Ling Feng constantly looked at the scenery of the female teacher's kitchen, thinking in his heart.

At this time, the actions of the female teacher caught Ling Feng's attention.

I saw the female teacher turned on the gas stove, and then started to boil water.

When boiling water, she also put the quilt next to the kettle.

Looking at the female teacher's movements, Ling Feng tapped the cup a few times.

This action of the female teacher can be said to have helped Lingfeng make a foreshadowing.

So, under Lingfeng's click, a crack appeared slightly below the cup.

It's just that because this crack is very concealed, the woman honestly didn't find it.

Soon, the sound of the kettle being boiled sounded.

The female teacher listened to the sound of the kettle, went directly to the kettle, picked up the kettle and started pouring water into the cup.

Boiling hot water kept flowing from the kettle into the cup.

This time, the crack at the bottom of the cup became bigger.


The female teacher took a deep breath and lifted the cup.

And the hot water flowed directly from the crack in the cup and dripped onto the female teacher's feet.


Feeling the piercing pain from her feet, the female teacher shouted.

The teacup in his hand flew out involuntarily.

Hot water spilled all over the place.

At the same time, some water was sprinkled on the female teacher's arm.


The female teacher screamed and ran towards the bathroom.

She was going to let cold water wash the part of her that was scalded by the hot water.

Otherwise, her heels and arms will be scalded, and she will have to sit on the ground and wait to die.

After all, what Alex said to her before had entered her heart.

Although the female teacher didn't believe Alex's words, she still planned to move out of her home tomorrow and find a safer place to live.

The main goal of the female teacher now is to run into the bathroom and wash her injured part.

Just when she ran into the bathroom.

As soon as the soles of his feet slipped, his entire body fell to the ground involuntarily.

And underneath her fall was a bathtub.


Looking at the bathtub that was getting closer and closer to her, the female teacher shouted.

But her shouting had no effect.


The female teacher fell directly on the bathtub.

Her neck slammed down against the railing of the bathtub.

This time, the female teacher's neck was directly twisted and broken.

Although the female teacher's neck is still connected.

But at this moment her head was tilted back at an incredible 180 degrees.

With his neck twisted like this, he naturally couldn't survive.

Female teacher, die!

So the name of the female teacher on Lingfeng's list gradually disappeared from the list.

This time, only four of the five people who were still alive were left.

"Then who's next?"

Ling Feng looked towards the next list.

"It turned out to be the boyfriend of the woman who died today."

Ling Feng clicked on the boyfriend's name.

As a ripple passed, the boyfriend's face appeared in the list.

He was driving at this time, and judging from his expression, his expression was very nervous, and there was a pistol next to his car seat.

"Where is this going?"

Looking at her boyfriend, Ling Feng thought about it in his mind.

Here, the screen on my boyfriend's phone lights up.

It turned out that someone had sent him a message.

Ling Feng looked towards the screen.

I saw that the person texting her boyfriend was Billy.

"Billy? I think it's like the next **** guy."

Ling Feng rubbed his head and thought.

This time, Ling Feng is going to let her boyfriend join Billy, and then kill them together.

As time passed, the boyfriend drove to Billy's side.

And Ling Feng wanted to solve the two people directly in the car at first, but because there was one more person in the car.

This made Ling Feng a little difficult to handle.

According to the rules, Lingfeng can only kill up to four people a day.

In the afternoon, Ling Feng had already dealt with the woman, and just now Ling Feng had dealt with the female teacher. If he wanted to continue dealing with his boyfriend and Billy, the woman who had just got in the car would be implicated.

This is what Ling Feng does not want to see.

So Ling Feng was going to wait for Billy and the others to separate before killing them.

Driven by her boyfriend, they quickly found Alex.

This time, all four of them got into the car.

This made Ling Feng even more difficult.

At this time, Alex, who had just gotten in the car, expressed his conjecture.

The inspiration he got from the TV just now, the death **** kills people according to the position on the plane.

So Alex looked at the boyfriend who was driving in front of him, and said slowly, "The next person to die is you."

Listening to Alex's words, the boyfriend's mentality collapsed suddenly.

He has been in a mentally unstable state for the past two days.

He escaped from the plane, and then his classmates died one after another.

Plus the death of his girlfriend.

At this time, Alex said that the next person to die will be himself.

This made the boyfriend's mentality explode.

The boyfriend's face suddenly turned ugly.

He stepped on the accelerator and ran fast on the street.

He didn't even care about the shouting of the classmates behind him.

In the end, he gradually drove to a railroad track.

"What do you want to do?"

Watching her boyfriend's movements, Alex shouted.

"Since I will die sooner or later, I might as well die by myself."

The boyfriend glanced at Alex and said viciously.

And Alex, Billy, and the woman didn't want to die here with their boyfriends.

So they just got off the train and stayed away from the tracks.

"Come down quickly!"

Looking at her boyfriend who was still sitting in the car, Alex hurriedly shouted.

But the boyfriend in the car was indifferent, still sitting in the car, not moving at all.

Chapter 488 Death (modified, just refresh it)

Looking at her boyfriend sitting in the car, Ling Feng couldn't help being a little speechless.

He had seen death, but he had never seen such a death.

If others know that they will die in an accident, then they will definitely work hard to maintain the safety next to them, so that they will not die so easily.

But what this boyfriend did was far beyond Ling Feng's imagination.

He actually drove the car directly to the railroad tracks, looking like he would die.

This kind of behavior, can not let Ling Feng marvel?

If other people have the awareness of a boyfriend, then his work will be much easier.

Instead of thinking about **** them like this.

Looking at the boyfriend's actions, the others all shouted loudly, wanting to get the boyfriend out of the car as soon as possible.

But the boyfriend just wanted to die, so he didn't get out of the car.

Instead, he locked the door tightly and pulled out the car key.

It can be said that the boyfriend has cut off all his back roads.

Seeing her boyfriend's action, Ling Feng's heart became even more excited.

What the hell, brother, are you such a good person? Just want to help me relieve stress?

I just want to say that there are more people like you.

So seeing her boyfriend wanting to die so much, Ling Feng just clicked twice on the list.

He quickened the speed of the train.

Lingfeng can guarantee that within one-third, the train will be able to hit her boyfriend's car.

In less than three minutes, the lights of the train appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Come down quickly!"

Looking at the train in the distance, Alex hurriedly yelled at his boyfriend.

At this time, the boyfriend looked at the train in the distance, and suddenly he couldn't help but start to panic.

He knew very well what was in his heart at this moment.

He started to get scared.

He wanted to live, he wanted to escape from the car.

So the boyfriend started pushing the car door and unbuckling the seat belt.

But how could Lingfeng let him leave as he wished?

In Lingfeng's eyes again, her boyfriend's behavior was completely sending himself into the gate of hell.

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