said aloud.

"Is this your kindness?"

Ling Feng looked at the nine-generation leader in front of him and said slowly.

"Yes, this is my kindness, but I'm just a hypocrite."

Thinking back on what he did, the leader of the ninth generation couldn't help laughing and shook his head helplessly.

"You can feel it, too, the flames in his body."

The leader of the ninth generation was silent for a while, and spoke directly to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng nodded his head and responded to the nine-generation leader.

"The flame in your body can be said to surpass the leaders of all dynasties, so he can't threaten you at all for you, so you can rest assured."

The nine-generation leader said.

"By the way, have you noticed the look in his eyes? The kind of look you want to capture."

The nine-generation leader continued to add.

"Noted, he might challenge me, right."

Ling Feng responded with a smile.

"That's right, so what's your opinion? After all, you are now the leader of the Pengele family. This time, I have crossed the line."

After the ninth generation leader finished speaking, he lowered his head and reached out to write something on the book.

As the closest person to the leader of the ninth generation, Ling Feng naturally knew what he was writing.

He is writing a diary.

That's right, the leader of the nine generations still maintains a habit that many people do not have, that is, writing a diary.

"Are you sure you want to write this down?"

Ling Feng looked at the movements of the nine-generation leader and said aloud.

"It is very likely that he will find this diary of yours in the future."

In Lingfeng's mouth, he naturally refers to XANXUS.

"Then find it."

The leader of the ninth generation shook his head and said aloud.

"What's your opinion?"

The leader of the ninth generation stopped writing, looked up at Ling Feng in front of him, and asked aloud.

For Ling Feng's opinion, the leader of the nine generations is very attentive.

After all, this is about the safety of XANXUS's life.

If it was another leader, then they would definitely choose to kill XANXUS directly.

Because XANXUS shows a very aggressive consciousness.

As long as he is allowed to grow up healthy, then he will definitely challenge the position of the leader.

This is the feeling that Ling Feng and the leaders of the nine generations have in common.

"Haha, just him? Even if he challenges me, I can easily suppress him."

Ling Feng looked at the leader of the ninth generation and said very confidently.

"Here, I am the leader of Peng Lie. As long as I don't abdicate myself, no one can take it away from me."

Ling Feng said slowly.

"If you're confident, that's fine."

The nine-generation leader nodded and said aloud.

He already understood what Ling Feng meant.

"If there is nothing else, then I'll go out first."

Ling Feng got up directly and walked towards the door.

As soon as Ling Feng went out, he saw Arya and Li Baoen standing outside the door waiting for Ling Feng.

"How about it?"

When Arya saw Ling Feng coming out, she stepped forward and asked aloud.

"Everything is under control."

Ling Feng raised a palm and said.

"That's good."

Li Baoen looked at Ling Feng's movements and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll go back first."

After Li Baoen finished talking to the two, he left here directly.

For Ling Feng's words, Li Baoen still believed very much.

After all, the two have been friends for a long time.

Afterwards, Ling Feng walked and whispered to Arya about XANXUS.

At the same time, he also shared his thoughts with Arya.

As Ling Feng's wife, Arya naturally fully supports Ling Feng's idea.

So under the confirmation of Lingfeng, XANXUS lived in the Pengele family as the son of the leader of the ninth generation.

At the beginning, XANXUS also behaved very normal, very humble and polite.

But as time passed, he also got older.

The nature of XANXUS is gradually exposed.

He began to become defiant and began to decide how to do things according to his own preferences.

Gradually, he didn't pay attention to everyone, not even Ling Feng and the nine-generation leader.

this day.

A member of the Pengele family accidentally bumped into XANXUS.

Then XANXUS hit that member directly.

Because XANXUS has also been trained by the Pengele family in recent years, coupled with his identity, that family member can only let XANXUS beat him, and dare not fight back at all.

I saw that XANXUS punched the family member directly.

A fist like steel fell on the member's head at once.

After receiving this punch from XANXUS, the members suddenly felt a little dizzy, and the whole body suddenly became unsteady.

Looking at the action of that member, XANXUS did not have the idea of ​​giving up, but chose to pursue the victory.

He grabbed the member's arm tightly with both hands, then pulled the member to his side, and then used an over-the-shoulder throw.

He directly slammed the member to the ground.

All of a sudden, that member passed out and did not stand up.

"Bah, just you, still want to hit me?"

Looking at the unconscious member on the ground, XANXUS spat and said viciously.

The other members looked at XANXUS's appearance and immediately took a few steps back, daring not to provoke his bad luck.

"Is that his character?"

Ling Feng, who was standing on the second floor, looked at XANXUS on the first floor, frowned and said to the leader of the ninth generation.

"The identity within the family has made him lose himself."

The nine-generation leader said slowly.

"Now I have no reason to take action. If he is like this, at most, he can only educate him verbally."

Ling Feng said helplessly.

Ling Feng was very sympathetic to what happened to that member of the family, but for XANXUS, Ling Feng couldn't do it himself.

Because Ling Feng's identity at this time is the leader of the Pengele family.

It is impossible for the leader of a family to take action because of some family fights.

So now Ling Feng wants to teach him a lesson, but there is no good reason.

"I tell you, that is, he was born earlier than me. If I was born earlier, then the position of the tenth leader must be mine, not his."

At this time, XANXUS looked at a person viciously, pointed his left hand constantly at the person's chest, and said loudly.

And his words were also heard by everyone present.

Now, Ling Feng has a reason to take action.


Because the recommended votes have reached 9500. With one more update, I still owe you nine chapters. The house is moving these days, and the house will be moved in a few days, so you can add more.

Chapter 458 Lingfeng wants to retire


Ling Feng looked at XANXUS standing at the bottom and said his name directly.

"Why did you call me?"

Hearing this, XANXUS raised his head and looked at Ling Feng with fierce eyes.

"What did you just say? Could you say a word?"

Ling Feng took out his ears, looked at XANXUS with a smile, and said aloud.

"What, do you want to listen again?"

XANXUS snorted and laughed directly, looking at Ling Feng with playful eyes.

At the same time, he walked directly to a chair and sat down.

Immediately afterwards, his legs were placed directly on the table, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

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