And now, he still wants to climb out?

how can that be!

So Ling Feng directly clicked twice on the car and locked the whole car.

Without the help of external force, he would not be able to come out at all.

Alex looked at the movements of his boyfriend in the car and rushed towards the car in a hurry.

He is going to rescue his boyfriend.

But how could Ling Feng do what he wanted?

So Ling Feng also stumbled on the road that Alex was going to go.

Ling Feng directly clicked twice on the list.

Then Alex slipped and fell directly to the ground, rolling over twice.

But he still got up directly and continued to run in the direction of his boyfriend.

"I still want to run."

Looking at Alex's actions, Ling Feng clicked a few more times on the list.

Then just as Alex was about to run onto the tracks.

The red display card smashed down directly.

Alex felt the danger above his head and took a step back subconsciously.

And it was this step that made the display card fall in front of Alex.

Now there is one more thing blocking his way.

"Save me, save me!"

At this time, the boyfriend who was in the car kept flapping the window and calling for help outside Alex.

But because of the display card, Alex couldn't get there in the first time.


The train sounded.

It clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

Looking at the speeding train, Alex stopped himself.

He knew that in just two seconds, the train would hit the car and smash it to pieces.

So he stopped and let himself stand where he was.

If Alex had to rescue him, he and his boyfriend would be killed.

For the sake of his own life, Alex listened to the pace.

The boyfriend felt the light coming from the left and hurriedly turned his head to look.


But as soon as he turned his head, he saw the locomotive coming to him.

Then he felt the sensation of the car being pushed.

At the same time, the car was constantly burning with flames.

Finally, there was an explosion.

Boyfriend died in the car.

"If only other people thought of him as simple as that."

Looking at the boyfriend's name that had disappeared from the list, Ling Feng shook his head.

He was now thinking about how he was going to kill Billy.

After all, Ling Feng wanted to complete the task as soon as possible.

So here, it's better to pack up with Billy.

"Why didn't you save him just now?"

At this moment, Billy walked up to Alex, grabbed Alex by the collar, and hurriedly said.

"You could have run to the side of the car and pulled him out just now. Why didn't you do that?"

Billy asked Alex angrily.

Listening to Billy's question, Alex did not answer, but lowered his head and turned his head to one side.

"You murderer."

Looking at Alex who turned his head to one side, Billy continued to speak.

"Interesting, it actually started to infight."

Ling Feng observed the situation on the field with the help of the list.

Then I saw this scene that made Ling Feng feel very funny.

Alex had the idea of ​​running over to rescue his boyfriend just now, but stopped because of the train.

This Lingfeng can understand.

But what Ling Feng couldn't understand was that Billy stayed behind and had no idea of ​​rescuing his boyfriend at all, but why could he come up and question Alex?

This makes Ling Feng feel very funny.

"Alas, you are still thinking about internal strife when you are in a disaster. Now I can't help your body that hasn't moved since I don't solve it."

Ling Feng sighed and started to click on the list.

Soon, a piece of steel that had just exploded on the rails began to vibrate.

The edge of the steel sheet is very sharp, and it can easily cut a human neck.

At this moment, the wheel of the train directly pressed against the steel sheet.

In an instant, the steel sheet flew straight up.

Flying quickly in the direction of Billy,

In an instant, Billy's head fell to the ground.

Billy, die!

"There are only two left."

Looking at the only two names left on the list, Ling Feng continued to observe the situation of those two people.

"Hu, hu, hu."

Watching Billy's head fall off in front of him.

This immediately startled Alex.

"Let's get out of here."

The woman glanced at Alex and said hurriedly.

She had a hunch at this time that it was very dangerous here.

She herself and Alex were in danger of dying at any moment.

Chapter 489: The Awakening of Uchiha Itachi

Looking at the figures of the two leaving, Ling Feng immediately turned off the list and rested on the bed.

He's going to wait until tomorrow to kill these two guys.

The next day, it was just dawn.

Ling Feng successfully killed Alex and the remaining woman through some accidents.

After that, Ling Feng showed the list to Lao Hei.

Looking at the list that Ling Feng handed over, Lao Hei nodded his head with satisfaction, and then told Ling Feng something about the Death God program.

After that, Ling Feng found the chat group button on his mobile phone.

This is all the memories of Lingfeng, the **** of death.

Qianshou: I'm stupid, I didn't expect that the **** of death actually represents this.

Bo Feng: Plus one, I'm stupid too, I thought I could hug my thighs.

Ling Fengmiao: I think that we have received group files and there is no list. It really does not improve our strength.

Grim Reaper: There's no way. My Grim Reaper work is entirely provided by that god, so the group files you receive should not use lists.

Truck: This is embarrassing.

Demon: I'm not very interested in that list, to be honest, I'm more interested in that god.

Evil God: Yes, I want to know what the existence of that 'God' is like. After all, the gods in my world are completely different from the gods in yours.

Grim Reaper: This is impossible.

God of War: I feel that you can get in touch with that god, and maybe you will be able to understand the secrets of your world.

Grim Reaper: That's right, but the gods in my world don't know where to find him. Usually, a list is sent directly to me, so until now, I have only seen him once.

Demon: Okay.

Cthulhu: It seems that this **** has a secret.

Grim Reaper: This...

Look at the information in the chat group for a while.

Feng Lingfeng turned off the phone.

He has to teach Itachi tomorrow, so he still has to go to bed and get up early.

The night passed quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, the wind and the wind were unprecedented in the morning.

Because before Uchiha Itachi got up early, bought breakfast and stood outside the house waiting for Ling Feng.

This makes Ling Feng very uncomfortable.

So he was going to get up early and go to Uchiha's house to meet Uchiha Itachi.

Soon, Ling Feng bought breakfast and came to Uchiha's clan.

When Ling Feng just walked to the Uchiha clan, he saw Uchiha Itachi walking towards him.


Uchiha Itachi shouted at Ling Feng and ran up directly.

"Teacher, this is you."

Looking at the breakfast that Ling Feng was carrying, Uchiha Itachi looked at Ling Feng suspiciously.

"It's my turn to buy breakfast this time, let's go, let's go to the forest of death to eat."

Ling Feng patted Uchiha Itachi on the shoulder, and then the two walked towards the forest of death.

Along the way, Ling Feng and Uchiha Itachi had one place and chatted everywhere.

During the chat, Ling Feng also asked Uchiha Itachi about how to view the village and the family, the country and the village, the country of fire and other countries.

At the beginning, Uchiha Itachi was able to answer questions about the family and the village quickly.

But when it came to the next few questions, Uchiha Itachi's answer got a little stuck.

There were even some questions he didn't even know how to answer.

After arriving in the forest of death, Ling Feng and Uchiha Itachi sat down face to face.

"Itachi, what do you think about the people of the ninja world?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and asked Uchiha Itachi aloud.

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